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词汇 have
auxiliary verb [ + past participle ] ukstrong /hæv/ weak /həv/ weak /əv/ usstrong /hæv/ weak /həv/ weak /əv/ had | had (also 've/'s)
A2 (与动词的过去分词连用,构成现在完成时和过去完成时)
used with the past participle of other verbs to form the present perfect and past perfect
I've heard that story before. 我以前听过那个故事。
Diane's already gone. 黛安娜已经走了。
John hasn't phoned. 约翰没有打过电话。
I haven't visited London before. 我以前没去过伦敦。
Have you seen Roz? 你见过罗兹吗?
Has she been invited? 她接到邀请了吗?
They still hadn't had any news when I spoke to them yesterday. 昨天我和他们交谈时他们仍没有收到任何消息。
formal Had I known (= if I had known) you were coming, I'd have booked a larger room. 要是知道你会来,我会订一个大一点的房间。
  • Talks between management and unions have collapsed.
  • House prices have come down recently.
  • Lots of people have complained about the noise.
  • Many miners have suffered from the effects of coal dust in their lungs.
  • I could never have achieved this without the encouragement of my husband and family.
verb ukstrong /hæv/ weak /həv/ weak /əv/ usstrong /hæv/ weak /həv/ weak /əv/ had
A1 [ T not continuous ] (also 've/'s); (UK also have got)有,拥有
to own
They have a beautiful home. 他们有一个漂亮的家。
He has plenty of money but no style. 他有很多钱但没有品位。
I've got two brothers. 我有两个兄弟。
Do you have time to finish the report today? 你今天有时间写完报告吗?
I've got a suggestion/an idea. 我有个建议/主意。
have the decency, good sense, etc. to do something 至少还(做了一件好事)
to do one good thing, although you do other bad or silly things
At least he had the good sense to turn the gas off. 至少他还干了件好事,把煤气关了。
At least she had the decency to apologize. 至少她还道了歉。
Let's hope he has the good sense to accept this offer.
You'd think he'd have had the manners to explain his actions.
At least she had the wit to recognize her error and try to make amends.
  • These books have lovely clear print.
  • The school likes to have a contact number for parents during school hours.
  • Now that we have cable, we get a wonderfully crisp picture, even on our old TV.
  • I love football, but unfortunately I have no talent as a player.
  • At some point in the distant future I would like to have my own house.
A1 [ T ] (UK also have got)
If you have a particular illness, you suffer from it.
Have you ever had measles? 你出过麻疹没有?
I've got a cold. 我感冒了。
  • Following a routine check-up, Mrs Mason was discovered to have heart disease.
  • Emily has a very nasty cough.
  • She went home early because she had a bad headache.
  • My sister has diabetes and has to give herself insulin injections.
  • I had a terrible hangover the next morning.
  • John had a heart attack three years ago.
A2 [ T ](提到的事)
to perform the action mentioned
have a wash/bath/shower 冲澡/洗澡/洗淋浴
I had a swim. 我游了会儿泳。
We had a short walk after lunch. 午饭后我们散了一小会儿步。
I've never done it before but I'd like to have a try (= to try). 我以前从没做过,但我想试一试。
Why don't you have a rest? 你为什么不休息一下?
  • She likes to have an afternoon nap.
  • May I have a look at your newspaper?" "Of course you can."
  • I'll bring some food along and we can have a picnic.
  • I had a chat with my boss today about a possible salary increase.
  • We had a dance and afterwards we sat outside and talked.
A1 [ T ]吃;喝
to eat or drink something
I had prawns and rice for lunch. 我午饭吃的是大虾和米饭。
Can I have a drink of water? 我能喝口水吗?
When are we having dinner? 我们什么时候吃晚饭?
  • Make sure your hands are clean before you have your dinner.
  • May I show you to your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first?
  • My father always has a biscuit and a cup of tea at bedtime.
  • Let's go out on Friday - we'll have a curry and then go to the movies.
  • Why don't we have lunch together on Friday?
[ T ]收到;接受,允许
to receive, accept, or allow something to happen
Here, have some more coffee. 来,再喝点咖啡。
[ + to infinitive ] My mother's having visitors (to stay) next week. 我母亲下星期有客人(来住)。
Let me have the book back next week. 下星期把这本书还给我。
In the end they solved their problems and she had him back (= allowed him to come and live with her again). 最后他们解决了问题,她允许他回到自己身边。
I looked in all the shops for Worcestershire sauce but there was none to be had (= none that anyone could obtain). 我跑遍了所有的商店,可都没有伍斯特酱卖。
I kept telling him that you were French but he wouldn't have it (= would not accept that it was true). 我反复跟他说你是法国人,可是他就是不肯相信。
[ + -ing verb ] I won't have those kids running all over my flowerbeds (= I refuse to allow them to do this). 我不允许那些孩子在我的花坛上跑来跑去。
  • You would be wise to have the appropriate vaccinations before you go abroad.
  • Let me have your decision by next week.
  • I don't want to diminish her achievements, but she did have a lot of help.
  • I've had a letter from the tax authorities concerning my tax payments.
  • My father wouldn't have any animals in the house.
