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词汇 give up
give up
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
to stop trying to guess
You'll never guess the answer - do you give up? 你永远也猜不到答案的——你认输吗?
I give up - how many were there? 我猜不出来了——到底有多少?
  • After ten minutes trying to get the answer I gave up.
  • "Do you give up?" "No, I want another clue."
  • I give up - tell me the answer!
  • No, you're wrong - do you give up?
  • I haven't a clue - I give up.
give up something
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
to stop owning, using, or claiming something
They were forced to give up their home because they couldn't pay the mortgage. 他们因为还不起按揭被迫交出了房子。
give up hope 不再抱有希望,放弃希望
to stop hoping that a particular thing will happen
We still haven't given up hope of finding her alive. 我们还没有放弃她生还的希望。
He just believed in her and no matter how bad things got, he refused to give up hope.
I know the situation is dire, but don't give up hope.
I'd started to give up hope that I'd hear back from them.
We never gave up hope that he would come back home.
See also: give up something
  • He's just given up his car and now cycles to work instead.
  • He reluctantly gave up his motorbike when he could no longer afford to run it.
  • He gave up all his worldly possessions and went to live in a monastery.
  • She agreed to give up her SUV in favour of a smaller car.
  • I'll have to give up my ticket to the concert if I can't find anyone to go with me.
give up (something)
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
B2 (通常因为太难而)终止,放弃
to stop doing something before you have finished it, usually because it is too difficult
[ + -ing verb ] I've given up trying to help her. 我已经放弃努力,不想再帮她了。
  • I've given up trying to persuade her.
  • I give up - I'm never going to learn this language!
  • I've given up trying to make her happy.
  • He used to try to get me to dress smartly but he's long since given up on me.
  • I've given up going to the gym - it wasn't making any difference.
give (something) up
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
B1 戒除
If you give up a habit, such as smoking, or something such as alcohol, you stop doing it or using it.
[ + -ing verb ] I gave up smoking two years ago. 我两年前戒的烟。
Don't offer him a cigarette, he's trying to give it up. 不要给他烟,他正在努力戒烟。
  • Chewing gum can help people who are giving up smoking.
  • She's agreed to give up chocolate for Lent.
  • He gave up drinking on the advice of his doctor.
  • Even though she's given up meat she still eats fish.
  • I've promised her a holiday if she gives up smoking by next year.
give something up
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
B1 放弃,停止;辞去
to stop doing a regular activity or job
[ + -ing verb ] He's given up driving since his illness. 他自从生病后就不再开车了。
We're going to give up our sports club membership after this year. 过了今年我们就要放弃体育俱乐部的会员资格了。
give it up for someone 请为(某人的表演)鼓掌
used to ask people to clap their hands to show their enjoyment or approval of a performance
Ladies and gentlemen, will you give it up for Danny Jones. 女士们,先生们,请以热烈的掌声感谢丹尼‧琼斯的精彩表演。
Please give it up for a very talented young lady whose debut album hit number one on the pop charts - Keira!
Please give it up for Coventry's own Daniel Black!
Friends, will you give it up for my special guest, Jake Kennedy!
Performing tracks from his amazing new album, let's give it up for Leo Moss!
See also: give something up
  • He's going to give up rugby at the end of the season.
  • She gave up skiing after her fall last winter.
  • He's giving up the captaincy at the end of the season.
  • He gave up his job in the city to become a plumber.
  • They both gave up their jobs to go travelling.
give someone up
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
to stop having a friendship with someone
She seems to have given up all her old friends. 她好像和所有的老朋友都断绝了来往。
(also give up on someone)不再期望(某人到来
to stop expecting that someone will arrive
I've been waiting half an hour - I'd almost given up on you. 我都等了半小时了——我差点以为你不来了呢。
give someone up for dead (also give up on someone) 某人)的生还不再抱有希望,认为(某人(或已经)死亡
to think that someone is certain to die or to be dead
The doctors had virtually given her up for dead, but she eventually recovered. 医生们实际上已经认定她救不活了,可她最终康复了。
After a three-day search on the mountain, they gave him up for dead. 在山中搜寻了3天后,他们认为他不可能再有生还希望,便停止了搜救。
He'd been missing so long, even his wife had given him up for dead.
I wasn't going to give up on her if there was the smallest possibility she was alive.
Her mother refused to give her up for dead.
See also: give someone up




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