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词汇 favour
noun UK (US favor) uk/ˈfeɪ.vər/ us/ˈfeɪ.vɚ/
B2 [ U ]支持;赞同
the support or approval of something or someone
These plans are unlikely to find favour unless the cost is reduced. 这些计划除非缩减费用,否则不大可能得到支持。
The Council voted in favour of a £200 million housing development. 政务委员会投票赞成耗资两亿英镑新建住宅区的计划。
She is out of favour (= unpopular) with her colleagues. 她在同事当中人缘不好。
Her economic theories are in favour (= popular) with the current government. 她的经济理论获得现任政府的赞同。
He sent her presents in an attempt to win her favour. 他向她赠送礼物,企图博得她的好感。
be in favour of something/doing something 赞同…/赞同做…
to support or approve of something
Are you in favour of a ban on smoking? 你赞同禁烟吗?
I'm not in favour of hitting children. 我不赞同打孩子。
in your favourC1 对…有利,使…处于有利的位置
When something is in your favour, it gives you an advantage.
This candidate has a lot in her favour, especially her experience of teaching. 这位求职者有很多优势,尤其是她执教的经历。
find in someone's favour 判决…无罪
If a judge finds in someone's favour, he or she says that that person is not guilty.
  • The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.
  • He claimed that he had been pushed aside in favour of a younger person.
  • The system of benefits is weighted in favour of those who have children.
  • Delegates have voted in favour of the motion.
  • 54% of voters were in favour, 30% against, and the rest were undecided.
B1 [ C ]帮助,善意行为;恩惠
a kind action that you do for someone
She called to ask me a favour. 她打电话来让我帮个忙。
Could you do me a favour - would you feed my cat this weekend? 你能帮我个忙——这周末帮我喂猫吗?
[ C usually plural ]特别照顾,优惠;偏袒
an advantage that you give to someone, such as money or a good job, especially when this is unfair
Several politicians were accused of dispensing favours to people who voted for them. 几名政客被指责向投票支持他们的人提供好处。
  • He never even thanked me, so that's the last time I do him a favour.
  • Can I ask you a favour?
  • Could you do me a favour and pass these sandwiches round?
  • The reason (that) I'm calling is to ask a favour.
  • It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.
[ C usually plural ](在婚礼、聚会等上发给客人的)小礼物
a small present that you give to every guest at a wedding, party, etc.
wedding favours 婚礼赠客礼品
be free with your favoursidiom old-fashioned 性生活随便,滥交
to be willing to have sex with a lot of people
She's rather too free with her favours, from what I hear. 我听说,她在男女关系上非常随便。
do me/us a favour!idiom informal (用于回答荒谬的建议)得了吧!
something you say in answer to a stupid and impossible suggestion
"Why don't you tell the police what happened?" "Oh, do me a favour!" “你为什么不告诉警察发生了什么?”“噢,得了吧!”
not do someone any favoursidiom (做某事对自己或他人)有不良后果无助于
to do something that is likely to have a bad effect on you or on another person
You're not well, and you're not doing yourself any favours by taking on extra work. 你身体不好,加班对你没有好处。
[ by + -ing verb ] The government isn't doing the families of the victims any favours by hiding the truth about what really happened. 政府隐瞒了实事的真相,这么做对受害者家属没有好处。
speak in someone's favouridiom 表明支持…
to state your support for someone
verb [ T ] UK (US favor) uk/ˈfeɪ.vər/ us/ˈfeɪ.vɚ/
to support or prefer one particular possibility
These are the running shoes favoured by marathon runners. 这些是马拉松选手喜爱的跑鞋。
In the survey, a majority of people favoured higher taxes and better public services over (= rather than) tax cuts. 调查显示,大多数人赞同提高税收并改善公共服务事业,不赞成削减税收。
[ + -ing verb ] I generally favour travelling by night, when the roads are quiet. 我一般喜欢夜里赶路,那时路上比较清静。
to give an advantage to someone or something, in an unfair way
A strong wind will favour the bigger boats. 强风对大船有利。
She always felt that her parents favoured her brother. 她总觉得父母偏爱弟弟。
Related word: favoured
  • The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.
  • Jones favours a dynamic, hands-on style of management.
  • They favour the self-regulation of the industry, and strict codes of conduct have already been issued by the Advertising Association.
  • The committee favours the cheapest option.
  • Which of the proposals do you favour?
Phrasal verb
favour someone with something 给与;赐予
to be polite and kind enough to give something to someone
I've no idea what is happening - David has not favoured me with an explanation. 我不清楚是怎么回事——戴维没有给我任何解释。




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