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词汇 feed
verb uk/fiːd/ us/fiːd/ fed | fed
B1 [ T ](人、团体或动物)提供食物;喂养
to give food to a person, group, or animal
I usually feed the neighbour's cat while she's away. 邻居不在家时,我经常替她喂猫。
Let's feed the kids first and have our dinner after. 咱们先喂饱孩子,然后再吃饭吧。
[ + two objects ] Do you feed your chickens corn? 你给鸡喂玉米吗?
If you feed your dog on biscuits, it's not surprising he's so fat. 如果你是用饼干喂狗,它长这么肥就不奇怪了。
The kids love feeding bread to the ducks. 那些孩子们喜欢给鸭子喂面包。
C1 [ I or T ]使)(婴儿或动物)吃奶
If a baby or animal feeds, it eats or drinks milk.
The baby only feeds once a night at the moment, thank goodness. 感谢老天,宝宝现在每晚只吃一次奶了。
Most babies can feed themselves by the time they're a year old. 多数婴儿到1岁的时候就可以自己吃东西了。
[ T ]足够(人或动物)食用
to be enough food for a group of people or animals
This amount of pasta won't feed ten people. 这些意大利面不够10个人吃。
[ T ]为…提供食物;养活
to produce or supply enough food for someone or something
If agriculture was more of a priority, the country would easily be able to feed itself. 如果优先发展农业,这个国家很容易就会实现自给自足。
Feed the world/starving. 养活全世界/饥饿的人。
[ T ]植物施肥
to give a plant substances that will help it grow
Don't forget to feed the tomatoes. 别忘了给西红柿施肥。
  • Don't forget to feed the plants while I'm away.
  • The horse rasped my hand with his tongue as I fed him the apple.
  • It costs a lot to feed and clothe five children.
  • This quantity of lasagne will feed six people.
  • It's a good idea to visit the zoo when they're feeding the animals.
C1 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]供给;供应;(尤指规律地或连续地)把…放进(机器或系统)
to supply something to a person or thing, or put something into a machine or system, especially in a regular or continuous way
The vegetables are fed into the machine at this end. 蔬菜从这头放进机器里。
The images are fed over satellite networks to broadcasters throughout the world. 图像通过卫星网络传送给全世界的广播公司。
[ + two objects ] A member of staff had been feeding the newspaper information/feeding information to the newspaper. 一些工作人员过去一直向这家报社提供消息。
Several small streams feed into (= join) the river near here. 几条小溪在附近汇流注入这条河流。
[ T ]燃料
to put fuel on or inside something that burns, to keep it burning
Remember to feed the fire while I'm out. 我不在时记得给火添柴。
be like feeding time at the zooidiom humorous 喧闹混乱
to be very noisy and untidy and have no order
Dinner at our house is like feeding time at the zoo! 我们家吃晚饭时就像动物园里喂食时一样到处闹哄哄的。
feed someone a lineidiom disapproving 以不实之词欺骗,向…提供虚报情况
to tell someone something that is not completely true, often as an excuse
She fed me a line about not having budgeted for pay increases this year. 她骗我说今年的预算中没有涨工资这一项。
Phrasal verbs
feed off/on something 因…而增长;利用…取得成功(或优势)
to increase because of something, or to use something to succeed or get advantages
Fascism feeds off poverty. 贫穷助长了法西斯主义。
feed someone/something up UK养壮;养肥
to make a person or animal healthier or fatter by giving them a lot of food
You've lost a lot of weight - you need feeding up a bit. 你瘦了很多,需要吃胖一点。
noun uk/fiːd/ us/fiːd/
[ C ] UK (US feeding)(婴儿的)一餐
an occasion when a baby has something to eat or drink
The baby had a feed an hour ago, so she can't be hungry. 宝宝一小时前刚喂过一次,所以她不可能是饿了。
[ U ]动物饲料
food eaten by animals that are not kept as pets
cattle/animal feed 牛/动物饲料
See also: chickenfeed
[ C ] old-fashioned丰盛的一餐
a large meal
[ C ](机器的)进料装置,进料器
the part of a machine through which it is supplied with fuel or with something else that it needs
the car's oil feed 汽车的供油管路
the printer's paper feed 打印机的进纸装置




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