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词汇 fine
adjective uk/faɪn/ us/faɪn/
A1 [ after verb ]好的;足够好的;健康的,身体好的
good or good enough; healthy and well
I felt terrible last night but I feel fine this morning. 我昨晚感觉很不舒服,但今天早上就好了。
The apartments are very small, which is fine for one person. 这些公寓很小,一个人住正合适。
"Are you all right?" "Everything's just fine, thanks." “你没事吧?”“我没什么事,谢谢。”
"I'll come to your place at eight." "Fine. See you then." “我8点到你家来。”“好的,到时见。”
  • To all outward appearances everything was fine, but under the surface the marriage was very shaky.
  • "Don't you worry about a thing. Everything's going to be just fine," smiled Robin reassuringly.
  • My diet would be fine if only I didn't have this weakness for sweet things.
  • I don't understand how he can say that everything's fine when it's so obvious that it's not.
  • Stop fiddling about with your hair - it looks fine.
B2 杰出的优秀的极好的
excellent or much better than average
purveyors of fine wines and gourmet food 美酒佳肴的供应商
The world's finest collection of Impressionist paintings is housed in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. 巴黎奥塞美术馆拥有世界上最棒的印象派画作馆藏。
This building is the finest example of its type. 这栋建筑是同类建筑中最杰出的代表。
  • The painting is regarded as an exceptionally fine portrait.
  • The museum has a fine collection of valuable glass.
  • Jones made sure of his place in the side with three fine goals.
  • Some of the finest examples of woodcarving in Europe can be found in medieval churches.
  • She has a liking for fine wines.
C2 纤细的颗粒细微的
very thin or in very small pieces or drops
The baby's head was covered in fine blond hair. 婴儿满头的金色细发。
The eruption had covered the town with a fine layer of ash. 火山爆发给整个镇子覆盖了一层细细的火山灰。
Apply a fine line of highlighter along the middle of your top lip. 用唇线笔沿着上嘴唇的中线细细地画上一道。
She has inherited her mother's fine (= delicate and beautiful) features. 她继承了母亲清秀的面容。
C1 [ usually before noun ]精确的精密的
very exact and delicate, or needing to be done, treated, or considered very carefully
I understood in general what she was talking about, but some of the finer details/points were beyond me. 我大致上理解她在说些什么,但是有一些具体的细节/问题没有弄明白。
B1 mainly UK晴朗的
sunny and dry
The forecast said it would be fine and dry today. 天气预报说今天天气晴朗干燥。
bad or not convenient
That's a fine (= very unpleasant) thing to say about your father after all he's done for you! 你的父亲为你做了这一切之后,你居然说出这种混账话来!
He picked a fine time to leave us. 在那个时候扔下我们走了,他可真是会挑时间。
a fine lineidiom C1 两者有所不同
If you say that there is a fine line between one thing and another, you mean that they are very similar. You often say this when one thing is acceptable and the other is not.
As a parent, I knew that there was a fine line between panic and caution. 作为家长,我知道惊慌和谨慎有所不同。
have something down to a fine artidiom (UK also have something off to a fine art) 把…学到家;做…的技能达到炉火纯青的地步
to be able to do something very well or quickly, often because you have done it so many times
not to put too fine a point onidiom 直言不讳地说,坦率地讲
to be completely direct and honest
I think she's wrong - not to put too fine a point on it. 打开天窗说亮话吧,我认为她是错的。
noun [ C ] uk/faɪn/ us/faɪn/
B1 罚款,罚金
an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law
The maximum penalty for the offence is a $1,000 fine. 违者最高可罚1000美元。
If found guilty, he faces six months in jail and a heavy (= severe) fine. 如果被判有罪,等待他的将是6个月的监禁和巨额罚款。
Synonym: ticket (PRICE CARD)
  • I've just had to pay £10 for a parking fine.
  • He did not have to pay his speeding fine because he pleaded diplomatic immunity.
  • They're appealing to the High Court to reduce the prison sentence to a fine.
  • The judge said that the fine would serve as a warning to other motorists who drove without due care.
  • The librarian slapped a fine on him for returning the books late.
verb [ T ] uk/faɪn/ us/faɪn/
B2 处…以罚款,处…以罚金
to charge someone an amount of money as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law
Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily. 超速驾车的司机会被罚以重金。
[ + two objects ] They fined him £100 for using threatening behaviour. 他因为有威胁恐吓行为而被罚100英镑。
Synonym: ticket
  • He was fined for defacing library books.
  • She was fined for speeding last month.
  • The council has begun to fine drivers who park in the bus lanes.
  • The judge decided to fine him rather than impose a prison sentence.
  • He was fined for impersonating a police officer.
adverb uk/faɪn/ us/faɪn/
B2 令人满意地
in a satisfactory way
"Will a loan of $500 be sufficient?" "That will suit me fine." “借你500美元够吗?”“足够了。”
It was working fine yesterday. 它昨天还好好的。
Synonym: OK
  • Work is going fine.
  • The TV seems to be working fine now.
  • Part-time work suits me fine.
  • A three-bedroom house would suit us fine.
  • A three-day week would suit me fine.




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