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词汇 early
adjective, adverb uk/ˈɜː.li/ us/ˈɝː.li/ earlier | earliest
A1 早期的,初期的;在早期,在初期;提早(的),提前(的)
near the beginning of a period of time, or before the usual, expected, or planned time
If you finish early you can go home. 如果提前完成你可以回家。
If you arrived earlier, you'd have more time. 如果早一点到,你就会有更多的时间。
I like being a little early for interviews. 每次去参加面试,我都喜欢提前一会儿到。
They scored two goals early (on) in the game. 他们在开赛不久就进了两个球。
I hate having to get up early (in the morning). 我讨厌(早晨)不得不早起。
I'm going to have an early night (= go to sleep before my usual time). 我要早睡。
She was a poet living in the early 15th century. 她是一位生活在15世纪初期的诗人。
He learned to read at the early age of three. 他早在3岁时就学会认字了。
It's a little early to be sowing carrot seeds, isn't it? 现在种胡萝卜还太早,不是吗?
Henry Ford was a pioneer during the early days/years of car manufacture. 亨利·福特是早期汽车制造业的先驱。
My earliest (= first) memory is of being shown around our new house. 我最早的记忆是被带着看我们的新家。
These are some of my early (= first) attempts at sculpture. 这些是我最初尝试雕塑创作时的一些习作。
Here's a dish I prepared earlier (= I made a short time ago). 这是我刚做好不久的一道菜。
Compare: late adjective adverb (NEAR THE END)
Early flowers and vegetables are ones that are ready early in the year, before most other ones.
at the earliestC2 至早,最早
used after a date or time to show that something will not happen before then
I'm very busy, so I won't be with you till four o'clock at the earliest. 我太忙了,最早也得到4点才能见你。
His sentencing won't happen until May 16th at the earliest, based on all the filings.
The change would take effect in 2026 at the earliest.
We won't get the test results until the start of next week at the earliest.
The trial is unlikely to start until late next summer at the earliest.
The technology won't be commercially available till 2030 at the earliest.
  • Plant growth is most noticeable in spring and early summer.
  • She's probably in her early forties.
  • She wasn't feeling well, so she went home early.
  • Diagnosis of the disease is difficult in the early stages.
  • We had expected to arrive an hour late, but actually we were early.
an early bathidiom UK (因为犯规,足球队员被要求)提前下场
used to refer to a situation in which a football player is ordered to leave the pitch during a game because they have done something wrong
After consulting with his assistant, the referee ordered an early bath for both players. 在征求了助理裁判的意见以后,裁判命令两名球员都下场。
early to bed and early to rise (makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise)idiom saying 早睡早起,健康如意。
said to emphasize that someone who gets enough sleep and starts work early in the day will have a successful life
it's early daysidiom UK 言之过早;为时尚早;来日方长
said when you think it is too soon to make a judgment about the likely result of something because a lot might still happen or change
Our progress has been fairly slow so far, but it's early days. 到目前为止我们的进度很缓慢,但来日方长。
drive/send someone to an early graveidiom 使…过早离世
to cause someone to die young
Sometimes I think these children are going to drive me to an early grave! 有时候我真觉得,不等我老死这帮孩子就把我给磨死了!




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