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词汇 had
verb ukstrong /hæd/ weak /həd/ /əd/ usstrong /hæd/ weak /həd/ /əd/
(also 'd)(have 的过去式和过去分词,也与其他动词的过去分词构成过去完成时)
past simple and past participle of have , also used with the past participle of other verbs to form the past perfect
When I was a child I had a dog. 我儿时养过一条狗。
No more food please - I've had enough. 请不要再添饭了——我已经吃饱了。
I had heard/I'd heard they were planning to move to Boston. 我听说他们打算移居波士顿。
formal Had I known (= if I had known), I would have come home sooner. 我要是知道的话就早一点回家了。
have had it informal (机器等)失去效用的,坏的;(人、团体等)肯定失败的
(of a machine, etc.) to be in such a bad condition that it is not useful or (of a person, team, etc.) to be doing so badly that they are certain to fail
I think this computer's had it. 我看这台电脑是坏了。
Liverpool have had it for this season. 利物浦队本赛季是输定了。
"I think he's had it," his opponent said, watching him slump to the mat.
I had dropped into fifth place and I thought I'd had it.
We need a new dishwasher. This one's had it.
had better/best do somethingidiom 应该,最好
If you had better/best do something, you should do it or it would be good to do it.
I'd better leave a note so they'll know I'll be late. 我最好留张便条,这样他们就知道我会晚些时候到。
have had it (up to here) withidiom 受够了
to have suffered because of someone or something and to be no longer able to bear him, her, or it
I've had it up to here with you - get out! 我已经受够你了——滚出去!
I've had it with foreign holidays. 我已经厌倦了去国外度假。
adjective uk/hæd/ us/hæd/
be had informal 受骗,上当
to be tricked and given less than you agreed or paid for
"I paid £2,000 for this car." "You've been had, mate. It's not worth more than £1,000 ." “这辆车花了我2000英镑。”“你被骗了,伙计。这辆车顶多值1000英镑。”
I believed his story and gave him some money, but I think I've been had.
Now they're saying we need to pay for another inspection, and I just feel like we've been had.
There was an awful look on their faces when they realized they'd been had.
In this broadcast, victims of scams describe exactly how they've been had.




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