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词汇 green
adjective uk/ɡriːn/ us/ɡriːn/
A1 绿色的,草绿色的
of a colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grass
green vegetables 绿叶蔬菜
  • The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.
  • He's got pink walls and a green carpet, which to my mind looks all wrong.
  • I think I'll take your advice and get the green dress.
  • I put my new green shirt in a hot wash and the colour ran.
  • I wore that skirt with the green spots.
B2 环境保护的
relating to the protection of the environment
green politics/issues 主张环境保护的政见/环保问题
a green campaigner/activist 环保运动/积极分子
the Green Party 绿党
go green 大力保护自然环境
to do more to protect nature and the environment
The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions, and the introduction of tax incentives to go green. 总理提议打击汽车及飞机的尾气排放,并为保护环境设立激励性税收。
A lot of building material manufacturers are going green by using recycled and sustainable products.
This isn't the only sporting venue going green this year.
The pressure is mounting on small companies to go green.
There have to be financial incentives for average consumers who are going green.
Going green is no longer seen as a luxury but a necessity.
  • There is a growing current of support for green issues among voters.
  • Some parents were critical of attempts to indoctrinate children in green ideology.
  • The government's new-found enthusiasm for green issues has been welcomed by environmentalists.
  • It's not very green, throwing away so much rubbish.
  • I'm going to try to be a bit greener and recycle more.
B1 长满绿色植物的,有绿色植被覆盖的
covered with grass, trees, and other plants
the green hills of Ireland 爱尔兰葱翠的山丘
(especially of fruit) not ready to eat, or (of wood) not dry enough to use
green bananas/tomatoes 生香蕉/西红柿
not experienced or trained
I was very green when I started working there. 我刚开始在那儿工作的时候还是个生手。
Related word: greenness
be green with envyidiom C2 十分忌妒,非常嫉妒,眼红
to be very unhappy because someone has something that you want
Chad is heading off to Spain for the week, and I'm green with envy. 查德要去西班牙呆上一星期,真让我眼红。
give the green light to somethingidiom 给…开绿灯,准许,许可
to give permission for someone to do something or for something to happen
The council has given the green light to the new shopping centre. 政务委员会已经准许建设新购物中心。
go/turn greenidiom 脸色发青,脸色苍白,病容满面
to look pale and ill as if you are going to vomit
noun uk/ɡriːn/ us/ɡriːn/
A2 [ C or U ]绿色的,草绿色的
the colour of grass; a colour between blue and yellow
light/pale green 浅绿色
dark/bottle green 深绿色
  • I like rich jewel colours, such as purple, blue, and green.
  • He's colour-blind and can't distinguish between red and green easily.
  • The spelling mistakes in the text had been highlighted in green.
  • You look nice in green.
  • If you put together yellow and blue paint you get green.
[ C ](尤指公用)绿地,草坪,草地
an area planted with grass, especially for use by the public
Children were playing on the village green. 孩子们正在村子的公共草地上玩耍。
[ C ] mainly UK(用作地名的一部分)绿园
used as a part of a name
Sheep's Green 希普绿园
[ C ](高尔夫球场上的)球穴区,果岭
a flat area of grass surrounding the hole on a golf course
  • The police used dogs to clear the campers off the village green.
  • They're holding the village fête on the green.
  • The pub is opposite a charming village green.
  • The green used to be used as a pitch for the local cricket team.
  • The signs asked visitors to keep off the green.
greens [ plural ] 绿叶蔬菜;青菜叶子
the leaves of green vegetables such as spinach or cabbage when eaten as food
Come on now, eat your greens!
A common side dish in that region is greens cooked overnight with a smoked turkey leg.
I'm a big fan of dark leafy greens, especially kale and spinach.
The burger comes with chips, or you can substitute in a salad of mixed greens if you prefer.
Throw in some bitter greens for the last five minutes of cooking.
noun [ C ] uk/ɡriːn/ us/ɡriːn/
a member of the Green Party
He used to be a Liberal, but now he's a Green. 他以前是自由党成员,但是现在加入绿党了。




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