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词汇 form
verb uk/fɔːm/ us/fɔːrm/
B2 [ I or T ]使)出现,(使)形成,(使产生
to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist
A crowd formed around the accident. 事故现场围起了一群人。
A solution began to form in her mind. 她想到了一个解决办法。
I formed the impression (= the way she behaved suggested to me) that she didn't really want to come. 我形成了一种印象:她其实并不想来。
[ T ]将…制成特定形状
to make something into a particular shape
She formed the clay into a small bowl. 她把陶土捏成了一只小碗。
B1 [ L only + noun ]制作;成为
to make or be something
The lorries formed a barricade across the road. 数辆卡车横在路上,形成了路障。
Together they would form the next government. 他们将共同组建下届政府。
This information formed the basis of the report. 这些信息奠定了报告的基础。
[ I ] formal形成;组成
If separate things form, they come together to make a whole.
The children formed into lines. 孩子们排好了队。
  • Research forms the predominant part of my job.
  • By forming a coalition, the rebels and the opposition parties defeated the government.
  • The prisoners formed a line against the wall.
  • A long queue had formed, snaking its way downstairs and out into the street.
  • A thick sheet of ice had formed over the water.
noun uk/fɔːm/ us/fɔːrm/
A2 [ C ]表,表格
a paper or set of papers printed with spaces in which answers to questions can be written or information can be recorded in an organized way
an application form (= document used for asking officially for something, for example a job) 申请表
an entry form (= document used to enter a competition) 报名表
Please fill in/out the form with black ink. 请用黑色墨水填写表格。
When you have completed the form, hand it in at the desk. 填完表格后,请交到这张桌子上来。
  • Have you completed your application form yet?
  • I had to fill in this really complicated form.
  • On his form he lists his interests as cycling, the cinema and cooking.
  • Please write your credit card number on this form.
  • Take the forms into your local branch office.
B2 [ C ]类型种类形式
a type of something
Swimming is the best form of exercise. 游泳是最佳的锻炼方式。
  • Aerobics is one of the most stimulating forms of exercise.
  • Body language is a potent form of non-verbal communication.
  • Emma's only form of recreation seems to be shopping.
  • Bicycles are a cheap and efficient form of transport.
  • Simple forms of life have only one cell.
C1 [ C ]形状;外形;外表
the shape or appearance of something
I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed. 我只能隐约看出他在床上睡觉时的轮廓。
The moon highlighted the shadowy forms of the hills. 月光凸显了山峦影影绰绰的轮廓。
The lawn was laid out in the form of the figure eight. 草坪被设计成了8字形。
take form 逐渐成形;渐渐发展
to gradually be seen or gradually develop
Trees and hedges started to take form as the fog cleared. 随着雾气散去,树和篱笆开始渐渐显露。
As they chatted, the idea of going skiing together gradually took form. 他们聊天时,逐渐形成了一起去度假的想法。
For me, the problem with the novel is that the characters never quite take form.
It's fascinating watching an artist working and seeing a painting gradually take form.
Although he was very unwell at the time, he did live to see the idea take form.
  • She looked at Timothy's recumbent form beside her.
  • The song achieved a perfect unity between form and content.
  • The sculpture was inspired by natural forms.
  • He could see the form of a vehicle approaching in the distance.
  • The chairs were arranged in the form of circle.
[ U ](参赛者的)竞技状态,良好状态
A competitor's form is their ability to be successful over a period of time.
Both horses have shown good form over the last season. 两匹马在上个赛季中都表现出了良好的竞技状态。
After a bad year, she has regained her form. 经过一年的低迷后,她已恢复了竞技状态。
be on good, great, etc. form C2 UK (US be in good, great, etc. form) 感觉不错状态良好
to be feeling or performing well
Paul was on good form at the wedding and kept everyone entertained. 保罗在婚礼上情绪极佳,把大家都逗得乐呵呵的。
Your mother was on good form, wasn't she?
I thought the orchestra were on great form.
Both comedians were on brilliant form and it made for a fantastic evening.
All six dancers were on excellent form.
Was Jamie on good form last night?
  • After the humiliation of last week's defeat, the Mets were back on form.
  • She's currently experiencing a dip in form.
  • The team are in unbeatable form.
  • Ashia Hansen rediscovered her best form with a morale-boosting win in the triple jump.
  • He has been struggling to regain his form after a series of defeats.
B1 [ C ] language specialized词形;形式
one part of a verb or other word that has a special use or meaning
The continuous form of "stand" is "standing". stand 的进行时形式是 standing。
"Stood" is the irregular past tense form of "stand". stood 是 stand 的不规则过去形式。
"Hers" is the possessive form of "her". hers 是 her 的所有格形式。
"Isn't" is the short form of "is not". isn't 是 is not 的缩略形式。
  • the genitive form of a noun
  • the imperative form of the verb
B1 [ C ]英国的)班级,年级
in the UK, a class of school children or a group of classes of children of a similar age
bad form old-fashioned 无礼的举动
rude behaviour
Was that bad form then, leaving so early? 那么,这么早离开失礼吗?
It's generally considered bad form to brag about your achievements.
We didn't want to arrive late - it would have been very bad form.
He certainly wouldn't have asked her age if he had known doing so was extremely bad form.
My grandmother thought it was bad form to read anything at the table.
[ C ] old-fashioned长板凳
a long, thin seat, usually without a back




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