B1 [ T ]引起,使
to cause something to happen or someone to do something
[ + past participle ] We're having the house painted next month. 下个月我们要油漆房子。
[ + infinitive without to ] If you wait, I'll have someone collect it for you. 如果你等一会儿的话,我会让人帮你去取的。
[ + obj + -ing verb ] The film soon had us crying. 电影开演后不久就让我们感动得哭了。
Gus will have it working in no time. 盖伊很快就会让它运转起来的。
She had her parents down (= invited them to stay) for a week in the summer. 夏天,她把父母接来住了一个星期。
We had the boat out (= went out in the boat) for the first time this week. 这是我们本周第一次乘船出游。
We often have friends over/round (= invite them to come) on a Saturday night. 周六晚上我们经常邀请朋友来家里作客。
  • Many chemicals have a damaging effect on the environment.
  • This decision will have dire consequences for local people.
  • I took the coat back to the shop to have it altered.
  • Have you had your ears pierced? Oh yes, I can see you have.
  • I haven't had my holiday photos developed yet.
B1 [ T + past participle ]遭受…,被…
to suffer something that someone does to you
She had her car stolen (= it was stolen) last week. 她的汽车上周被盗了。
A2 [ T ]经历
to experience something
We're having a wonderful time here in Venice. 我们在威尼斯过得很愉快。
We didn't have any difficulty/problem finding the house. 我们没费什么周折就找到了这座房子。
He hasn't been having much luck recently. 他最近的运气不太好。
  • I think she's very conscious of being the only person in the office who didn't have a university education.
  • I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.
  • I've never had any doubt at all - I know this is the right thing to do.
  • Like so many men, he has problems committing himself to a relationship.
  • She had a strong desire to go back to her home country before she died.
A2 [ T ]生,生育
to give birth to a baby
Elaine had a baby girl yesterday. 伊莱恩昨天生了个女儿。
My mother had me at home. 我母亲是在家里生下我的。
be having a baby, twins, etc. 怀上孩子/双胞胎(等等
to be pregnant
I hear his wife's having a baby. 我听说他妻子怀孕了。
She was delighted to discover that she was having a baby.
When they got married, everyone assumed she was having a baby.
The technician asked if I knew I was having twins.
When she found out she was having triplets, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
  • I expect they plan to have children in the course of time.
  • Your life changes dramatically when you have a baby.
  • They were so late getting to the hospital, she nearly had her baby in the taxi.
  • Have you heard whether Susan's had the baby yet?
  • My sister-in-law had two sets of twins.
[ T not continuous ] mainly UK slang和…有性关系
to have sex with someone
He asked me how many men I'd had. 他问我与多少男人有过性关系。
and have done with itidiom UK (US and be done with it) 了结整件事
to deal with and finish the whole matter
I think I'll just sell all the furniture and have done with it. 我想我只要把家具全卖了就完事儿了。
a good time was had by allidiom 每个人都玩得很开心。
said to mean that everyone enjoyed themselves
have it in youidiom 具有某种品质(或能力)
to have a particular quality or ability
His speech was really funny - we didn't know he had it in him. 他的发言真的很风趣——我们不知道他还有这一手。
have it in for someoneidiom informalC2 图谋伤害某人);有意跟(某人)过不去
to be determined to harm or criticize someone
She's always had it in for me. 她总是跟我过不去。
have it offidiom UK slang (also have it away) 性交
to have sex
He was having it off with his friend's wife. 他与朋友的妻子发生了性关系。
have it out with someoneidiom 把事情与(某人)谈开
to talk to someone about something they have done that makes you angry, in order to try to solve the problem
She'd been late for work every morning and I thought I'd better have it out with her. 那一週她每天上班都迟到,我想还是把这个问题明白地给她指出来为好。
have nothing on someone or somethingidiom informal 不如…,没有…好
to not be as good as someone or something
He's a good player, but he's got nothing on his brother. 他是个不错的运动员,但是没有他弟弟优秀。
not have any of itidiom informal 不愿意,拒绝
to be completely unwilling or to refuse
I asked him to help out, but he wasn't having any of it. 我请他来帮个忙,但是他不愿意。
Phrasal verbs
have someone on 哄骗某人
to persuade someone that something is true when it is not, usually as a joke
That's your new car? You're having me on! 那是你的新汽车?你在骗我吧!
have (got) something onB1 穿着
If you have clothes or shoes on, you are wearing them.
I loved that dress you had on last night. 我喜欢你昨天晚上穿的那件长裙。
If you have something on, you have planned to do it.
Do you have anything on this week? 本周你有什么安排吗?
I've got something on this Tuesday, but I'm free on Wednesday. 星期二我有安排,但星期三没事。
have something out 切除(身体某一部位)
to have something removed from your body
You'll have to have that tooth out. 你得拔掉那颗牙。
He had his appendix out last week. 上周他切除了阑尾。
have someone up 传讯某人出庭
to take someone to court for a trial
He was had up for burglary. 他因入室盗窃而遭传讯。
modal verb ukstrong /hæv/ weak /həv/ weak /əv/ usstrong /hæv/ weak /həv/ weak /əv/
have (got) to do somethingA2 必须,不得不
to need to or be forced
I have to go to San Francisco tomorrow on business. 我明天得去旧金山出差。
What time do you have to be there? 你得几点钟到那儿?
Do we have to finish this today? 我们今天必须把这事做完吗?
We'll have to start keeping detailed records. 我们不得不开始作详尽的记录。
Jackie's ill so they've had to change their plans. 杰基病了,因此他们不得不改变计划。
C2 …一定是真的
used to say that something must be true
That total has to be right - I've checked it twice. 那个总数一定是对的,我已经查过两次了。
That jacket's so garish. It has to belong to Jude.
We knew that her house had to be somewhere near.
Surely this scandal has to be the end for the campaign?
Her actions are so deliberate - she has to know exactly what she's doing.




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