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词汇 dry
adjective uk/draɪ/ us/draɪ/ drier | driest
A2 干的,干燥的
used to describe something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or around it
I hung his wet trousers on the radiator, but they're not dry yet. 我把他的湿裤子挂在暖气片上了,但现在还没干呢。
These plants grow well in dry soil/a dry climate. 这些植物适宜在干旱的土壤里/气候条件下生长。
This cake's a bit dry - I think I left it in the oven for too long. 这个蛋糕有点干——估计是让我给烤过头了。
used to describe weather or periods of time when no rain falls
If it's dry tomorrow I'll cut the grass. 如果明天不下雨,我就剪草。
It should be a nice, sunny, dry day. 这应该是惬意、明媚、无雨的一天。
run dry (河流等)干涸,干枯
If a river or other area of water runs dry, the water gradually disappears from it.
By this time all the wells had run dry. 到这个时候所有的井都已经干枯了。
In some places, drought has caused the river to run dry.
This time last year, water reserves were worryingly low and some rivers had run dry.
The rains have failed to come and rivers are now running dry.
One day this stream will run dry.
Conservationists were monitoring the state of the lake's wildlife as it ran dry.
C1 (头发或皮肤)干燥的,干性的
Dry hair or skin does not have enough of the natural oils that make it soft and smooth.
a shampoo for dry hair 适用于干性发质的洗发水
Dry bread is plain, without butter, jam, etc.
All I was offered was a piece of dry bread and an apple! 他们只给了我一块没有黄油的面包和一个苹果。
  • Cracks had appeared in the dry ground.
  • The weather forecast said it would be fine and dry today.
  • You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk.
  • We collected dry twigs to start the fire.
  • This moisturizing cream is excellent for dry, flaky skin.
C2 disapproving枯燥乏味的,干巴巴的
If a book, talk, subject, etc. is dry, it is not interesting.
Synonyms: boringdrab dreary dull ho-hum monotonoustediousuninterestingwearisome
without alcoholic drinks
a dry wedding 不喝酒的婚礼
a dry bar 无酒精酒吧
a dry state (= a place that does not allow alcohol) 禁酒的州
C1 (葡萄酒等酒精饮料)无甜味的,干的
If wine or other alcoholic drinks are dry, they do not taste sweet.
dry cider/martini/sherry/wine 干苹果/马提尼/雪利/葡萄酒
On the whole, I like dry wine better than sweet. 总的来讲,我更喜欢干葡萄酒,不喜欢甜葡萄酒。
Dry humour is very funny in a way that is clever and not obvious.
a dry sense of humour 不露声色的幽默感
a dry wit 不形于色的诙谐
Related word: dryness
as dry as a boneidiom 非常干燥的,干透了的
extremely dry
I don't think he's been watering these plants - the soil is as dry as a bone. 我想他没给这些植物浇水——土都干透了。
See also: bone-dry
not a dry eye in the houseidiom 在场的人都被感动得落泪。
used to mean that all the people at a particular place felt very emotional about what they had seen or heard and many of them were crying
noun uk/draɪ/ us/draɪ/
the dryUK 干爽的地方,干燥的地方
a place where the conditions are not wet, especially when compared to somewhere where the conditions are wet
You're soaked - come into the dry. 你都湿透了——快到干的地方来。
verb [ I or T ] uk/draɪ/ us/draɪ/
A2 使)变干,(使)干燥;晾干,烘干
to become dry, or to make something become dry
Will this paint dry by tomorrow? 明天油漆会干吗?
Hang the clothes up to dry. 把衣服挂起来晾干。
The fruit is dried in the sun. 水果在阳光照射下变得干巴巴的。
dry the dishes (UK also dry up (the dishes)); (UK do the drying (up)) 擦干餐具
to dry plates, knives, forks, etc. after they have been washed
Could you dry the dishes, Sam?
I'm in the kitchen, drying the dishes.
He complained that I never dry the dishes.
If you use a dishwasher, you don't have to dry the dishes.
UK I like to listen to music while I'm drying up the dishes.
UK I'll do the drying up.
  • You're sopping wet - go and dry yourself and get changed.
  • The school provides paper towels for the children to dry their hands on.
  • If she leaves her hair to dry on its own, it just waves naturally.
  • We'll have to wait another couple of hours for the paint to dry.
  • He was humming a tune as he dried the dishes.
dry your eyesidiom 别哭了
to stop crying
Come on, Rosie, dry your eyes and we'll go and find Daddy. 好了,罗西,别哭了,我们找爸爸去。
Phrasal verbs
dry (someone/something) off 使)变干;弄干(尤指表面)
to make someone or something dry, or to become dry, especially on the surface
I dried myself off and got dressed. 我擦干身体穿上衣服。
dry (something) out 使)变干,(使干透
to make something dry, or to become dry
If you don't keep food covered, it dries out. 如果不把食物盖好,就会变干。
dry out 戒酒
Someone who dries out stops being dependent on (= unable to stop drinking) alcohol.
He went to a clinic in Arizona to dry out. 他到亚利桑那州的一个诊所接受戒酒治疗。
dry something up 擦干餐具
to dry plates, cups, etc. with a cloth after they have been washed
dry up (河流、湖泊等)干涸
If a river, lake, etc. dries up, the water in it disappears.
C2 (供给品)中断
If a supply of something dries up, it ends.
His main source of work had dried up, leaving him short of money. 他的主要订单来源中断了,造成他资金短缺。




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