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词汇 fish
noun uk/fɪʃ/ us/fɪʃ/ fish or fishes
A1 [ C or U ]鱼;鱼肉
an animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in through its mouth, or the flesh of these animals eaten as food
Several large fish live in the pond. 池塘里有几条大鱼。
Sanjay caught the biggest fish I've ever seen. 桑杰伊捉到的鱼是我见过最大的。
I don't like fish (= don't like to eat fish). 我不喜欢吃鱼。
an odd/queer fish mainly UK old-fashioned 怪人
a strange person
He's a bit of an odd fish, but I think he's basically sound.
The captain struck me as rather an odd fish.
She may be an odd fish, but she hasn't done anything illegal.
He was a queer fish but I couldn't help feeling sorry for him.
He was such a queer fish that he would send people cards with match statistics glued inside.
  • Trout are fresh water fish.
  • Garnish the fish with some fresh parsley and a squeeze of lemon.
  • They were happy because they had caught a lot of fish that day.
  • They always serve fish and chips on friday.
  • The river is populated mainly by smaller species of fish.
be a big fish in a small pondidiom 是小池中的大鱼;仅在小范围内很有影响
to have a lot of influence only over a small area
a fish out of wateridiom 如鱼离水,在陌生环境不得其所
a person who feels awkward or unhappy because they are in a situation that is not familiar or because they are different from the people around them
I didn't have any friends that were like me. I just always felt like a fish out of water.
He loves being married and if he wasn't he'd be like a fish out of water.
"He was something of a fish out of water here," said a coworker.
be neither fish nor fowlidiom 非驴非马,不伦不类
like one thing in some ways and like another thing in other ways
have bigger/other fish to fryidiom informal 有更重要的事情要做
to have something more important to do
there are plenty more fish in the seaidiom mainly UK (US usually there are plenty of fish in the sea)海里的鱼有的是还有很多合适的人(或机会)
used to tell someone whose relationship has ended that there are many other people that they could have a relationship with
Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea! 别为皮埃尔哭了,天下的好男人多的是!
verb uk/fɪʃ/ us/fɪʃ/
[ I usually + adv/prep ]摸找,翻找,搜寻
to try to find something, using your fingers to look for it
She fished in her tool box for the right screwdriver. 她在工具箱里翻找合适的螺丝刀。
[ I usually + adv/prep ]拐弯抹角地引出间接探听
to try to get something, without asking directly
The director was fishing for information about our strategy. 那个主管正拐弯抹角地打听我们的策略。
He's always fishing for compliments (= trying to make people say good things about him). 他总是旁敲侧击地想听到恭维话。
B1 [ I or T ]);钓(
to catch fish from a river, sea, lake, etc., or to try to do this
They're fishing for tuna. 他们在捕金枪鱼。
The sea here has been fished intensely over the last ten years. 在过去的10年里,这片海域一直遭到密集捕捞。
fished out 水域鱼被捕尽的
If an area of water has been fished out, all or most of the fish in it have been caught.
There's no point going to an area that's fished out.
There used to be crabs here, but it must be fished out now.
The best fishing holes soon get fished out.
They started encroaching on other areas once their own waters were fished out.
The tribe's traditional waterways had become fished out.
a fishing expeditionidiom mainly US (通常指秘密地)收罗信息、资料(用于调查揭示真相)
an attempt to discover the facts about something by collecting a lot of information, often secretly
The investigators' request for the company's accounts is simply a fishing expedition - they have no real evidence of wrongdoing. 调查员要求查公司的账只是一个收集信息的手段——他们没有违规操作的真实证据。
fish in troubled watersidiom UK 浑水摸鱼
to try to win an advantage from a difficult situation or from someone else's problems
fish or cut baitidiom US informal 要么全力以赴,要么索性放弃;下定决心就别再动摇
used to tell someone to take action or to stop saying that they will
He's been promising voters that he'll support gun control, now it's time to fish or cut bait. 他一直向选民许诺他会支持枪支管制,现在是下定决心的时候了。
Phrasal verb
fish something out (从水中)拖出;(从包或口袋中)拿出,取出
to pull something out of water or take something out of a bag or pocket
Police fished a body out of the river this morning. 今天早上,警方从河里打捞出一具尸体。
He fished out a coin from his pocket. 他从口袋里摸出一枚硬币。




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