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词汇 fool
noun uk/fuːl/ us/fuːl/
B1 [ C ]傻瓜,笨蛋,蠢人
a person who behaves in a silly way without thinking
[ as form of address ] You fool, you missed your chance! 你这个傻瓜,你错过机会了!
He's a fool if he thinks she still loves him. 如果他以为她还爱着自己,那他就是个傻瓜。
He said he would pay me back and like a fool, I believed him. 他说会还我钱,我象一个傻瓜一样相信了他。
I felt like a fool when I dropped my phone in the toilet. 我觉得自己像个傻子,把手机掉到马桶里了。
[ + to infinitive ] He's a fool to think she still loves him. 他以为她还爱着自己,真是个傻瓜。
make a fool of someoneB2 愚弄,令…出洋相
to trick someone or make someone appear stupid in some way
You made a fool of me in front of all those people!
He felt that she'd made a fool of him and he was really cross.
No one makes a fool of Dan, that's for sure.
She was really upset because she thought they'd made a fool of her in front of the whole class.
I don't think he set out to make a fool of her.
make a fool of yourselfB2 出丑,出洋相
to do something that makes other people think you are silly or not to be respected
I got a little drunk and made a fool of myself. 我有点儿喝醉了,出了洋相。
Come on, Pete, get a grip. Don't make a fool of yourself.
I don't think he minds making a fool of himself. He's always been a joker.
I was worried I might make a fool of myself in front of all my friends.
She was afraid of making a fool of herself on the dance floor.
any fool 任何人
Any fool could tell that she was joking. 谁都看得出她是在开玩笑。
Any fool can cook a decent meal by following the right recipe.
With the quality of digital cameras these days, any fool can take a stunningphoto.
These days, any fool can create a website.
She was really unhappy and any fool could see that.
be no fool (also be nobody's fool) 一点儿都不傻,不易受人愚弄(或欺骗)
to not be stupid or easily deceived
I notice Ed didn't offer to pay for her - he's no fool. 我发现埃德并没有提出要替她付账——他可一点儿都不傻。
She's no fool. She knows if she's nice to him, he'll pay for her holiday.
Of course Alex stays in touch with his wealthy old grandfather - he's nobody's fool.
I mean, he's no fool. Once he'd worked out he wasn't going to be promoted, he was off.
Lucy's really nice, but she's nobody's fool and she wouldn't put up with that sort of treatment.
more fool someone UK 某人)蠢极了,犯傻
said to mean that you think someone is being unwise
"I lent Rhoda £100 and she hasn't paid me back." "More fool you - you know what she's like!" “我借了100美元给罗达,她到现在还没还我。”“你真是犯傻——你知道她是个什么样的人!”
Well, if they knew what she was like and they still employed her, more fool them!
More fool her if she turned you down. She doesn't know what she's missing.
I mean, to be honest, if someone is willing to part with all that money without so much as a guarantee, more fool them.
More fool her for allowing herself to be so flattered by his attentions that she overlooked the obvious.
  • The man's a complete fool!
  • Any fool can teach himself to type.
  • You must think I'm a bloody fool.
  • He's given me the keys to his car - the fool!
  • I think it amuses him to see people make fools of themselves.
[ C ](旧时宫廷里的)弄臣,小丑
in the past, a person who was employed in the court of a king or queen to make the court laugh by telling jokes and doing funny things
act/play the fool (常指为逗人笑)装疯卖傻,干蠢事,扮丑角
to behave in a silly way, often intentionally to make people laugh
Stop acting the fool, I'm trying to talk to you. 别再装疯卖傻了,我有话要跟你说。
He loves playing the fool.
I'm happy to play the fool if it makes my kids laugh.
He's made his name acting the fool.
I get the impression that he plays the fool a lot in class to make the other kids like him.
He's a bit old to be acting the fool, isn't he?
[ C or U ] UK奶油果泥
a sweet, soft food made of crushed fruit, cream, and sugar
gooseberry fool 奶油醋栗
verb uk/fuːl/ us/fuːl/
B2 [ I or T ]愚弄,欺骗
to trick someone
Don't be fooled by his appearance. 别被他的外表给骗了。
She said she was doing it to help me, but I wasn't fooled. 她说她这样做是为了帮我,但我没上她的当。
Tim was fooled into believing that he'd won a lot of money. 蒂姆受了骗,以为自己赢了很多钱。
you could have fooled me! informal 我才不相信你呢!
used to tell someone that you do not believe what they have just said
"Really, I'm very happy." "You could have fooled me." “真的,我很快乐。”“说得像真的一样。”
"What made you think I was cross? I wasn't cross at all." "Well, you could have fooled me."
"Anyway, it didn't bother me." "Hmm... you could have fooled me."
She insisted that she was fine with him seeing other women and I felt like saying, well, you could have fooled me.
"I didn't have a problem with Sam at all - I quite liked him." "Really? You could have fooled me."
  • Don't be fooled by his pleasant manner - he's pretty ruthless beneath that nice exterior.
  • I'm not easily fooled.
  • You can't fool me!
  • She was fooled into handing over the money.
  • He fooled a lot of people.
Phrasal verbs
fool around 干蠢事,瞎弄,乱弄(尤指可能带来危险的后果)
to behave in a silly way, especially in a way that might have dangerous results
Don't fool around with matches. 不要摆弄火柴。
to behave in a humorous way in order to make other people laugh
He's always getting into trouble for fooling around in class. 他老是因为在课堂上捣乱搞笑而惹麻烦。
to spend your time doing nothing useful
We spent the afternoon fooling around on the beach. 我们在海滩上闲荡了一个下午。
mainly US(已婚人士与他人)关系暧昧
If a married person fools around, they have a sexual relationship with someone who is not their husband or wife.
She'd been fooling around with someone at work. 她和某个同事关系暧昧。
fool with something US informal使用(或操作)有难度(或危险)的东西
to use or work with something difficult or dangerous
I just don’t like to fool with these computers. 我就是不喜欢操作这些计算机。
adjective [ before noun ] mainly US informal uk/fuːl/ us/fuːl/
You've done some fool things in your time, but this beats everything. 你以前也干过些蠢事,但没有一件比得上这一次。




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