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词汇 great
adjective uk/ɡreɪt/ us/ɡreɪt/
A2 大量的巨大的强烈的
large in amount, size, or degree
an enormous great hole 巨大的洞
The issue is of great importance to voters. 对选民们来说这个问题意义重大。
The improvement in water standards over the last 50 years has been very great. 过去50年中,水质有了很大的提高。
A great many people would agree. 很多人会表示赞同。
The great majority of (= almost all) people would agree. 绝大多数人都会表示赞同。
formal It gives us great pleasure to announce the engagement of our daughter Maria. 我们非常高兴地宣布我们的女儿玛丽亚订婚了。
formal It is with great sorrow that I inform you of the death of our director. 我万分悲痛地通知您我们院长逝世的消息。
I have great sympathy for you. 我对你深表同情。
I spent a great deal of time there. 我在那儿度过了很长时间。
Synonyms: astronomical (LARGE) big (LARGE)colossalelephantine enormousgargantuangiant giganticginormous goodly heftyhugeimmensejumbolarge mahoosive mammoth massiveoutsizeoversize prodigious respectablesizeable stupendousthumping tidy tremendousvastvoluminous walloping whopping
[ before noun ](用在名称中,尤用于表示大或重要)
used in names, especially to mean large or important
a Great Dane (= large type of dog) 大丹犬
Catherine the Great 叶卡捷琳娜大帝(指叶卡捷琳娜二世)
the Great Wall of China 中国万里长城
the Great Bear (= group of stars) 大熊星座
greater than mathematics specialized 在数(或量)上较多的
larger in number or amount than
X must be equal to or greater than 10. X必须大于等于10。
We know that X is greater than 6.
So, Y is greater than 3.
We've established that X is greater than 8.
Let's assume Z is greater than 4.
So if X is greater than 5, what is Y?
  • A great number of women used to die in childbirth.
  • For a goalkeeper, it's a great advantage to have big hands.
  • He's a great comfort to his mother.
  • She has finally got the job she wanted, but at great personal cost .
  • The pay differential between workers and management is too great.
B2 approving卓越的,伟大的,杰出的,重大的
famous, powerful, or important as one of a particular type
a great politician/leader/artist/man/woman 伟大的政治家/领导人/艺术家/人/女性
This is one of Rembrandt's greatest paintings. 这是伦勃朗最杰出的油画作品之一。
Who do you think is the greatest modern novelist? 你认为谁是最伟大的现代小说家?
  • The cinematic effects in her films are clearly borrowed from the great film-makers of the past.
  • Rome, Carthage and Athens were some of the great city-states of the ancient world.
  • Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the great war.
  • As a child, he aspired to be a great writer.
  • Despite her limitations as an actress, she was a great entertainer.
B1 极大的;极度的
great success/difficulty 巨大的胜利/极度困难
  • We're living in a time of great change.
  • The numerous awards on the walls bear witness to his great success.
  • It takes great skill to weave a basket from/out of rushes.
  • To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.
  • The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed on British civilians for acts of great bravery.
A1 informal美妙的,好极的,很棒的
very good
a great idea 好主意
We had a great time last night at the party. 昨晚聚会上我们玩得开心极了。
It's great to see you after all this time! 分开那么长时间,再见到你真是太高兴了!
"I'll lend you the car if you like." "Great! Thanks a lot!" “你要是想开的话,我可以把车借给你。”“那太好了!多谢!”
"What's your new teacher like?" "Oh, he's great." “你的新老师怎么样?”“噢,他棒极了。”
"How are you feeling now?" "Great." “现在你的感觉怎样?”“好极了。”
used to mean that something is very bad
Oh great ! That's all I need - more bills! 嘿,真绝!我最需要的就是这个——又来账单了!
  • Everyone says it's a great movie, but I think it's overrated.
  • My new hiking boots will be great once I've broken them in.
  • Ireland boasts beautiful beaches, great restaurants and friendly locals.
  • I think the party was great.
  • There's a great film on TV at midnight.
Related word: greatness
be a great one for somethingidiom 酷爱,乐于;惯于做
to enjoy or do something a lot
He's a great one for getting other people to do his work for him! 他老是差遣人替他干活!
go great gunsidiom old-fashioned informal 做得快;顺利;成功
to go fast or successfully
For the first 400 metres he was going great guns, but then he fell and that lost him the race. 前400米他跑得很顺利,但后来摔了一跤,导致他输掉了比赛。
great minds think alikeidiom humorous 英雄所见略同
said to someone just after you have discovered that they have had the same idea as you
no great shakesidiom informal 并不太好的,不怎么样的,并不高明的
not very good
I'm afraid I am no great shakes as a cook/at cooking! 恐怕我做饭不太在行!
adverb [ before noun ], adjective informal uk/ɡreɪt/ us/ɡreɪt/
B2 (表示强调)
used to emphasize the meaning of another word
a great big spider 巨型蜘蛛
a great long queue 排得特别长的队
You great idiot! 你这个大傻瓜!
Pat's a great friend of mine. 帕特是我非常要好的朋友。
  • They left a great enormous pile of washing-up in the sink.
  • Take your great fat hands off my private things, you!
  • Who parked that horrible great lorry right outside my window?
  • She had a whopping great bruise on her arm.
  • He just stood there with a silly great grin on his face.
noun [ C ] uk/ɡreɪt/ us/ɡreɪt/
a famous person in a particular area of activity
former tennis great Arthur Ashe 前网坛名将阿瑟‧阿希
Woody Allen, one of the all-time greats of the cinema 伍迪‧艾伦,有史以来最伟大的电影巨擘之一
the great and the goodidiom UK 大人物,要人
important people
The great and the good are calling on the government to support the arts. 要人们正呼吁政府支持艺术发展。
prefix uk/ɡreɪt-/ us/ɡreɪt-/
used with a word for a family member to mean one generation away from that member
your great-grandmother (= the grandmother of one of your parents) 你的(外)曾祖母
your great-grandson (= the grandson of your child) 你的曾(外)孙
  • This is your great-uncle George. He's Daddy's uncle.
  • I have seven grandchildren, and lots of great-nephews and -nieces.
  • Adelia was my great-aunt and a very grand old lady.
  • He is the great-great-grandson of Sigmund Freud.
  • We found the graves of my great-great-grandfather and his first and second wives.




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