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词汇 good
adjective uk/ɡʊd/ us/ɡʊd/ better | best
A1 令人满意的令人愉快的合意的有趣的
very satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant, or interesting
a good book 一本好书
Did you have a good time at the party? 你在聚会上玩得开心吗?
The weather has been really good for the time of year. 就这个季节而言,这段时间的天气真是难得的好。
I've just had some very good news. 我刚得知一些特别令人开心的消息。
It's so good to see you after all this time! 分开这么长时间,见到你真是高兴!
used in greetings
good morning/afternoon/evening 早上/下午/晚上好
  • You'll like Rosie - she's good company.
  • Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night's sleep.
  • The empty roads make this area good cycling country.
  • The good thing about the bike is that it dismantles if you want to put it in the back of the car.
  • I was having such a good time I was reluctant to leave.
A1 健康的
healthy or well
I didn't go into work because I wasn't feeling too good. 我今天没有去上班,因为感觉不太舒服。
"How's your mother?" "She's good, thanks." “你母亲怎么样?” “她很好,谢谢。”
I'm good informal (用作别人向你问候时的回答语)我很好
used as a general reply when someone greets you
"How are you doing?" "I'm good, thanks." "你怎么样?”“我挺好的,谢谢!”
"Hey, how are you, Owen?" "I'm good, thanks. Things are going pretty well at the moment."
"My name is Denise, and I'll be your server for this evening. How are you folks doing tonight?" "We're good, thanks."
A1 好的出色的优质的
of a high quality or level
She speaks very good French. 她法语说得很好。
I've heard it's a very good school. 我听说这是所很好的学校。
The apple pie was as good as the one my grandmother used to make. 这苹果馅饼就像我奶奶以前做的一样好吃。
This restaurant has a good reputation. 这家饭店声誉良好。
used to express praise
Good man! Splendid catch. 高手!球接得太绝了。
  • Her work is sometimes good, but the problem is she's not consistent.
  • We need someone who can write good copy for our publicity department.
  • With a good telescope, you can see craters on the moon.
  • It's important for children to get a good education.
  • The design is so good it's sure to set the pattern for many others.
A1 成功的能干的精通的擅长的
successful, or able to do something well
Kate's a good cook. 凯特厨艺很好。
She's very good at geography. 她地理学得很好。
They have a good relationship. 他们关系很好。
She's very good with children. 她很会照看孩子。
be no good (also be not any/much good)B2 劣质的无用的
to be of low quality or not useful
Shoes are no good if they let in water. 鞋子如果透水的话就太差了。
Food aid isn't much good until the fighting stops. 在战斗停止之前,食物援助是没有太大用处的。
"How about this bag?" "That's no good - it's too small."
The software isn't much good either.
It's a nice warm jacket but it's no good when it's raining.
This oil works well in salad dressings but it isn't any good for frying.
get off to a good start 有好的开端;开门红;顺利开始
to begin an activity successfully
I didn't get off to a very good start this morning - I'd been at work five minutes and my computer stopped working! 我今天上午刚一开始工作就不顺——才做了5分钟,电脑就死机了!
United got off to a good start with a goal in the fifth minute of the game.
The idea is to help preschoolers get off to a good start.
The French team got off to a good start in the relay but trailed behind Spain later in the race.
The day didn't get off to a very good start with one child sick and the other refusing to go to school.
  • A good teacher has an easy authority over a class.
  • The design certainly looks good on paper.
  • A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.
  • Do you know a good recipe for wholemeal bread?
  • Painting steel is a good way to rustproof it.
A1 好心的,心地善良的;乐于助人的
kind or helpful
a good friend 一个好朋友
It's good of you to offer to help. 你主动提供帮助真是太好了。
He's very good to his mother. 他对他妈妈很孝顺体贴。
be so good as to formal (also be good enough to) (做…)
used to make a polite request
Be so good as to close the door when you leave. 你离开时请把门关上。
Would you be so good as to let Charlotte know I called?
Be so good as to show me where the cloakroom is, please.
Would you be good enough to introduce me to your companion?
Would you be good enough to give this to David when you see him, please?
do (someone) a good turn old-fashioned (对某人)有利的事情
to do something kind that helps someone else
I was only trying to do her a good turn.
Tom did me a good turn earlier this year and I wanted to repay him.
A friend of mine had done me a good turn and I wanted to say thank you.
I think she thought she was doing me a good turn.
