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词汇 go down
go down
phrasal verb with go verb uk/ɡəʊ/ us/ɡoʊ/ going | went | gone
(UK also go down something)下去,下降,下沉(到某种水平或某个地方)
to move down to a lower level or place
He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness. 他双膝跪倒请求原谅。
He first went down the mines when he was 17. 他第一次下矿井的时候是17岁。
The plane went down (= fell to the ground because of an accident, bomb, etc.) ten minutes after take-off. 飞机在起飞10分钟后就坠落了。
Everyone took to the lifeboats when the ship started to go down (= sink). 轮船开始下沉时,所有人都上了救生艇。
Could I have a glass of water to help these pills go down (= to help me swallow them)? 你能给我杯水让我把药丸吞服下去吗?
  • Would you go down to the basement and fetch me a book please?
  • The submarine went down all the way to the sea floor.
  • The elevator was going down when the fire alarm sounded.
  • It's quicker to go down using the escalator.
  • That joke went down like a lead balloon.
to reach or go as far as
Its roots can go down three metres. 它的根可以扎到地下3米。
This path goes down to the river. 这条路一直通到河边。
Go down to (= read as far as) the bottom of the page. 一直读到这一页的最后一行。
  • That lift doesn't go down to the basement.
  • The steps go all the way down to the bottom.
  • The rope goes down to the bottom of the cliff.
  • I think the election will go right down to the wire.
  • They took the road that went down to the dock.
go down
phrasal verb with go verb uk/ɡəʊ/ us/ɡoʊ/ going | went | gone
B1 太阳)落山,落到地平线以下
When the sun goes down, it moves down in the sky until it cannot be seen any more.
On summer evenings we would sit on the veranda and watch the sun go down. 在夏天的傍晚,我们常坐在游廊上看日落。
  • The temperature drops when the sun goes down.
  • At what time does the sun go down?
  • The sun went down behind the mountains.
  • We sat on the beach and watched the sun go down.
  • The sun had gone down an hour ago and it was getting cold.
B1 下降,降低;减少减弱
to be reduced in price, value, amount, quality, level, or size
The temperature went down to minus ten last night. 昨晚气温降到了零下10度。
The company's shares went down 7p to 53p. 公司的股价下跌了7便士至53便士。
The swelling's gone down but there's still a lot of bruising. 肿消了,但青瘀还是很厉害。
He went down in my estimation when he started trying to be a singer as well as an actor. 除了做演员,他又开始试图当歌手,这使得我对他的看法不如以前了。
  • The temperature goes down below zero in the winter.
  • House prices have gone down over the last twelve months.
  • The number of people claiming benefit has gone down.
  • The survey shows that average journey times have been going down.
  • If levels of support continue to go down, the government will be forced to act.
C2 被记住被记下载入
to be remembered or recorded in a particular way
Hurricane Katrina will go down in the record books as the costliest storm ever faced by insurers. 飓风卡翠納是对保险公司造成损失最为严重的一次暴风雨,它将因此而被记录在册。
(US also go over)引起某种反应
to be received in a particular way
The joke didn't go down very well. 这个笑话效果不佳。
to lose or be defeated
England's unbeaten run of ten games ended last night when they went down 4–2 to France. 英格兰队昨晚未能延续一连十场不败的战绩,他们被法国队以4比2打败。
Dictators rarely go down without a fight. 不战斗几乎是不可能使独裁者垮台的。
If a football team goes down, it drops to a lower division (= group of teams who play each other).
At the end of the season, the three teams at the bottom go down. 赛季结束时,有三支球队降级。
UK slang坐牢,入狱
to be put in prison
She went down for three years for her part in the robbery. 她因为参与抢劫坐了3年牢。
If a computer system goes down, it stops working.
The battery should prevent the computer system from going down in the event of a power cut. 这块电池可以防止计算机系统在停电时停止运行。
US slang发生进行
If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens.
I tried to tell Tyrell what was going down, but he wouldn't listen. 我试图将所发生的一切告诉蒂雷尔,可他就是不听。
UK old-fashioned(尤指从牛津大学或剑桥大学毕业或上学期间放假时)离校
If you go down from a college or university, especially Oxford University or Cambridge University, you leave either permanently or on holiday.




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