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词汇 floor
noun uk/flɔːr/ us/flɔːr/
A1 [ C usually singular ](房间的)地板,地面
the flat surface of a room on which you walk
The floor was partly covered with a dirty old rug. 部分地板上铺着肮脏的旧地毯。
The bathroom floor needs cleaning. 浴室地面需要清洁。
The children sat playing on the floor. 孩子们正坐在地板上玩。
There's barely enough floor space to fit a bed in this room. 这个房间的面积几乎放不下一张床。
  • The contents of his bag spilled all over the floor.
  • The child crawled across the floor.
  • There were little drops of paint on the kitchen floor.
  • Careful - I've just polished the floor and it's a bit slippy.
  • Don't sit on the floor - you might dirty your dress.
A2 [ C ]楼层
a level of a building
This building has five floors. 这栋大楼有5层。
Take the elevator to the 51st floor. 乘电梯到52层。
We live on the third floor. 我们住在4楼。
a ground floor apartment 底层的一间公寓
  • There are great views from the fifth floor of the building.
  • The office block's upper floors were being repainted.
  • Women's hosiery you'll find on the second floor, Madam.
  • They've got a whole suite of offices on the 34th floor.
  • I'll meet you by the down escalator on the second floor.
B1 [ C usually singular ]活动的场所
a public space for activities such as dancing and having formal discussions
a dance floor 舞池
The new proposal will be discussed on the floor of the senate tomorrow. 新提案将于明天在参议院会议厅讨论。
He spent several years working on the factory floor (= in the factory) before becoming a manager. 在成为经理之前,他在工厂里工作过几年。
The chairman said that he would now take questions from the floor (= from the audience). 主席说他现在接受与会者的提问。
have the floor 取得发言权,发言
to have the right to speak
Silence, please, the prime minister has the floor. 请安静,首相要发言了。
Mr Walker, you have the floor, Sir.
No one was inclined to let her have the floor for long.
Finally, it was her turn to have the floor.
The cameras focus on whoever has the floor at that point.
take (to) the floor 起身跳舞
to stand and begin to dance
The newlyweds were the first to take the floor. 新婚夫妇最先起身跳舞。
Even as a teenager, when she took to the floor, everyone stopped to watch.
She eventually persuaded the reluctant prince to take the floor.
They took to the floor for a slow dance.
The pair then took the floor for the cha-cha-cha.
Would you care to take the floor with me?
take the floor 开始发言
start speaking
The Majority Leader again took the floor. 多数派领袖再次发言。
Professor Reeves was the next to take the floor.
Others then took the floor, and the session did not finish until eight o'clock.
Ella Smith then took the floor, paying tribute to her predecessor.
He was due to take the floor when an alarm suddenly sounded.
  • I have an exhibitionist streak that comes out on the dance floor.
  • The dance floor was full of middle-aged couples smooching to slushy ballads.
  • The panel spoke for an hour before opening the discussion up to the floor.
  • He started on the factory floor and worked his way up to the boardroom.
  • The other dancers cleared as the bride and groom took to the floor.
the floor (海、森林、洞穴等的)底部
the bottom surface of the sea, a forest, a cave, etc.
the floor of the ocean/the ocean floor 海底
The cave floor was perpetually damp.
Ferns populate the forest floor under the densest part of the canopy.
Flounder and other scavengers live along the floor of the sea.
The floor of the rainforest was covered with an impenetrable tangle of vines.
go through the flooridiom mainly UK降至很低的水平
to fall to very low levels
House prices have gone through the floor this year. 今年房价已经降到了极低的水平。
verb uk/flɔːr/ us/flɔːr/
[ T ]击倒;打倒
to hit someone and cause them to fall
He was floored with a single punch to the head. 打中头部的一拳就把他击倒在地。
[ T often passive ] informal使惊讶得不知所措
to surprise or confuse someone so much that they are unable to think what to say or do next
I didn't know what to say - I was completely floored. 我不知道说什么——我完全被弄糊涂了。
floor itidiom mainly US informal(驾驶时为达到最高速度)把油门踩到底
to drive as fast as possible
He was late and the road was clear, so he floored it. 因为已经迟到而且道路空旷,所以他把油门踩到了底。




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