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词汇 get in
get in
phrasal verb with get verb uk/ɡet/ us/ɡet/ getting | got | got or gotten
B1 (尤指用武力或欺骗手段)进入
to succeed in entering a place, especially by using force or a trick
They must have got in through the bathroom window. 他们一定是从浴室窗户进去的。
  • The doors and windows had been bricked up to prevent squatters from getting in.
  • He banged his head on the car as he was getting in.
  • We barred the door to stop anyone getting into the room.
  • They've put barriers up to stop people (from) getting in.
  • The minibus has a lift to help wheelchair users to get in.
B1 到家;到上班地点
to arrive at your home or the place where you work
What time did you get in last night? 你昨晚什么时候到家的?
B1 (火车等)到达,抵达
If a train or other vehicle gets in at a particular time, that is when it arrives.
What time is the plane expected to get in? 飞机预计什么时候到?
  • The train from Birmingham got in 20 minutes late.
  • What time does the next flight get in?
  • I check my email as soon as I get in.
  • Try not to make too much noise when you get in.
  • I'll have your dinner ready for you when you get in.
get something in
phrasal verb with get verb uk/ɡet/ us/ɡet/ getting | got | got or gotten
to send something so that it arrives by a particular time
I have to get my application in by Thursday. 我得在周四前递交申请。
to succeed in saying something, although it is difficult to do this because other people are talking too
He couldn't get a word in because she was talking so much. 她滔滔不绝,他一句话也插不进去。
I'll try to get my suggestion in at the start of the meeting. 我会尽量在会议开始时把我的建议提出来。
to manage to find time to do something or deal with someone
I want to get a little bit more work in before I leave the office. 我想在离开办公室之前再多做一点工作。
UK informal(通常指食物或饮品)
to buy a supply of something, usually food or drink, so that you will have enough of what you need
We'll have to get some food in for the weekend if we're having visitors. 如果周末有客人来,我们就得去买些吃的。
get someone in
phrasal verb with get verb uk/ɡet/ us/ɡet/ getting | got | got or gotten
to ask a trained person to come to your home to do some paid work
We'll have to get a plumber in to look at that water tank. 我们得请水暖工来检查一下那个水箱。




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