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词汇 glass
noun uk/ɡlɑːs/ us/ɡlæs/
A1 [ U ]玻璃
a hard, transparent material, used to make windows, bottles, and other objects
coloured/broken glass 有色/碎玻璃
a glass jar/dish/ornament 玻璃广口瓶/盘/饰品
It's a huge window made from a single pane of glass. 这扇巨大的窗户是由一整块玻璃做的。
[ U ]玻璃制品;玻璃器皿
objects made from glass when thought of as a group
The museum has a fine collection of valuable glass. 这个博物馆收藏了一批珍贵的玻璃制品。
under glass 在玻璃温室里
in a glasshouse
In cool climates you have to grow tropical plants under glass. 在气候凉爽的地带,必须把热带植物种在玻璃温室中。
If you have a greenhouse, it's a good idea to overwinter root cuttings under glass.
Because they had such a short growing season, they grew most of their vegetables under glass.
You can start the seeds under glass or indoors, if you have adequate space and light.
Overwinter your potted rhizomes under glass and plant them out in the spring.
  • a chipped glass
  • clear glass
  • office furnishings in glass, leather, and chrome
  • A stone hit the window and cracked the glass.
  • The road was covered with fragments of glass from the shattered window.
A1 [ C ]玻璃杯
a small container for drinks made of glass or similar material, with a flat base and usually with no handle
a beer/wine glass 啤酒/葡萄酒杯
She poured some milk into a glass. 她往玻璃杯中倒了些牛奶。
a glass of somethingA1 一杯…
a type or amount of drink contained in a glass
Would you like a glass of water? 你要不要喝杯水?
Two glasses of lemonade, please. 请给我两杯柠檬汁。
I'd love a small glass of orange juice.
He drinks a glass of milk with his breakfast every morning.
He handed me a glass of champagne.
Could you pour me a glass of wine, please?
  • She'd had a couple of glasses of champagne and was starting to feel light-headed.
  • He got up and refilled their glasses.
  • On a hot day it's lovely to hear the chink of ice in a glass.
  • Would you like a glass of wine?
  • He'd left sticky fingermarks all over the glass.
glasses [ plural ]A1 眼镜
two small pieces of special glass or plastic in a frame worn in front of the eyes to improve sight
a pair of glasses 一副眼镜
reading glasses 老花眼镜
Has anyone seen my glasses?
I usually wear contact lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.
He wears glasses for reading.
I need new glasses - my vision has changed so much since I got this pair that I can barely read the menu.
the glass[ S ] old-fashioned 气压计(同 barometer)
a barometer
The glass has been falling/rising (= showing a change to bad/good weather) all day. 今天气压一直在下降/上升。
the glass is half emptyidiom 水杯一半是空的(一种看事物或形势时看到更多坏的一面的倾向)
used to refer to an attitude of always thinking about the bad things in a situation rather than the good ones
A pessimist says the glass is half empty but an optimist says that it is half full. 悲观主义者说水杯一半是空的,乐观主义者说水杯一半是满的。
the glass is half fullidiom 水杯一半是满的(一种看事物或形势时看到更多好的一面的倾向)
used to refer to an attitude of always thinking about the good things in a situation rather than the bad ones
Align yourself with people who think the glass is half full. 和那些看事情更会看到好的一面的人保持一致。
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesidiom saying 自己有缺点,莫揭他人短
This means that you should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that you have yourself.




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