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词汇 flash
verb uk/flæʃ/ us/flæʃ/
B2 [ I or T ]使)闪耀,(使闪光
to shine brightly and suddenly, or to make something shine in this way
Stop flashing that light in my eyes! 别拿那个手电筒晃我的眼睛了!
The lightning flashed and distant thunder rolled. 电光闪过,远处雷声隆隆。
You'd better slow down, that car was flashing its lights at you. 你最好减速,那辆车正朝你闪车灯呢。
[ I ] literary(眼睛因愤怒或激动而)发亮,闪耀
If someone's eyes flash, they look bright because of the anger or excitement the person is feeling.
  • She flashed the torch into the dark room.
  • The fireworks flashed and exploded in the sky.
  • A warning light on the dashboard was flashing.
  • Could you flash the spotlight in this direction?
  • This light flashes when the phone is charging.
C2 [ I usually + adv/prep ]飞驰,掠过
to move very fast
They flashed past/by on a motorcycle. 他们骑着摩托飞驰而过。
C2 [ T ]快速)出示,显示
to show something for a short time
He flashed a smile and offered to buy me a drink. 他笑了一下,提出请我喝一杯。
[ I or T ] informal露阴,当众暴露性器官
If a man flashes, he shows his sexual organs in public.
He came out of the bushes and flashed me. 他从灌木中出来,向我暴露私处。
[ T usually + adv/prep ](尤指用无线电或光波)通信,联络
to communicate something quickly, especially using radio or light waves
Within moments of an event happening, the news can be flashed around the world. 事件发生之后不久,消息就能迅速传遍世界。
[ I + adv/prep ](想法等)突然闪现
If something flashes through/across your mind, you suddenly or quickly think of it.
The thought suddenly flashed through my mind that she didn't want to be here. 我突然想到,她不想来这里。
Phrasal verbs
flash something around 炫耀
to show something to a lot of people so that they know that you have it
She was flashing her engagement ring around. 她正在四处炫耀她的订婚戒指。
flash back 回忆起,回想起,记起
If your mind or thoughts flash back to something that happened in the past, you suddenly remember it.
Her mind flashed back to the day of their divorce. 她回忆起他们离婚那天的情景。
noun uk/flæʃ/ us/flæʃ/
B2 [ C ]闪光;闪耀
a sudden bright light that quickly disappears
a flash of lightning 一道闪电
The bomb exploded in a flash of yellow light. 一道黄光,炸弹爆炸了。
C2 [ C usually singular ]情感的突发;(想法的)突现
a sudden, powerful emotional or mental experience
The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration/genius. 灵光一闪,她便有了这个主意。
B2 [ C or U ]闪光灯;闪光操纵装置
the device or system used to produce a bright light for a short time when taking a photograph
Where's the flash for the camera? 照相机的闪光灯在哪儿?
It's dark in here, I'll have to use the flash. 这里很暗,我得用闪光灯。
[ C ] UK(佩于军服上的)徽章,肩章,臂章;(衣服上的)色条,色块
a small object or piece of material worn on a military uniform as a sign of rank, or (on clothing) a strip or mark of colour different from the main colour
[ C ] humorous飞快的一瞥
a quick look at something
She leaned over and I caught a flash of pink underwear. 她屈身过来,我一眼瞥见了粉红色的内衣。
a flash in the panidiom 昙花一现
something that happened only once or for a short time and was not repeated
Sadly, their success was just a flash in the pan. 不幸的是,他们的成功仅仅是昙花一现。
in a flashidiom informal (also quick as a flash)C2 转瞬间,刹那间
quickly or suddenly
The ceremony was over in a flash. 仪式转眼就结束了。
adjective UK uk/flæʃ/ us/flæʃ/
looking expensive in a way that attracts attention
That's a very flash suit he's wearing. 他穿的那套西服看上去十分昂贵。
Synonyms: flashy gimcrack meretricious tackytawdry (LOW QUALITY)




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