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词汇 give something away
give something away
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
B1 赠送;捐赠;免费分发
to give something to someone without asking for payment
The shop is giving away a sample to every customer. 商店赠送给每一位顾客一个样品礼包。
Nobody wants this type of heater any more - I can't even give it away! 这种加热器没人再愿意要了——我连白送都送不出去!
See also: giveaway noun (GIFT)
  • It's so cheap, we're practically giving it away.
  • The shop gave away a bottle of champagne to their 100th customer.
  • They've given away all their old books.
  • He gave away all his old records when he moved abroad.
  • If I can't sell it, I'll give it away.
B2 泄露,暴露(秘密
to tell people something secret, often without intending to
The party was meant to be a surprise, but Sharon gave it away. 办这个聚会本来是要给大家一个惊喜,可是沙伦泄漏了秘密。
I won't give the game (= the information or plan) away. 我不会泄密的。
  • The smoke from the fire gave their position away to the enemy.
  • He had inadvertently given away details of the bid to a rival firm.
  • The venue for their wedding is supposed to be a secret, so try not to give it away.
  • The company goes to great lengths not to give away details of their secret recipe.
  • The letter is supposed to be anonymous, but the handwriting gives it away.
to allow an opponent to score a goal or win a game by making a mistake or doing something very badly
You can't give away goals as easily as we did and win games at this level. 在这样的层次上,如果像我们这样轻易让对手进球的话,你是不可能取胜的。
give someone away
phrasal verb with give verb uk/ɡɪv/ us/ɡɪv/ gave | given
to show someone's secret feelings
She thinks no one knows how much she likes him, but her face when I said he'd be there really gave her away! 她以为没有人知道她多么喜欢他,但是当我说他要去那儿时,她的表情把她的内心情感暴露无遗!
in a marriage ceremony, to formally bring a woman who is getting married to the front of the church so that she is standing at the side of her future partner, and then to give permission for her to marry
The bride was given away by her father. 新娘的父亲把她交给了新郎。




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