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词汇 grasp
verb [ T ] uk/ɡrɑːsp/ us/ɡræsp/
C1 抓紧,握紧
to quickly take something in your hand(s) and hold it firmly
Rosie suddenly grasped my hand. 罗茜突然抓住了我的手。
If you grasp an opportunity, you take it eagerly.
We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries. 我们必须把握住一切机会加强与其他国家的经济联系。
  • She suddenly grasped my arm and looked at me.
  • I grasped the gun with both hands and took aim.
  • The baby stretched out a tiny hand and grasped my finger tightly.
  • Feeling herself falling, she grasped the rail with both hands.
  • The eagle swooped down and grasped the rabbit in its sharp talons.
C1 理解,领悟,明白(尤指费解之事)
to understand something, especially something difficult
I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture. 我觉得我还是理解了演讲的要点。
The government has acknowledged that homelessness is a problem but it has failed to grasp the scale of the problem. 政府已经承认很多人无家可归是个问题,但还没有意识到问题的严重性。
grasp the nettleidiom UKC2 迫使自己迎难而上;果断处理棘手的问题;破釜沉舟
to force yourself to be brave and do something that is difficult or unpleasant
You've been putting off making that phone call for days - I think it's about time you grasped the nettle! 那个电话你拖了好几天都没有打—— 我觉得你应该果敢地去面对这个问题。
Phrasal verb
grasp at something 尽力抓住机会
to try to take an opportunity
Certainly if the job were offered me I'd grasp at the chance. 如果给我这份工作的话,我当然会竭尽全力去把握机会。
C2 尽力去抓住(或触摸)
to try to hold or touch something
She grasped at his shirt as he ran past. 他从她身边跑过的时候,她一把抓住了他的衬衫。
noun uk/ɡrɑːsp/ us/ɡræsp/
C2 [ S ]紧抓,紧握,抓牢
the act of holding onto someone or something
He shook my hand with a very firm grasp. 他非常有力地和我握了握手。
C2 [ U ]力所能及;掌握,把握
the ability to get, achieve, or keep something
The presidency at last looked within her grasp (= it looked possible that she might become president). 终于,总裁的职位对她来说似乎伸手可及。
Why is success always beyond my grasp (= impossible to get)? 为什么我总是功败垂成?
The gold medal slipped from his grasp (= he was unable to get it) in the last moments of the race. 在比赛最后一刻他与金牌失之交臂。
I sometimes think that he's losing his grasp on reality (= his ability to judge what is real and what is not). 有时我觉得他认不清现实。
C2 [ S or U ]理解
He has a good grasp of the issues. 他对这些问题非常了解。




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