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词汇 grace
noun uk/ɡreɪs/ us/ɡreɪs/
C1 [ U ]优美,优雅,雍容
a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way
Joanna has natural grace and elegance. 乔安娜举止自然优雅。
C2 [ U ]文雅;通情达理,体面
the quality of being pleasantly polite, or a willingness to be fair and honest
They accepted their defeat with good grace. 他们很有风度地认输了。
graces [ plural ] uk/ɡreɪsɪz/ us/ɡreɪsɪz/ 风度
ways of behaving that are considered polite and pleasant
Ken is sadly lacking in social graces. 糟糕的是,肯在社交场合很没有风度。
He had no dress sense and was utterly without social graces.
I was keenly aware that I had none of the graces or advantages of my colleagues.
She was known for her quick wit and intellectual graces.
Much admired by the Queen, he was known for his exquisite clothes and courtly graces.
[ U ] formal(尤指上帝赐予人类的)恩典,恩宠
approval or kindness, especially (in the Christian religion) that is freely given by God to all humans
Betty believed that it was through divine grace that her husband had recovered from his illness. 贝蒂认为全靠上天开恩她的丈夫才得以痊愈。
by the grace of God formal 承蒙上帝的恩典,上帝开恩
through the kindness or help of God
By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely. 蒙上帝开恩,飞行员成功地将受损的飞机安全降落。
By the grace of God, she escaped without injury.
It's only by the grace of God that she's still alive.
Only by the grace of God are we all here today.
We believe that, by the grace of God, he was spared to continue his good work.
[ C or U ](基督徒的)饭前感恩祷告
a prayer said by Christians before a meal to thank God for the food
The children always say grace at dinnertime. 孩子们在用餐前总是要做感恩祷告。
[ U ]宽限期,延缓期
a period of time left or allowed before something happens or before something must be done
The exams have been postponed, so the students have a few days' grace before they start. 考试推迟了,所以学生们得以晚几天进考场。
there but for the grace of God (go I)idiom saying (表示没有遭到别人的厄运而庆幸)要不是上帝的恩典(我也遭殃);多亏上帝开恩(我才逃过一劫)
said when something bad that has happened to someone else could have happened to you
verb [ T ] uk/ɡreɪs/ us/ɡreɪs/
C2 使优美,为…增色,使增辉
to be in a place, on a thing etc. and make it look more attractive
Her face has graced the covers of magazines across the world. 她的面孔出现在全世界各种杂志的封面上,使之赫然生辉。
grace someone with your presence 光临…而使之蓬筚生辉;莅临而为(某人)增光
to honour people by taking part in something
We are delighted that the mayor will be gracing us with his presence at our annual dinner. 市长将光临我们每年一度的宴会,我们感到万分荣幸。
humorous So you've finally decided to grace us with your presence, have you? (= You are late.) 你看,你终于肯光临寒舍了,大驾难起啊,是吗?(幽默地表示“你迟到了”这个意思)
I am delighted to say that our beloved leader graced us with her presence.
I certainly hope Tom will be gracing us with his presence tonight.
I'd heard that Emily, no less, might be gracing us with her presence.
noun uk/ɡreɪs/ us/ɡreɪs/
Your/His/Her Grace 大人,阁下,夫人(对公爵、公爵夫人、女公爵或大主教的尊称)
used to address or refer to a duke, duchess or archbishop
Her Grace,Duchess Katharine of Kent will be in attendance.
We are grateful for your kind attentions, Your Grace.
The service will be celebrated by His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury.




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