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词汇 effect
noun uk/ɪˈfekt/ us/əˈfekt/
B1 [ C or U ]效果影响结果
the result of a particular influence
The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment. 核辐射泄漏给环境带来了灾难性的影响。
I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect. 我试着吃了几片药,但头疼一点都没有减轻。
I think I'm suffering from the effects of too little sleep. 我觉得我睡眠太少,健康受到了影响。
She has a lot of confidence, which she uses to good effect (= to her advantage) in interviews. 她很自信,在面试时她充分利用这一点,占尽了优势。
See also: aftereffect
take effectC1 起作用产生效果
to produce or achieve the results you want
They had to wait ten minutes for the anaesthetic to take effect before they stitched up the cut. 他们不得不等了10分钟,在麻醉剂起作用后才缝合伤口。
Measures to modernize the business were beginning to take effect.
They are hoping the economy will recover when these tax cuts have taken effect.
The actions we have taken to address problems with our manufacturing processes are starting to take effect.
Hopefully the painkillers will start to take effect very soon.
for effect 哗众取宠;耸人听闻
If you say or do something for effect, you intentionally do it to shock people or attract their attention.
I get the impression that she uses bad language in meetings for effect. 我觉得她开会时说脏话是在故意引人注意。
He carried a brass-handled walking stick, partly as a walking aid and partly for effect.
His music is very simple - nothing in it is for effect.
She paused for effect, then made her announcement.
At points in the reading, he lowered his voice for effect.
in effectC2 实际上事实上
in fact, or in practice
So in effect the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor. 所以呢,实际上政府是为富人减了税,而给穷人加了税。
There was fluid in his lungs, in effect reducing their capacity.
As his private secretary she is, in effect, second in command.
The report said, in effect, that if there was no change, the company would go under.
These measures would, in effect, nationalize the industry.
to that effect (also to the effect that) 有…的意思;大意是…,意思是…
used to express that what you are reporting is only a short and general form of what was really said
She said she was unhappy, or words to that effect. 她说了一些她很不幸福之类的话。
He said something to the effect that he would have to change jobs if the situation continued. 他的话的意思是,如果这种情况再持续下去,他将不得不换个工作。
They said there had been an accident, or something to that effect.
He was told to leave them alone to do their jobs, or words to that effect.
I remember some comments to the effect that our country's laws were barbaric.
  • Her words had a soothing effect.
  • This drug may have the effect of speeding up your heart rate.
  • I worry about the effect that violent movies may have on children.
  • Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment.
  • It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
C2 [ U ]使用;实行;生效
The present system of payment will remain in effect (= be used) until the end of the rental agreement. 在租期结束前,将会继续采用现行的付款方式。
When do the new driving laws come into effect? 新的道路交通安全法规什么时候开始实施?
The new salary increases will take effect (= begin) from January onwards. 新的加薪标准将从1月份起正式实行。
  • Their movements have been severely limited since the laws came into effect.
  • Measures to reduce crime have yet to be put into effect.
  • The new law will come into effect early next year.
  • The new rates came into effect from January.
  • It remains to be seen whether the government will bring these recommendations into effect.
effects [ plural ] (also special effects)B1 特技效果
lighting, sounds, and objects that are specially produced for the stage or a film and are intended to make something that does not exist seem real
This is a movie worth seeing for its effects alone. 这部电影仅凭其特技效果就值得一看。
The film received an Oscar for its special effects.
She works on special effects for Hollywood films.
Critics felt his sci-fi movies depended too much on effects.
Visitors are treated to a behind-the-scenes look at certain stunts and effects.
effects [ plural ] law specialized (尤指死后遗留的)财产,财物,所有物
a person's possessions, especially after their death
It says on the form that the insurance covers all personal effects. 表上写明,所有个人财产都在该保险承保范围之内。
Make sure you don't leave any personal effects in the apartment when you leave.
I set out for a new life, leaving all my effects behind me.
I trust that he will dispose of my effects as directed in my will.
You will need a certificate in order to take personal effects back to Brazil.
verb [ T ] formal uk/ɪˈfekt/ us/əˈfekt/
to achieve something and cause it to happen
As a political party they are trying to effect a change in the way that we think about our environment. 作为一个政治党派,他们正在试图改变我们关于环境的观念。




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