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词汇 fast
adjective uk/fɑːst/ us/fæst/
A1 快的迅速的敏捷的
moving or happening quickly, or able to move or happen quickly
fast cars 速度快的汽车
a fast swimmer 速度快的游泳者
Computers are getting faster all the time. 计算机的速度在不断提升。
UK The fast train (= one that stops at fewer stations and travels quickly) to London takes less than an hour. 到伦敦的快车需时不到一小时。
Synonyms: expeditious quick rapidspeedyswift
If your watch or clock is fast, it shows a time that is later than the correct time.
art specialized(照相胶片)感光快的
used to refer to photographic film that allows you to take pictures when there is not much light or when things are moving quickly
fast and furious 快速激烈的,充满速度与激情的
used to describe something that is full of speed and excitement
It's not a relaxing movie - it's pretty fast and furious. 这不是一部轻松的电影——它节奏很快,扣人心弦。
The insects were coming for us fast and furious.
The action in the game is fast and furious.
Amidst cash shortages, staff layoffs came fast and furious.
The way he lived was fast and furious, despite his parents' attempts to control him.
  • The police car was going so fast, it must have been chasing someone.
  • Isabel's heart was beating fast with fright.
  • We were scrabbling over the rocks as fast as we could.
  • I think the kitchen clock is fast.
  • Given his age, he's a remarkably fast runner.
old-fashioned disapproving放荡的
without moral principles
a fast crowd 一群生活放荡的人
a fast woman 淫妇
If the colour of a piece of clothing is fast, the colour does not come out of the cloth when it is washed.
adverb uk/fɑːst/ us/fæst/
A2 快速地迅速地
The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad conditions. 事故是因恶劣环境下驾驶速度过快造成的。
You'll have to act fast. 你必须迅速行动。
Children's publishing is a fast-growing business. 儿童出版是一个发展迅速的行业。
  • The police car was going so fast, it must have been chasing someone.
  • "You always walk too fast for me, " she said complainingly.
  • He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.
  • The seats in the hall were filling up fast.
  • Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast.
as fast as your legs would carry youidiom 拼命地,尽快
as quickly as possible
He scuttled back into the house as fast as his legs would carry him. 他匆忙全速奔回屋里。
play fast and loose with something/someoneidiom 轻率地对待…
to treat something or someone without enough care
Like many movie-makers, he plays fast and loose with the facts to tell his own version of the story. 他和许多电影制作人一样,对事实不那么在乎,喜欢以自己的版本讲述故事。
adverb, adjective uk/fɑːst/ us/fæst/
C2 牢固地
firmly fixed
The glue had set and my hand was stuck fast. 胶水凝固了,我的手被牢牢粘住。
He tried to get away, but she held him fast. 他想逃走,但是她紧紧抓住了他。
hold/stand fastidiom 屹立不动,不后退;坚持
to firmly remain in the same position or keep the same opinion
The rebels are standing fast and refuse to be defeated. 叛乱者拒不退让,坚持抵抗。
He held fast to his principles. 他坚持自己的原则。
noun [ C ] uk/fɑːst/ us/fæst/
a period of time when you eat no food
Hundreds of prisoners began a fast in protest about prison conditions. 数百名犯人开始绝食,抗议监狱条件太差。
verb [ I ] uk/fɑːst/ us/fæst/
to eat no food for a period of time
One day a week he fasts for health reasons. 他出于健康考虑每周禁食一天。




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