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词汇 fund
noun uk/fʌnd/ us/fʌnd/
C1 [ C ]基金;专款;资金
an amount of money saved, collected, or provided for a particular purpose
a pension/trust fund 养老/信托基金
The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment. 医院专门设立了一项基金以购买新设备。
Contributions are being sought for the disaster fund. 正在寻求对救灾基金的捐助。
funds C1 [ plural ] 资金;钱款
money needed or available to spend on something
Following the repairs to the roof, church funds are now seriously depleted. 在对屋顶进行修缮之后,教堂的资金现在严重吃紧。
The president has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new submarine. 总统已经同意再拨一部分资金开发新潜艇。
informal "Can I borrow £50?" "I'm a little short of/low on funds (= I have little money) at the moment". 我也想和你一起去度假,但最近我手头有点拮据。
We need to raise funds for the new school library.
They're raising funds for the local hospital.
a fund of something UK 充满…的;有很多…的
a lot of something
She has a fund of knowledge on the subject. 她对这一主题知之甚多。
She had a fund of amusing anecdotes about her time working for him.
He could be great company, with a fund of stories from his teaching days.
For all her shortcomings as a politician, there is a fund of goodwill towards her in the party.
He brings to the job a fund of experience in the field.
These people have a fund of local knowledge which is invaluable to us.
  • The fund provides money to clean up chemically polluted industrial sites.
  • Her family have contributed £50,000 to the fund.
  • To ensure security the investment fund has holdings in many companies.
  • They've set up a fund for victims of the earthquake.
  • This national fund pays for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.
verb [ T ] uk/fʌnd/ us/fʌnd/
C1 为…提供资金;资助
to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organization
The company has agreed to fund my trip to Australia. 公司同意资助我的澳大利亚之行。
The new college is being privately funded (= money for it is not being provided from taxes). 这所新大学目前是由私人提供资金的。
  • We'll need accurate costings before we can agree to fund the scheme.
  • Chissano said Western governments should stump up the cash to fund land redistribution.
  • The Channel Tunnel was jointly funded by the French and British.
  • The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.
  • He funds his extravagant lifestyle by developing property.
Related word: funder




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