We were taught to do a good turn every day.
He once did a good turn for her and she never forgot it.
  • I think she takes advantage of his good nature.
  • It was very good of you to come round at such short notice.
  • My main aim in life is to be a good husband and father.
  • Be a good boy and eat up your vegetables.
  • She's a good warm-hearted woman.
B1 高尚的;虔诚的;好心的;助人为乐的
morally right or based on religious principles
She led a good life. 她一生虔诚向善。
Try to set a good example to the children. 要努力给孩子们做个好榜样。
  • You should be setting a good example to your younger brother.
  • He was a good, honest man.
  • She came from a good family.
  • The preacher believed that he was spreading the good word.
  • The vicar often quoted from the Good Book.
A1 (尤指在健康方面)有益的,有好处的,有用的
having a positive or useful effect, especially on the health
Make sure you eat plenty of good fresh food. 一定要吃大量有益健康的新鲜食物。
Too much sugar in your diet isn't good for you. 饮食中含糖量过高对你的身体没有好处。
It's good for old people to stay active if they can. 尽量保持身心活跃对老年人是有益的。
  • Cheers! Your good health.
  • Fresh fruit is very good for you.
  • This shampoo is very good for your hair.
  • Staring at the computer screen is not good for your eyes.
  • What's good for a sore throat?
A2 儿童)乖的,守规矩的,不调皮的;(动物温顺的
A good child or animal behaves well.
If you're a good boy at the doctor's, I'll take you swimming afterwards. 看医生的时候你要是听话,看完病我就带你去游泳。
able to be trusted
Her credit is good (= she can be trusted to pay her debts). 她信誉很好。
  • I'll just have to take you home if you can't be good, children.
  • Settle down now, that's a good dog.
  • You've been such a good girl this morning - I'm very proud of you.
  • You are Year 5 now - surely you can be good for just a few minutes while your teacher is called away!
  • He was always a good child and never any trouble.
A2 合适的方便的令人满意的
suitable, convenient, or satisfactory
When would be a good time to phone? 什么时间打电话合适呢?
C1 [ before noun ]相当大的相当多的相当可观的
used to emphasize the large number, amount, or level of something
We've walked a good distance today. 今天我们走了好长一段路。
There was a good-sized crowd at the airport waiting for the plane to land. 机场里有很多人在等候飞机降落。
Not all of his movies have been successful - there were a good few (= several) failures in the early years. 他拍的电影并非都是成功的——刚入道时他经历了好多次失败。
You'll need a good length of rope to secure this properly. 你需要很长一段绳子来绑结实。
You have a good cry and you'll feel better after. 痛痛快快哭一场吧,哭过之后感觉就会好很多。
There's a good chance the operation will be successful. 手术成功的可能性很大。
a good deal ofB2 大量;许多
The new law met with a good deal of opposition at the local level. 新法律在地方上遭到强烈反对。
I should start by saying I have a good deal of sympathy with this campaign.
It has to be said that there's a good deal of scepticism around these claims.
Initially, there was a good deal of confusion about the situation.
The coach endured a good deal of criticism after the game.
a good ... C2 (also a good ...'s) 多于,超过
more than
It's a good half hour's walk to the station from here. 从这儿步行到车站足需半个多小时。
The police said a good 20 kilos of explosive were found during the raid. 警察说在突击搜查行动中发现了20多公斤的炸药。
Driving through the deserted town we saw a good many (= a lot of) burned-out houses. 从被遗弃的城镇中开车驶过时,我们看到很多烧毁的房屋。
It was late and the nearest town was still a good fifty miles away.
I shed a good many tears over that man in my youth.
A1 (表示同意或满意)
said when you are satisfied or pleased about something, or to show agreement with a decision
Oh good, he's arrived at last. 好,他总算来了。
Good, I'll tell her it's all arranged, then. 好,那我就跟她说,一切已安排妥当。
I'm good (用来告诉别人你需要的东西都齐了)都有了,不必了
used to tell someone that you have everything that you need
"More coffee?" "No, I'm good, thanks." “再来点咖啡?“”不用了,我够了,谢谢!“
"Would you like anything more to drink?" "I'm good, thanks."
"Another cookie, George?" "I'm good, thanks, though that was delicious."
"Can I get you folks anything else?" "No, we're good, thanks."
