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词汇 free
adjective, adverb uk/friː/ us/friː/
B2 自由的无拘束的
not limited or controlled
[ + to infinitive ] Am I free (= do I have permission) to leave now? 现在我可以离开了吗?
I'll give you a key, so you'll be free to come and go as you like. 我会给你一把钥匙,这样你就可以自由进出了。
Please feel free to interrupt me if you don't understand anything. 如果有什么不明白的地方,可以随时打断我。
The agreement gives companies free access to the markets of member countries. 该协议使各家公司可以自由进入成员国市场。
A great deal has been achieved, most notably free elections (= elections in which people can vote as they wish). 已经取得了很大的成绩,最突出的是争取到了自由选举权。
free and easy 轻松自在的
relaxed and informal
The atmosphere in the office is fairly free and easy. 办公室里的气氛相当轻松自在。
Until then, things were free and easy at home.
After Maria's arrival, life wasn't quite so free and easy.
Life with my hippie parents was free and easy.
I think he enjoyed the free and easy lifestyle.
People looking for a restful holiday are attracted to this island by its free and easy spirit.
  • Feel free to help yourself to coffee.
  • I do a lot of reading in my free time.
  • We like to get the marketing done on Thursdays so we can have the weekend free.
  • The recent free elections mark the next step in the country's progress towards democracy.
  • The very concept of free speech is unknown to them.
A2 免费的
costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for
I got some free cinema tickets. 我搞到了一些免费电影票。
Members all receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter. 会员都会收到一份免费的通讯月刊。
The elderly travel free on public transport. 老年人可以免费乘坐公交车。
We will install your washing machine free of charge/for free (= without charge). 我们将会为您免费安装洗衣机。
  • Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free.
  • The books will be distributed free to local schools.
  • All the carpets we sell are fitted free.
  • They fixed my watch free of charge.
  • Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free.
B2 获释的行动不受限制的
not a prisoner any longer, or having unlimited movement
She left the court a free woman after the case against her collapsed because of a legal technicality. 由于某个法律技术细则,对她的指控被推翻,她以一个自由人的身份离开了法庭。
The new government has decided to set all political prisoners free. 新政府已决定释放全部政治犯。
She went/walked free after the charges against her were dropped. 对她的指控都撤销后,她获得了自由。
I let the dogs run free in the park. 我让狗在公园里随便跑。
  • Don't you think that allowing a criminal to go free is perhaps better than imprisoning an innocent person?
  • He went free because the jury decided there was a reasonable doubt about his guilt.
  • The police reasoned with the hijackers to at least let the children go free.
  • The Court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment and set him free.
  • After years in prison, the men who had wrongfully been found guilty of the bombing were finally set free.
not in a fixed position or not joined to anything
Both bookcases stand free of the wall. 两个书柜都是独立式的,没有固定在墙上。
The bolts have worked themselves free because of the vibrations. 插销由于震动都松开了。
Rescuers took several hours to cut the survivors free from the wreckage. 救援人员花了好几个小时才将残骸切割开,把幸存者解救出来。
free and clearidiom US没有债务不承担法律索赔
without debt or legal claims
They paid off the mortgage and own their house free and clear. 他们还清了住房贷款,完全拥有自己的居屋。
adjective uk/friː/ us/friː/
A2 空闲的空余的未使用的
not doing anything planned or important, or available to be used
I do a lot of reading in my free time. 我业余时间大量读书。
She's in a meeting at the moment, but she should be free to see you in ten minutes. 她此时正在开会,但10分钟以后她会有空见你。
I'm working in the café all this week, but I've got a free evening next Monday. 整整这一个星期我都在咖啡馆工作,但我下周一晚上有空。
Excuse me, is this seat free (= is anyone intending to sit in this seat)? 对不起,这个座位有人坐吗?
We queued for half an hour waiting for a free space in the car park. 我们为了等一个空车位在停车场排了半小时队。
If you take these bags, that will give me a free hand to open the door. 你拿一下这些包,我就能腾出手来开门了。
  • I've got something on this Tuesday, but I'm free on Wednesday.
  • I just wanted to ask you if you're free this afternoon.
  • We like to get the marketing done on Thursdays so we can have the weekend free.
  • Are you free at lunchtime?
  • She's never at home because she spends all her free time at hockey practices.
