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词汇 example
noun [ C ] uk/ɪɡˈzɑːm.pəl/ us/ɪɡˈzæm.pəl/
A1 典型范例实例
something that is typical of the group of things that it is a member of
Could you give me an example of the improvements you have mentioned? 你能不能举个例子说明一下你刚才提到的那些进展情况?
This painting is a marvellous example of her work. 这幅画是她非常出色的代表作。
See also: exemplify
A1 例子例证
a way of helping someone to understand something by showing them how it is used
Study the examples first of all, then attempt the exercises on the next page. 首先仔细研究一下例题,然后试着做下一页的习题。
for exampleA1 例如举例来说
used when giving an example of the type of thing you mean
Offices can easily become more environmentally friendly by, for example, using recycled paper. 举手之劳就可以使办公室更加环保,比如,使用再生纸。
Writers have always used metaphor. For example, Cicero compared the human figure to a vase.
Many of the things he loved as a child - for example candy and cartoons - still give him pleasure.
There are some simple changes you can make for a healthier life. For example, you could take the stairs instead of the lift.
Try to keep your training positive. For example, instead of punishing your dog for misbehaviour, instead praise them for obeying a command.
  • This church is a perfect example of medieval architecture.
  • 'She', 'it', and 'who' are all examples of pronouns.
  • An early example of privatization was the enclosure of public land for private use by wealthy landlords.
  • He's a classic example of a kid who's clever but lazy.
  • Sweden is often held up as an example of a successful social democracy.
B2 楷模;榜样;典范
a person or a way of behaving that is considered suitable to be copied
He's a very good example to the rest of the class. 他是班上其他同学的好榜样。
He's decided to follow the example of his father and study law. 他决定效法其父,学习法律。
  • Mother Teresa's goodness is an example to us all.
  • She was an inspiring example to her followers.
  • Senior pupils are expected to set an example to the younger children.
  • Mary always gets on with her homework after tea - why don't you follow her example?
  • What kind of an example are the players setting to their fans, with this kind of violent and offensive behaviour?
a punishment that is intended to warn others against doing the thing that is being punished, or a person who receives such a punishment
The judge made an example of him and gave him the maximum possible sentence. 为了以儆效尤,法官在法律许可的范围内对他作出了最重的量刑。
set an exampleidiom B2 树立榜样
to behave in a way that other people should copy
You should be setting a good example to your younger brother. 你应该给弟弟做个好榜样。




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