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词汇 fun
noun [ U ] uk/fʌn/ us/fʌn/
A1 乐趣快乐享受
pleasure, enjoyment, or entertainment
Have fun (= enjoy yourself)! 玩个痛快!
Having fun (= are you enjoying yourself)? 玩得痛快吗?
We had great fun at the beach.
I really enjoyed your party - it was such good fun. 参加你们的聚会我很开心——真是好玩。
She's a lot of fun to be with. 跟她在一起很有意思。
Mark was ill for most of the holiday so that took all the fun out of it. 假期里大多数时间马克一直在生病,所以没什么乐趣。
It's no fun/not much fun (= not enjoyable) having to work on Saturdays. 星期六还得工作真是让人不痛快。
a fun-loving girl 爱玩闹的小姑娘
"We're going on a picnic this weekend." "What fun (= how enjoyable)!" “本周末我们要去野餐。”“真开心!”
The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted. 这段感情是注定不会有结果的,不过过程很开心。
for fun (also for the fun of it)B1 为了好玩
for pleasure
I ran but just for fun. 我跑步只是为了好玩。
Of course for most people, dancing is something that they do purely for fun.
I do a bit of writing in my spare time but just for the fun of it.
Just for fun, I thought I'd set them a quiz to do online.
He firmly believes that hunting or fishing for food is different from killing animals just for the fun of it.
What do you folks do for fun around here?
make fun of someone/somethingB2 取笑;拿…开玩笑
to make a joke about someone or something in a way that is not kind
The other children were always making fun of him because he was fat and wore glasses. 别的孩子总是取笑他,因为他胖而且还戴着眼镜。
Don't make fun of me!
Of course, there's nothing new about making fun of politicians.
She's used to people making fun of her.
My kids make fun of me because I always wear the same things.
He's on familiar ground in his latest book: making fun of Hollywood.
They're essentially making fun of nationalism.
  • It's all good clean fun.
  • Playing card games is not my idea of fun.
  • She's only having a bit of fun - leave her be.
  • Don't be angry - it was just a joke - where's your sense of fun?
  • Time flies when you're having fun.
behaviour or activities that are not serious; games or jokes
The children are always full of fun. 孩子们永远是活泼可爱的。
UK I didn't mean to upset her - it was just a bit of fun. 我并不想惹她生气——只是闹着玩而已。
I didn't mean what I said, it was only in fun (= a joke). 我说的不能当真,只是开个玩笑。
  • What's wrong with having a bit of fun?
  • She's only having a bit of fun - leave her alone.
  • Don't be angry - it was just a joke - where's your sense of fun?
  • There were those who found the joke offensive, but Johnson insisted it was just a bit of harmless fun.
  • We had a lot of fun preparing for the Halloween party.
have fun and gamesidiom mainlyUK humorous 有困难
to have difficulty doing something
We had real fun and games trying to bath the dog. 给这条狗洗澡可难坏了我们。
not be all fun and gamesidiom 不是随便闹着玩的
If an activity is not all fun and games, parts of it are difficult or unpleasant.
It's not all fun and games being a tour guide. 做导游可不是闹着玩的。
adjective informal uk/fʌn/ us/fʌn/
A2 有趣的;令人愉快的
giving pleasure, especially because of being not at all serious
There are lots of fun things to do here. 这里有很多有趣的事可做。
Did you have a fun evening?
These feather accessories are so fun and unusual.
This is not a very fun topic of discussion.
  • I remember my college days as really fun.
  • It was such a fun summer.
  • Can we do something more fun?
  • This is not a fun situation to be in.
  • They're a fun bunch of people.
  • You're not very fun to be around when you're like this.




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