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词汇 far
adverb uk/fɑːr/ us/fɑːr/ farther | farthest or further | furthest
A2 远;遥远地;久远地
at, to, or from a great distance in space or time
How far is it from Australia to New Zealand? 从澳大利亚到新西兰有多远?
Is the station far away? 火车站远吗?
She doesn't live far from here. 她住处离这儿不远。
He felt lonely and far from home. 他觉得自己孤独寂寞,远离家乡。
One day, perhaps far in/into the future, you'll regret what you've done. 有朝一日,也许是遥远的将来的某一天,你会为你的所作所为后悔的。
as/so far as I knowB2 据我所知
used to say what you think is true, although you do not know all the facts
He isn't coming today, as far as I know. 据我所知,他今天不来。
As far as I know, there is no evidence to back up his claims.
I asked him to give her some money, and as far as I know, the matter was taken care of.
I haven't seen Ray for years, but so far as I know, he's still alive.
So far as I know, her students were unaware of the incident.
as/so far as I'm concernedB2 就我而言
used to say what your personal opinion is about something
She can come whenever she likes, as far as I'm concerned. 就我而言,她什么时候想来都可以。
As far as I'm concerned, a good online shopping site should be easy to use.
That's the best argument for more women in business ,so far as I'm concerned.
My family no longer exists as far as I'm concerned.
So far as I'm concerned, she is an absolute goddess.
as/so far as I can tell 依我看,按照我的理解
used to say what you have noticed or understood
There's been no change, as far as I can tell. 依我看,一直都没有变化。
As far as I can tell, we'd get no benefit from these changes.
They haven't done any research as far as I can tell.
So far as I can tell, they usually ignore complaints.
It's a tiny kitchen, but so far as I can tell it has everything we need.
far be it from/for me to 我绝不想(绝不会、绝不敢等)
I certainly would not
Far be it from me to tell you how to run your life. 我决不敢告诉你该如何生活。
Far be it from me to offer advice to someone in her position.
Far be it from me to interrupt.
Far be it for me to deny you anything you want.
Far be it for me to dictate their futures.
far from somethingC1 远未…;完全不…
certainly not something
The situation is far from clear. 形势还远未明朗。
The novel is far from perfect.
Several of the victims are far from satisfied with the settlement.
The construction was several years behind schedule and far from finished.
We have had some successes but we are far from complacent.
Sadly, our goal is still far from reality.
far from being/doing somethingC2 远未…,完全不…;非但不…
used to describe something that is almost the opposite of something else
She insisted that, far from being easy, it would be a difficult period for all concerned. 她坚称,情况非但不容易,相反从各个方面来说都是一段很困难的时期。
These terrible employment practices are far from being isolated cases.
Far from becoming more easygoing with age, he seems to have done the opposite.
Far from feeling gloomy, she is forging ahead with her plans.
Far from preventing attacks, these devices make them more likely.
far from itC1 远未…;完全不…
certainly not
He's not handsome - far from it. 他并不英俊——完全算不上。
I wondered if he had more information than us. Far from it, it turned out.
She does not multitask well. Far from it, in fact.
Despite its high salinity levels, the Salton Sea isn't dead - far from it.
Good exam results don't necessarily guarantee you a job. Far from it.
from far and wide 从四处,从各处
from a large number of places
People came from far and wide to see the house. 人们从各地前来参观这所房子。
Athletes from far and wide competed in the regional finals.
Inmates come to this facility from far and wide.
The inspiring curriculum draws students from far and wide.
People from far and wide gathered to celebrate her life.
go so far as to do somethingC2 做…走极端
to be willing to do something that is extreme
It's good, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's great. 挺好的,但是我不会极端到说棒极了。
He went so far as to call his rivals dishonest.
The campaigners went so far as to sue every sherrif in the state.
He conducted negotiations with members of local tribes, going so far as to enlist some of them in his army.
One journalist went so far as to call him a terrorist sympathizer.
so farB1 迄今为止,到目前为止
until now
So far we've made £32,000. 到目前为止,我们已经赚了32000英镑。
What is your favourite part of the series so far?
So far, they have prevented the film from being shown to the public.
Only a few pilots have registered to compete in the event so far.
I bought a new washing machine and so far, it works brilliantly.
so far so goodC2 到目前为止,一切还算顺利
used to say that an activity has gone well until now
I've found a tin of beans. So far so good, but where is the tin opener? 我找到了一听豆子。到现在为止一切还不错。但罐头起子在哪儿呢?
The doctor did some quick tests. "So far so good," she said.
I bought the business last year and so far so good.
They are retraining all their staff to improve their customer skills. So far so good, and sales are beginning to go up.
I won the first round. So far so good. Now all I needed to do was maintain my concentration.
  • We drove down the motorway as far as Bristol.
  • The road stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see.
  • Can you produce a report detailing what we've spent on the project so far?
  • As far as I can recollect, his name is Edward.
  • A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.
B2 非常;远远;大大
very much
This car is far better than our old one. 这部车比咱们那部旧的好多了。
It cost far more (money) than I could afford. 这花费远远超出了我的承受能力。
He loses his temper far too often. 他太爱发脾气了。
I'd far rather/sooner go to the theatre than watch a DVD. 去剧院看戏也比看录像好太多了。
by farB2 大大地
by a great amount
They are by far the best students in the class. 他们是班里最最优秀的学生。
Ending that relationship was by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
Our economy is the fastest growing in the region by far.
She is by far the richest woman in Britain.
That assignment was by far the most dangerous of his career.
  • I've got far too much clobber in my handbag.
  • I've never played ice hockey - it's far too dangerous.
  • He cooks a lot does Alex. He does far more than me.
  • That hill's far too steep to cycle up.
  • There's far more to be said - I've only had time to scratch the surface in this talk.
as far as it goesidiom 在一定程度上
used to say that something has good qualities but could be better
It's a good essay as far as it goes. 这篇短文还算不错。
be a far cry from somethingidiom C1 和…相去甚远,与…大相径庭
to be completely different from something
This flat is a far cry from the house they had before. 这间公寓和他们以前住的房子相去甚远。
by far and awayidiom 大量的
by a very great amount
go faridiom informal (also go a long way) 有远大的前程
to be very successful in the future
She's a very talented writer - I'm sure she'll go far. 她是一位天赋很高的作家——我肯定她将来会大有成就。
go too faridiom informalC2 做得过分
to behave in a way that upsets or annoys people
His jokes are funny, but sometimes he goes too far. 他的玩笑挺好玩的,但有时候太过火了。
adjective uk/fɑːr/ us/fɑːr/
B2 远的;遥远的;远端的
used to refer to something that is not near, or the part of something that is most distant from the centre or from you
The station isn't far - we could easily walk there. 车站不远——我们可以很轻松地走过去。
[ before noun ] The children ran to the far side/corner of the room. 孩子们跑向房间的另一头/尽头的角落。
far left/rightC2 (政治团休)极左/右的
used to refer to political groups whose opinions are very extreme
supporters of the far left 极左派的支持者
Big business is an easy target for far left politicians.
They were on the far left of the American political spectrum.
He was known to police as a far right activist.
Some political scientists feel that the far right has become radicalized in the last ten years.
  • He's a man of the far right.
  • I could just see Joan on the far side of the room.
  • It's not too far - it's about five miles from here.
  • He ran over to the far side of the field.
  • The job is a far cry from her previous one.




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