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词汇 flat
adjective uk/flæt/ us/flæt/ flatter | flattest
B1 水平的平坦的
level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts
An ice rink needs to be completely flat. 溜冰场地必须十分平坦。
Roll out the pastry on a flat surface. 在平的面板上把油酥面团擀薄。
Much of the countryside in that region is very flat. 那一地区的许多乡村都地势平坦。
  • The road ahead was flat and smooth.
  • There are drainage channels all over this flat agricultural land.
  • She borrowed a garden roller to roll the grass flat.
  • A broad sweep of flat countryside stretched to the horizon in all directions.
  • There was no wind and the sea was very flat.
B1 扁平的
level but having little or no height
flat shoes (= ones without a raised heel) 平底鞋
Flat bread is made without yeast, and therefore does not rise.
Pitta and nan are two types of flat bread. 皮塔饼和印度薄饼是两种未发酵的面包。
flat cap/hat UK 低顶帽
a hat that is not rounded on top and has little height
He was wearing a flat cap and a black jacket.
He doffed his flat cap and smiled pleasantly.
We were joined by a short man with a flat cap.
He was wearing a flat cap made of tweed.
He rode towards them on his bicycle, raising his flat hat in greeting.
She had a brown, cord flat hat on her head.
She wore an eye-catching pink flat hat.
not interesting, or without emotion or excitement
After the excitement of the party, life seems somewhat flat now. 聚会的兴奋劲儿过去之后,生活现在似乎相当乏味。
I thought her performance a little flat. 我觉得她的表演有点平淡。
I think the colours in this painting are kind of flat (= not varied or bright). 我认为这幅油画的色彩有些平淡。
UK (US dead)没有电的
with no electrical power left in it
I left my car lights on and now the battery is flat. 我的车灯没关,现在电池没电了。
C2 饮料走了气的
If a drink is flat, it has stopped being fizzy (= with bubbles).
If you don't put the top back on that bottle of beer, it will go flat. 你要是不把那瓶啤酒的瓶盖盖上,它会走气的。
Compare: still adjective
[ before noun ]彻底的;肯定的;断然的
complete or certain, and not likely to change
His request for time off work was met with a flat refusal. 他的休假要求遭到了断然拒绝。
The official has issued a flat denial of the accusations against her. 那位官员矢口否认对她的那些指控。
B2 (轮胎或球)瘪了的,撒了气的
If something such as a tyre or ball is flat, it does not contain enough air.
I got a flat tyre (= the air went out of it) after driving over a nail. 我的车胎扎了钉子后瘪了。
[ before noun ](尤指钱数)固定的,不变的
(especially of an amount of money) fixed and not likely to change
We charge a flat fee/rate of $25 per hour. 我们每小时统一收费25美元。
  • For a monthly flat fee, paid by the consumer or employer, HMOs provide a specified list of medical services both in and outside the hospital.
  • He's repaying the loan at a flat rate of 10%.
  • Clients are charged a flat rate of £15 monthly.
  • Borrowers can choose a variable or flat interest rate on the loan.
  • He's being paid at a flat rate of £10 per hour.
If profits, sales, etc. are flat, they are not growing or increasing.
Demand for our machinery abroad is increasing, while growth is flat at home. 在海外对我们生产的机器需求在不断增长,在国内却十分平缓。
and that's flat!idiom UK informal 没有商量的余地,就这么定了
used to tell someone that the decision you have just announced will not change even if they try to persuade you to change it
I'm not coming, and that's flat! 我不去,没二话可说!
be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom informal 非常平坦,平坦如镜
to be very flat
The land in that area is as flat as a pancake. 那个地区地势平坦如砥。
noun uk/flæt/ us/flæt/
A1 [ C ] UK (US apartment)公寓,单元房
a set of rooms for living in that are part of a larger building and are usually all on one floor
a furnished/unfurnished flat 配家具/未配家具的公寓
a block of flats 一栋公寓楼
They have a house in the country and a flat in Manchester. 他们在乡下有一套房子,在曼切斯特有一套公寓。
See also: flatmate
  • Our new flat is very convenient for the kids' school.
  • I wouldn't dare have a party in my flat in case the neighbours complained.
