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词汇 finger
noun [ C ] uk/ˈfɪŋ.ɡər/ us/ˈfɪŋ.ɡɚ/
A2 (尤指除大拇指之外的)手指
any of the long, thin, separate parts of the hand, especially those that are not thumbs
He noticed her long delicate fingers. 他注意到她纤细修长的手指。
I cut my finger chopping onions last night. 我昨晚切洋葱时割破了手指。
See also: forefingerindex fingerlittle fingerring finger
a part of a glove (= hand covering) that covers a finger
  • A large diamond glinted on her finger.
  • The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.
  • A thorn stuck in her finger.
  • He licked the chocolate off his fingers.
  • I could hear him tapping his fingers on the desk.
be all fingers and thumbsidiom UK (US be all thumbs) 手不够灵巧;笨手笨脚
to move your hands in an awkward way
I'm all fingers and thumbs today. That's the second plate I've dropped this morning. 我今天笨手笨脚的,这已经是今天早上打碎的第二个盘子了。
give someone the fingeridiom US 向…竖起中指(手背朝外,表示愤怒,具有冒犯性)
to show someone in an offensive way that you are angry with that person by turning the back of your hand towards them and putting your middle finger up
have a finger in every pieidiom (常指不受欢迎地)凡事插手,到处干预
to be involved in and have influence over many different activities, often in a way that people do not approve of
have a finger in the pieidiom 参与其事;(常指)多管闲事
to be involved in something, often when your involvement is not wanted
have your fingers in the tillidiom UK 内盗,监守自盗
to steal money from the place where you work
have your finger on the triggeridiom 准备好做…(尤指使用暴力)
used to say that someone is ready and prepared to do something, especially something violent
They have their finger on the trigger to start a nuclear war. 他们已经准备好发动一场核战争。
not lift/raise a fingeridiom (肯)帮一点忙,不()尽举手之劳
to not make any effort to help
He never lifts a finger to help with the housework. 他从不帮着做家务。
point the finger at someoneidiom 指责
to accuse someone of being responsible for something bad that has happened
Unhappy tourists have pointed the finger at unhelpful travel agents. 不满的游客纷纷指责旅游代办人办事不力。
pull/get your finger outidiom UK informal (尤指在一段不太活跃的时期过后)开始努力工作
to start working hard, especially after a period of low activity
She's really going to have to pull her finger out if she wants to finish before Friday. 她要是想在星期五之前完成,就必须赶紧加把劲。
put your finger on somethingidiom C2 确切地指出(尤指不对劲的地方)
to discover the exact reason why a situation is the way it is, especially when something is wrong
There's something odd about him, but I can't quite put my finger on it. 他有点儿不对劲,但我说不出到底是什么。
verb [ T ] uk/ˈfɪŋ.ɡər/ us/ˈfɪŋ.ɡɚ/
to touch or feel something with your fingers
She fingered her necklace absent-mindedly as she talked. 她说话时心不在焉地拨弄着项链。
If you finger someone, you tell the police that they are guilty of a crime.




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