

词汇 see
see 1
vi., vt.saw, seen, seeing1. 看,瞧,瞅, 视2. 看见,看到;发觉,发现;审视
I looked but saw nothing.我注意了,但是什么也没看到。
I can see two ships in the harbor.我可以看见港口有两艘船。
When you drink too much, you sometimes see double.酒喝过量时看东西有时会产生重影。
3. 明白;理解;领会;了解;懂
I don't see what you mean.我不懂你的意思。
He didn't see the joke.他不明白那笑话的可笑之处。
You see, I've forgotten my key.你懂吗,我忘记带我的钥匙了。
Now I begin to see light on their good intentions.现在我对他们的良好动机开始有所领会了。
4. 想;看看;考虑;查看
Please see who is at the door.请去看看谁在门口。
5. 确定;务必;小心;注意;留神
See that the windows and doors are fastened.留心一定要把门窗关牢。
See that direct heat does not play on the plastic bags.当心别让那些塑料袋直接受热。
6. 想象, 设想
I can't see myself allowing people to cheat me.我无法想象会让人骗了。
7. 经历
He has seen better days.他从前有过得意的时候。
8. 际遇;目睹
The 19th century saw many changes.许多变革发生于19世纪。
9. 访问;参观;会晤
Can I see you on business.我可以和你洽谈公务吗?
10. 陪伴;送
see sb. out送某人到门口或屋外
see the back of摆脱;与…脱离关系
see things幻觉;幻想
see about注意;安排;处理
He promised to see about the matter.他答应注意这件事。
We'll see about that!咱们走着瞧!
see off(到机场、火车站等)为某人送行
see out1. 熬过;度过2. 送人到门口或屋外
see over1. 检查
to see over a report检查一遍报告
2. 察看;巡视
to see over the house察看房子
(= see round)
see through1. 识破,看穿(藉口、谎言)
Nobody saw through his disguise.没有人识破他的伪装。
2. 支撑着度过,熬过(某一时期、困难)
see to注意,留意;关照
When you start the engine, you must see to it that the car is in neutral.开发动机时,一定要使汽车的离合器处于空档位置。
see 2
n.1. 主教的辖区2. 主教的职权




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