  • She's looking for a furnished flat.
  • Their garden is overlooked by a block of flats.
  • How are you getting on in your new flat?
[ C often plural ](常指水边的)平地;低洼地
an area of low, level ground, often near water
The salt flats are used for motor racing. 盐滩被用作摩托车比赛场地。
The mud flats attract large numbers of birds. 潮泥滩吸引了大批鸟类。
the flat of your hand 手掌
the palm and fingers when they are held straight and level
He hit me with the flat of his hand. 他打了我一巴掌。
She rubbed her cheek with the flat of her hand.
In her fury, she struck the table with the flat of her hand.
Don't hold the carrot with your fingers when you're feeding the horses; place the carrot on the flat of your hand.
With the flat of your hand, pat the dough completely level.
Sophia laid the flat of her cool hand against his hot face.
be on the flat UK在平地上
to be on a level surface, not on a slope or hill
Most of the path is on the flat. 这条小径大部分都在平地上。
The first ten or so miles of the walk are on the flat but after that, there are a few hills.
Pushing a stroller is one thing when you're on the flat but quite another when you're going uphill.
The pony races are all on the flat.
Now we're on the flat, I'm finding the walk a little easier.
[ C usually singular ] mainly US informal瘪胎
a tyre that does not have any or enough air in it
We were late because we had to stop and fix a flat. 我们迟到了,因为中途不得不停下来修理漏气的轮胎。
flats [ plural ] (女式)平跟鞋,平底鞋
women's shoes without high heels
I feel more comfortable in flats. 我穿平底鞋感觉更舒适。
I'm always in high heels so it feels strange to be in flats.
Our office dress code allows you to wear flats provided that they are not sandals.
It was so great to see a first lady wearing flats.
In the evening I wore a smart black top and trousers with flats.
She was wearing a pretty red dress and ballet flats and she looked fabulous.
[ C ]降半音;降音符号
(a symbol for) a note that is a semitone lower than a stated note
adjective, adverb uk/flæt/ us/flæt/ flatter | flattest
(in music) lower than a particular note or the correct note
The top string on your violin is flat. 你的小提琴 E 弦音偏低。
She sang flat throughout the song (= all the notes she sang were too low). 她把整首歌的音调都唱低了。
Compare: natural adjective (MUSIC)sharp adjective adverb
adverb uk/flæt/ us/flæt/ flatter | flattest
B2 (常指贴着另一表面)水平地,平直地
in a level position, often against another surface
Lay the cloth flat across the table. 把布平铺在桌子上。
  • He lay flat on the ground hoping no one would see him.
  • She unfolded a large cloth and laid it flat on the ground.
  • Empty the biscuit-crumb mixture into a dish and press it out flat.
  • My hat has been squashed flat. Did someone sit on it?
  • Poor Kathy fell flat on her face in the mud.
into a flat shape without height
These patio chairs will fold flat for storage. 这些花园坐椅可以折叠起来存放。
UK informal (US flat out)彻底断然
completely or to the greatest degree possible
She told him flat that she would not go to the show. 她直截了当地告诉他她是不会去看表演的。
Could you lend me some money, I'm flat broke (= I have no money). 你能借我些钱吗?我一个子儿也没有了。
See also: stony broke
three minutes, half an hour, etc. flat informal 刚好3分钟/半小时(等等
exactly three minutes, half an hour, etc.
We managed to get to the station in five minutes flat. 我们设法正好用了5分钟时间赶到了车站。
We packed in half an hour flat and were out of there.
She'd prepared the whole meal in about ten minutes flat.
Honestly, it will take me half an hour flat to clean the whole lot.
They ate the whole pizza in five minutes flat.
You can be in Manchester in two hours flat.
flat out informal 全速;全力以赴
as fast or as hard as possible
My car only does about 60 mph, even when it's going flat out. 我的车即使全速行驶,也只能跑到每小时60英里左右。
We've been working flat out to get this done. 为了完成这项工作,我们一直在全力以赴。
Oil refineries are currently running flat out to satisfy the demand.
They were galloping flat out along the beach.
She's been working flat out all summer and she really needs a break.




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