"I see you've reserved a compact car. Will you be needing any car seats, or the optional luggage rack?" "Ah, no, I'm good, thank you."
be a good idiom B2 (UK also be a good job)幸好,幸亏
used to mean "it is lucky"
It's a good job they didn't go camping last weekend - the weather was awful. 幸亏他们上个周末没去野营——天气糟透了。
all in good timeidiom 来得及,快了,别急
used to tell someone to be patient because the thing they are eager for will happen when the time is right
Be patient, you'll hear the result all in good time. 耐心点,到时候你会听到结果的。
as good asidiom 几乎,简直是
The decorating is as good as finished - I just need to finish off the painting. 装修接近完工——我只需要把漆刷完就大功告成了。
be (as) good as goldidiom 儿童)乖,守规矩
(of a child) to behave very well
She's been as good as gold all morning. 她一上午都很乖。
be (as) good as newidiom 状况很好状态极佳功能良好
to be in very good condition
A coat of paint and it will be as good as new. 只要刷上一层漆,就会跟新的一样了。
be as good as your wordidiom 守信用;信守诺言
to do everything that you promise someone you will
He said he'd call every day and he was as good as his word. 他说会每天打电话,结果真的没有食言。
be good for somethingidiom informal 能提供…;乐意给…
to be able and willing to provide something
Bette is always good for a laugh. 贝特什么时候都是个开心果。
Dad will probably be good for a few pounds, if we ask him. 如果我们向爸爸去要,他或许会给我们几英镑的。
be good to goidiom US informal 准备好
to be prepared and ready to do something
Let me grab a jacket and then I'm good to go. 我再拿件上衣就可以了。
be good, and if you can't be good, be carefulidiom UK humorous saying 可以玩得尽兴,但不可任性胡来。
used to tell someone to enjoy themselves at an event or during an activity, but not to take risks
for good measureidiom 另外
in addition
The concert was excellent - there were lots of well-known songs with some new ones thrown in for good measure. 音乐会很精彩——演唱了好多家喻户晓的名曲,此外还加演了一些新歌。
More idioms
good and ...idiom informal 很,非常
Drink your coffee while it's good and hot. 趁热把咖啡喝了。
good and properidiom UK informal 完全地,彻底地
The table is broken good and proper. 桌子已经完全坏了。
good for you!idiom (Australian English also good on you!)B2 干得好!真棒!太幸运了!
used to show approval for someone's success or good luck
You passed your exam - good for you! 你考试过了——真是好样的!
good heavens/grief/gracious!idiom (also Good God/Lord!) (惊奇、愤怒或震惊时用于加强语气)(我的)天哪!
used to emphasize how surprised, angry, shocked, etc. you are
the good old daysidiom 美好的过往
If you talk about the good old days, you mean a time in the past when you believe life was better.
I wish my grandma would stop going on about the good old days. 我希望祖母不要把那些陈年往事如数家珍地讲个没完。
good showidiom UK old-fashioned 太好了,真棒
used as an expression of approval
Good show chaps, you completed the course in the time allowed. 干得不错,小伙子们,你们在规定时间内修完了这门课程。
have a good inningsidiom UK informal 长寿且一帆风顺;寿大福大
If you say that someone has had a good innings, you mean that they have had a long and successful life.
He was 86 when he died so I suppose he'd had a good innings. 他去世时86岁,所以我觉得他一生称得上是多福多寿了。
in good faithidiom 真诚地,诚实地
If something is done in good faith, it is done sincerely and honestly.
She was acting in good faith for her client. 她真诚地为客户服务。
in good timeidiom mainly UK 及早,有充裕时间地
We'll be at the airport in good time. 我们会早早赶到机场的。
make goodidiom 获得成功变富
to succeed and become rich
a working-class boy made good 获得成功的工人阶级家庭的孩子
When someone makes good something, they either pay for it, or make it happen.
My uncle owed thousands, but eventually he made good on all of his debts. 我叔叔欠了几千的债,可是最后都还清了。
make good on somethingidiom 做承诺的事
to do what you have said you would do
My grandfather said he would pay for me to go to college, and he made good on that promise. 我爷爷说他会付学费送我上大学,他实现了这个承诺。
make good timeidiom 很快完成旅程
to complete a journey quickly
noun uk/ɡʊd/ us/ɡʊd/
goods [ plural ]B1 商品,货物;私人财产
things for sale, or the things that you own
There is a 25 percent discount on all electrical goods until the end of the week. 周末前所有电器商品全部七五折销售。
The house insurance will not cover your personal goods. 这份房屋保险的承保范围不包括你的私人动产。
They sell household goods as well as food.
