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词汇 fling
verb uk/flɪŋ/ us/flɪŋ/ flung | flung
[ T usually + adv/prep ]猛扔,猛投,猛掷
to throw something or someone suddenly and with a lot of force
He crumpled up the letter and flung it into the fire. 他把信揉成一团,猛地扔进火中。
"And you can take your ring back too!" she cried, flinging it down on the table. “你可以把你的戒指也拿走!”她喊道,猛地把戒指摔到桌子上。
UK informal Could you fling the paper over here (= give me the paper)? 你能把报纸丢过来吗?
[ T usually + adv/prep ]迅猛移动;猛地做…
to move or do something quickly and energetically
She flung her arms around his neck. 她猛地搂住他的脖子。
The door was flung open by the wind. 风把门猛地吹开了。
Sergei flung himself down on the sofa. 谢尔盖猛地扑倒在沙发上。
UK informal Let me just fling (= quickly put) a few things into my bag, and I'll be right with you. 让我往包里塞几样东西,马上就跟你去。
UK informal They were flung (= quickly put) in prison. 他们很快被投入监狱。
[ I or T, usually + adv/prep ] mainly UK气呼呼地说,愤怒地说
to say something angrily
They were flinging bitter accusations at each other. 他们彼此破口大骂。
[ + speech ] "I don't care what you think", she flung (back) at him. “我不在乎你怎么想,”她气呼呼地回敬他道。
fling up your handsidiom UK非常吃惊非常害怕
to show that you are very shocked or frightened
They flung up their hands in horror at the cost of the trip. 看到旅行的花费,他们不由吃了一惊。
Phrasal verbs
fling yourself at someone 露骨地勾引
to make it very obvious to someone that you want to have a sexual relationship with them
fling yourself into something 一心扑在…上,投身于
to do something with a lot of enthusiasm
Tom has really flung himself into his work this year. 今年汤姆确实一心扑在工作上。
fling something on/off 飞快地穿上/脱掉(尤指衣服)
to quickly put on/remove something, especially a piece of clothing
We were so hot we flung off our clothes and dived into the swimming pool. 我们太热了,三下五除二脱下衣服就一头扎进了游泳池。
fling something/someone out 扔掉,丢掉;赶走
to get rid of something you do not want, or to make someone leave a place when they do not want to
I think it's about time we flung out these old magazines. 我想现在该把这些旧杂志处理掉了。
They were flung out of the bar for fighting. 他们因为打架被赶出了酒吧。
noun [ C usually singular ] informal uk/flɪŋ/ us/flɪŋ/
a short period of enjoyment
The girls are going to the beach for one last fling before the end of summer. 姑娘们要去海滩享受夏季结束前最后一段短暂的欢乐时光。
have a flingidiom 有短暂的私情
to have a short sexual relationship with someone
She's been having a fling with her boss. 她和她的老板有私情。




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