C1 [ after verb ]无须的;没有(不想要或令人不快之物)的
not having something that is unwanted or unpleasant
The organization is a charitable enterprise, so it is free from tax worldwide. 由于该组织是慈善机构,它在世界各国都不必纳税。
She'll never be completely free of the disease. 她这种病永远也无法彻底治愈。
Ensure the wound is free from/of dirt before applying the bandage. 上绷带以前要保证伤口不沾染污物。
free with 慷慨的;大手大脚的;无节制的
giving or using often or in large amounts
He's rather free with his wife's money. 他花起他妻子的钱来相当慷慨。
She's very free with advice but she never seems to act on it herself. 她经常提建议,但她自己似乎从来不照着做。
He's very free with his criticism! 他太爱妄加指责了!
The next time I saw her, she wasn't quite so free with her smiles.
It's true, she can be free with her opinions.
She's very free with her time and I don't think that's always a good thing.
make free with UK disapproving 经常随便使用(别人的东西)
to use something that belongs to someone else a lot
Don't her parents mind her making free with their house while they're on holiday? 难道她的父母就不介意她在他们度假时擅自使用他们的房子吗?
I wondered whether the owner would be happy with them making free with his belongings.
I suspect she wouldn't care for you making free with her wardrobe.
I don't think we should make free with her provisions.
It was disturbing to think that someone out there was making free with the card that I had thought was tucked safely in my wallet.
chemistry specialized化学元素)游离的,单体的,自由的
If an element is free, it is not combined with anything else or attached to anything else.
free oxygen/nitrogen 游离氧/氮
a free rideidiom 白白得到的东西,无本获得的利益
an opportunity or advantage that someone gets without having done anything to deserve it
Just because he was the boss's son didn't mean Tim got a free ride. 就算蒂姆是老板的儿子也不意味着他就能有“免费的午餐”。
there's no such thing as a free lunchidiom saying 天下没有免费的午餐
said to emphasize that you cannot get something for nothing
"I get to travel with my job but the downside is I have to give talks." "Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch." “我这份工作可以经常去四处走走,不过坏处是我得经常作报告。”“哎呀,天下没有免费的午餐嘛。”
verb uk/friː/ us/friː/
B2 [ T ]释放使自由
to allow someone to leave a prison or place where they have been kept
After a ten-hour siege the gunman agreed to free the hostages. 经过10个小时的围困,持枪歹徒同意释放人质。
Anti-vivisectionists last night freed a number of animals from a laboratory. 反对活体解剖的人昨晚放走了实验室里的很多动物。
  • The government pursued every official channel to free the hostages.
  • She was freed from prison through the agency of her doctor.
  • She never gave up the struggle to have her son freed from prison.
  • Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.
  • The campaigners appealed to the government to free the prisoners.
[ T ]松开,解开
to move or make loose someone or something that is caught or held somewhere
Both men were freed from the wreckage after a four-hour operation. 经过4个小时的施救,两个人都被从残骸中解救出来。
In vain he tried to free the rope around his hands. 他想挣脱掉捆住他双手的绳子,结果是白费力气。
[ T + obj + to infinitive ]解除限制(或控制)
to remove the limits or controls on someone or something
Her retirement from politics will free her (= provide her with enough time) to write her memoirs. 退出政界将使她有充足的时间来写回忆录。
[ T ]腾出,空出
to make something available for someone to use
They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors. 他们计划扩建停车场,腾出现有的停车位给访客用。
Can you cancel my meetings - I need to free (up) the afternoon to write this report. 你能取消我的那些会议吗——我得空出下午的时间来写这份报告。
Phrasal verb
free someone from/of something 使…摆脱…
to help or make life better for someone by taking something unpleasant away from them
He dedicated his life to freeing the world from famine and disease. 他毕生致力于消除世界上的饥饿和疾病。
I'd like to free myself of some of the responsibilities of this job. 我想卸去自己从事这份工作所要承担的部分责任。
suffix uk/ -friː/ us/ -friː/
used at the end of words to mean "without having to pay"
They agreed to let us live there rent-free. 他们同意我们不交租金住在那儿。
Many banks are now offering interest-free overdrafts to students. 现在很多银行都为学生提供免息透支服务。
used at the end of words to mean "without"
lead-free fuel 无铅汽油
No working environment is entirely stress-free. 没有哪个工作环境是完全不存在压力的。
The journey was surprisingly hassle-free. 这次旅行出人意料地没有遇到什么麻烦。




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