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词汇 guard
noun uk/ɡɑːd/ us/ɡɑːrd/
B1 [ C ]卫兵,警卫;看守,守卫
a person or group of people whose job is to protect a person, place, or thing from danger or attack, or to prevent a person such as a criminal from escaping
prison guards 狱警
security guards 保安
post a guard There are guards posted (= standing and watching) at every entrance. 每个入口处都设了卫兵。
armed guard Armed guards are posted around the site. 现场周围布设了武装警卫。
border guard The frontier is patrolled by border guards. 边境警卫队沿国境巡逻。
be under guard 处于武装人员的保护(或守卫)之下
to be kept in a place by a group of people who have weapons
The ex-president was under armed guard in the palace. 前总统在宫中处于武装警卫的保护之下。
The man's father was placed under guard.
He has receieved death threats and is currently under guard after speaking out against the gangs.
The convoy was under heavy guard as it made its way north.
He attended the funeral, but was under armed guard at all times.
stand/keep guard (also be on guard) 守卫站岗看守
to be responsible for protecting someone or something, or for preventing someone from escaping
Two of the soldiers kept guard over the captured guns. 两名士兵看守着缴获的枪支。
Armed police stand guard outside the house. 武装警察在房外守卫。
A number of armed officers stood guard over twenty or so prisoners.
They were standing guard over the building when we arrived.
We took turns to keep guard over the treasure.
Nearly 20 men were on guard that night.
changing of the guard 白金汉宫皇家卫队换岗仪式
a ceremony in which a group of soldiers replaces the soldiers who have finished their time on duty standing outside an important public building, such as a palace (= a building where a king or queen lives)
The band played the national anthem during the changing of the guard.
I hope to get to Buckingham Palace in time to see the changing of the guard.
There was a special changing of the guard ceremony today to honour victims of the attacks.
Synonym: guard mount
  • They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang were arrested.
  • The guards failed to observe who delivered the package.
  • The border guards stopped me and asked to see my papers.
  • There are guards on the door to keep out undesirables.
  • Armed guards were stationed around the airport.
[ C ] UK (US conductor)列车长
a railway official who travels on and is responsible for a train
[ C ]保护装置保护用品保护器
a device that protects a dangerous part of something or that protects something from getting damaged
a fire guard 火灾防护装置
a trigger guard (锁定)枪(扳机)的保险
The helmet has a face guard attached. 这个头盔带有一个防护面罩。
be on (your) guardidiom C2 警惕,提防;警戒
to be careful to avoid being tricked or getting into a dangerous situation
be on (your) guard against You always have to be on your guard against pickpockets. 你得时时提防扒手。
catch someone off guardidiom C2 使某人)措手不及;趁(某人)不警惕时(做某事)
to surprise someone by doing something that they are not expecting or ready for
drop/lower your guardidiom C2 警惕,提防;警戒
to stop being careful to avoid danger or difficulty
Once he knew I wasn't a journalist, he dropped his guard and even let me take a photograph of him. 当他知道我不是记者的时候,他立刻放松了警惕,甚至让我为他照相。
verb [ T ] uk/ɡɑːd/ us/ɡɑːrd/
B2 保卫,守卫,保护
to protect someone or something from being attacked or stolen
Soldiers guard the main doors of the embassy. 大使馆的主要门口都有士兵把守。
B2 看守,监视
to watch someone and make certain they do not escape from a place
Five prison officers guarded the prisoners. 5名狱警看守着犯人。
  • The village was guarded by a ragtag group of soldiers.
  • The offices were securely guarded.
  • Armed security officers are employed to guard the president.
  • The police officers guarding the door let in the celebrities, but they prevented us lesser/mere mortals from going inside.
  • He was employed to guard the singer when she was on tour.
to keep information secret
jealously guard Journalists jealously (= carefully) guard their sources of information. 记者们非常小心,对消息来源守口如瓶。
Phrasal verb
guard against something 防止,防范
to take careful action in order to try to prevent something from happening
Regular exercise helps guard against heart disease. 经常锻炼有助于预防心脏病。
the Guard
noun [ S ] uk/ɡɑːd/ us/ɡɑːrd/
国民警卫队(the National Guard的非正式说法)
informal for the National Guard




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