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词汇 empty
adjective uk/ˈemp.ti/ us/ˈemp.ti/
A2 空的;无人的
not containing any things or people
an empty house/street 空房/空无一人的街道
Shall I take the empty bottles for recycling? 我把这些空瓶子拿去回收吧?
The train was empty (= there were no passengers) by the time it reached London. 火车到达伦敦的时候,车内已经没有乘客了。
  • Put the empty box in the rubbish bin.
  • The room was empty except for a wardrobe standing in one corner.
  • Could you put that crate of empty bottles outside the back door, please?
  • I pulled into the empty parking space.
  • When I reached the supermarket checkout, I found to my horror that my purse was completely empty.
C1 [ usually before noun ]无诚意的;空洞的;无意义的
not sincere or without any real meaning
empty threats/rhetoric 虚张声势的威胁/虚夸之词
They're just empty promises. 这些许诺只不过是些空头支票。
without purpose or interest
He says his life has been completely empty since his wife died. 他说自从妻子去世后他的生活就完全没有了意义。
I felt empty, like a part of me had died. 我感到空虚,就像自己的一部分已经死去。
Related word: emptily
on an empty stomachidiom 空着肚子,空腹
without eating anything
You should never go to work on an empty stomach. 你不应该空腹去上班。
verb uk/ˈemp.ti/ us/ˈemp.ti/
[ T ]倒空,腾空;倾倒
to remove everything from inside something
I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case. 我把壁橱腾空,把我的东西放进那个外出过夜用的黑色旅行袋里。
Would you mind emptying (out) your pockets? 你把衣兜掏空好不好?
Empty the soup into a saucepan and simmer gently for ten minutes. 把汤都倒进煮锅中,慢火煨10分钟。
She quickly emptied her glass (= drank its contents) and ordered another drink. 她一饮而尽,然后又叫了一杯。
[ I ]变空
to become empty
The place emptied pretty quickly when the fight started. 战斗爆发后,这个地方很快就没人了。
Phrasal verb
empty into something (河流)流入,注入
If a river empties into a larger area of water, the water from it flows into that larger area.
The River Tees empties into the North Sea. 蒂斯河注入北海。
noun uk/ˈemp.ti/ us/ˈemp.ti/
[ C usually plural ]空瓶子(等容器)
an empty bottle or other container, especially one that contained drink
Don't forget to recycle the empties. 不要忘了回收空瓶子。




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