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词汇 flood
verb uk/flʌd/ us/flʌd/
B1 [ I or T ]使)充满水;(使淹没
to cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems
Our washing machine broke down yesterday and flooded the kitchen. 我们的洗衣机昨天坏了,把厨房里弄得到处是水。
The whole town flooded when the river burst its banks. 河水决堤,整个镇子都淹了。
Several families living by the river were flooded out (= forced to leave their houses because they became covered with water). 住在河边的几户人家因洪水被迫撤离。
  • When the river flooded, the footbridge was swept away.
  • The river burst its banks and flooded the surrounding fields.
  • He left the bath running and flooded the bathroom.
  • The severe cold caused a water main to burst and flood the street.
  • This coastal area floods every year, so the local people build their houses on stilts.
B2 [ I usually + adv/prep, T ]大量涌入蜂拥而至挤满充斥
to fill or enter a place in large numbers or amounts
Donations are flooding into the homeless shelter. 收容所收到大量捐赠。
She drew back the curtains and the sunlight came flooding in. 她拉开窗帘,阳光倾泻进来。
Japanese cars have flooded the market (= a lot of them are on sale). 日本汽车已经充斥了市场。
He was flooded with (= suddenly felt a lot of) joy when his first child was born. 第一个孩子出生时,他满心欢喜。
For Proust, the taste of a madeleine brought childhood memories flooding back (= made him suddenly remember a lot of things). 对于普鲁斯特来说,玛德琳蛋糕的味道让他回忆起许多童年往事。
  • Wearing scarves and hats which proclaimed their allegiance, the football fans flooded into the bar.
  • There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.
  • Offers of help have been flooding in since news of the disaster first emerged.
  • Messages of support have been flooding in since she announced her decision to stand for president.
  • Memories of childhood flooded back as she looked through the photographs.
Phrasal verb
flood something with somethingC2 (信件、电话、消息等)使某人)应接不暇
If you are flooded with letters, phone calls, messages, etc., you receive so many that you cannot deal with them.
We were flooded with calls from worried parents. 我们接到无数焦虑的家长打来的电话。
noun uk/flʌd/ us/flʌd/
B1 [ C or U ]洪水
a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry
After the flood it took weeks for the water level to go down. 洪水过去几个星期后,水位才回落。
The river is in flood (= water has flowed over its banks) again. 河水又泛滥了。
in floods of tears UK 泪雨滂沱
crying a lot
I found her in floods of tears in the toilets. 我发现她在洗手间里哭得像个泪人似的。
Poor Rachel came home in floods of tears.
Sophie's been in floods of tears all morning.
My little boy was so upset by the incident - he was in floods of tears.
Her mother had collapsed in floods of tears.
The last chapter of the book left him in floods of tears.
By the end of the book, I was in floods of tears.
the Flood (《圣经》中的)灭世洪水
(in the Bible) a flood sent by God that covered the whole earth as a punishment
  • The recent flood has swept away the footbridge.
  • You should check your policy to see if you're covered for flood damage.
  • After the flood, nothing remained of the village.
  • The floods left thousands of people destitute.
  • People living in low-lying areas were evacuated because of the floods.
C2 [ C ]大批;大量
a large amount or number of something
A flood of cheap imports has come into the country. 大量廉价进口商品进入了这个国家。
before the Floodidiom UK humorous 很久很久以前
a very long time ago




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