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词汇 flame
noun uk/fleɪm/ us/fleɪm/
B2 [ C or U ]火焰;火舌
a stream of hot, burning gas from something on fire
The flames grew larger as the fire spread. 火势蔓延,火焰越来越高。
The car flipped over and burst into flames (= started burning immediately). 汽车翻了,顿时起火燃烧起来。
When the fire engine arrived the house was already in flames (= burning). 消防车赶到时,房屋已是一片火海。
  • The plane dived towards the ground and exploded in a ball of flame.
  • A sheet of flame shot up into the air immediately after the explosion.
  • It took the firefighters several hours to extinguish the flames.
  • There was a series of explosions and the van burst into flames.
  • The car blew up when flames reached its fuel tank.
[ C ] literary强烈的感情激情
a powerful feeling
Flames of passion swept through both of them. 他们俩一时间激情澎湃。
See also: old flame
[ C ] slang愤怒(或无礼)的电子邮件
an angry or offensive email
flame wars 电子邮件辱骂大战
go up in flamesidiom 燃起大火;毁于大火中
to burn or be destroyed by fire
The factory went up in flames. 工厂毁于大火之中。
to be damaged or destroyed
His career went up in flames when he was jailed for theft. 他因为偷盗坐牢后事业受到了重创。
verb uk/fleɪm/ us/fleɪm/
[ I ] literary燃烧
to burn (more) brightly
The fire flamed cosily in the hearth. 壁炉里的火暖烘烘地燃烧着。
The fire suddenly flamed (up). 火突然烧起来了。
[ I ] literary感情爆发
If an emotion flames, you feel it suddenly and strongly.
Seeing the damage made hatred flame within her. 看到损毁的情况,她心头燃起了仇恨之火。
[ I ] literary(因激动而)变红
to suddenly become hot and red with emotion
His face flamed (red) with anger. 他气得脸通红。
[ T ] slang发送愤怒(或无礼)的电子邮件
to send an angry or insulting email
Please don't flame me if you disagree with this message. 如果您不同意此郵件的内容,也请不要给我发送恶意回信。




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