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词汇 easy
adjective uk/ˈiː.zi/ us/ˈiː.zi/
A1 容易的不费力的
needing little effort
an easy exam 容易的考试
Would a ten o'clock appointment be easier for you? 会面定在10点是不是对你更方便一点儿?
[ + to infinitive ] It's easy to see why he's so popular. 不难看出他为何会那么受欢迎。
She's very easy to talk to. 她平易近人,跟她很容易谈得来。
The easiest thing to do would be for us to take the train home. 对我们来说,最简单的做法莫过于坐火车回家。
It isn't easy being a parent. 为人父母,殊非易事。
Getting into the movie business is no easy matter. 要跻身电影业可不是件容易的事。
I don't trust that easy (= relaxed) charm of his. 他那副从容自如的潇洒风度倒是让我信不过。
informal My car can do 250 kph, easy. 我的车每小时能跑250公里,小菜一碟。
Opposite: difficult
  • This machine is comparatively easy to use.
  • This problem should be easy enough for someone who's done physics at A level.
  • She doesn't find it easy to talk about her problems.
  • The irregularity of English spelling means that it is easy to make mistakes.
  • The booklet presents explains things in an easy, non-technical way.
comfortable or calm; free from worry, pain, etc.
They both retired and went off to lead an easy life in the Bahamas. 他们两个都退休了,一起到了巴哈马群岛过安逸生活去了。
I don't feel easy about leaving him alone in the house all day. 把他一个人留在家里一整天,我可不放心。
With the harvest finished, I was able to relax with an easy mind/conscience. 收割结束了,我可以安心地/心安理得地放松一下了。
Related word: easiness
an easy touchidiom informal(通常指容易上当受骗送人钱财的)冤大头
someone who you can easily persuade or deceive into giving you something, usually money
(as) easy as pie/ABC/anything/falling off a logidiom informal 极容易不费吹灰之力
extremely easy
easier said than doneidiom informalC1 说来容易做来难说说容易
said when something seems like a good idea but would be difficult to do
"Why don't you just ask Simon to pay?" "That's easier said than done." “你为什么不让西蒙付钱?”“说得倒容易。”
the easiest thing in the worldidiom informal 极容易不费吹灰之力
extremely easy
Making bread is the easiest thing in the world. 没有比做面包更容易的了。
easy come, easy goidiom informal (尤指钱)来得容易去得快
said when something, especially money, is easily got and then soon spent or lost
I lost £500 in a card game last night, but that's life - easy come, easy go. 昨晚我赌牌输了500英镑,但是人生就是这样子——钱这东西来得容易去得也快。
easy does it!idiom informal 小心些!别着急!慢慢来!
used to tell someone to do something slowly and carefully
be easy game/meatidiom UK slang (US be an easy mark) 容易上当;易受骗
to be easily deceived
Old ladies living alone are easy game for con-men. 孤身独居的老年女性是骗子们最容易得手的目标。
easy on the eye/earidiom 悦目/耳的
pleasant to look at/listen to
Her paintings are very easy on the eye. 她的画赏心悦目。
go easyidiom informal 节省使用;对…有节制
to not take or use too much of something
Go easy on/with the cream - I haven't had any yet. 别吃那么多奶油——我还一点儿没吃呢。
to treat someone in a gentle way and not criticize them or punish them
Go easy on the new students. 对新生不要那么严。
I'm easyidiom informal (指无论哪种选择都可以)我随便;我无所谓
used to say that you do not mind which choice is made
"Shall we go to the Indian restaurant, or would you prefer Chinese food?" "I'm easy." “你是想吃印度菜呢还是吃中国菜?”“我随便。”
More idioms
on easy streetidiom old-fashioned informal 生活优裕,富有
take it/things easyidiom B1 不拼命工作;放松;休息
to relax and not use too much energy
I wasn't feeling too good, so I thought I'd take it easy for a couple of days. 我感到不太舒服,所以我想还是休息几天吧。




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