Sales of consumer goods are up 4 percent over last quarter.
A new law will tax luxury goods worth over $1 million at a much higher rate than previously.
There are good prices on quality leather goods, such as belts and gloves.
things, but not people, that are transported by railway or road
a goods train 货运列车
The goods train came off the rails as it entered the station.
He had managed to hide in a goods train bound for Paris.
Unfortunately, there is currently a shortage of experienced goods vehicle drivers in this country.
The goods vehicle was already loaded to capacity.
B2 [ U ]好处益处用处
something that is an advantage or help to a person or situation
Even a small donation can do a lot of good. 即使一小笔捐助也可以帮上大忙。
I'm telling you for your own good. 我告诉你这些是为了你好。
  • Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good.
  • The captain resigned for the good of the team.
  • He tried tightening the cable, but it didn't do any good.
[ U ]健康,健全;美满;好处,益处
the state of being healthy or in a satisfactory condition
You should stop smoking for your own good (= for your health). 你应该为了自身健康而戒烟。
He goes running every day for the good of his health. 他每天都跑步健身。
Modernizing historic buildings can often do more harm than good. 对有历史意义的建筑物进行现代化改造常常是弊大于利。
The decision has been postponed for the good of all concerned. 为了所有相关人士的利益考虑,这次集会被取消。
Synonym: benefit (ADVANTAGE)
do someone goodB2 有利某人)的健康;某人有好处某人)有益处
to improve someone's health or life
You can't work all the time - it does you good to go out and enjoy yourself sometimes. 你不能老是工作——有时也得出去享乐一下,这对你有好处。
Take the medicine - it will do you (a power/world of) good (= improve your health a lot). 把药吃了——这对你身体(大)有好处。
It'll do you good to get some fresh air.
It would do him some good to socialize a bit more.
Take a break and go out for a walk - it'll do you good.
I think it would do her good to get away for a few days.
C2 [ U ]善;符合道德的行为;正直的行为
that which is morally right
There is an eternal struggle between good (= the force that produces morally right action) and evil. 善恶之争永不停息。
Ambition can sometimes be a force for good. 雄心有时也可以成为行善的驱动力。
the good[ plural ] 有道德的人;高尚的人;好人
all the people who are morally good
for goodC1 永久地,永远地
for ever
She's gone and this time it's for good. 她走了,这一次是永不回头了。
I'm going to kick the habit for good.
I'm done with cigarettes for good.
He had thought his cancer was gone for good but, sadly, this was not the case.
When I got married, I thought it was for good.
be up to no goodidiom informal 做坏事;做不光彩的事
to be behaving in a dishonest or bad way
He certainly looked as if he was up to no good. 他看上去确实好像在做什么坏事。
come up with the goodsidiom informal (also deliver the goods) 履行诺言达到要求不负所望
to produce what is wanted
What they promise sounds impressive enough - let's see if they come up with the goods. 他们的承诺听起来很郑重——我们来看看他们是否会履行诺言。
no goodidiom informal old-fashioned 道德败坏的;品行恶劣的
morally bad
I'd keep away from him if I were you - he's no good. 我要是你的话就离他远点——他品行不端。
to the goodidiom 大多数人有利的,有益于多数人的,普遍有好处的
generally helpful
Greater international stability can surely only be to the good. 国际局势更加稳定当然只会使世人获益。
what good is ...idiom (also what's the good of ...) …有什么用
a way of asking what the purpose of (doing) something is
What good is sitting alone in your room? 一个人孤零零地在家坐着又有什么用?
be a good idiom
B2 (UK also be a good job)幸好,幸亏
used to mean "it is lucky"
It's a good job they didn't go camping last weekend - the weather was awful. 幸亏他们上个周末没去野营——天气糟透了。
a good ... phrase (also a good ...'s)
C2 多于,超过
more than
It's a good half hour's walk to the station from here. 从这儿步行到车站足需半个多小时。
The police said a good 20 kilos of explosive were found during the raid. 警察说在突击搜查行动中发现了20多公斤的炸药。
Driving through the deserted town we saw a good many (= a lot of) burned-out houses. 从被遗弃的城镇中开车驶过时,我们看到很多烧毁的房屋。
It was late and the nearest town was still a good fifty miles away.
I shed a good many tears over that man in my youth.
See also: good adjective (LARGE)




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