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词汇 drink
noun [ C or U ] uk/drɪŋk/ us/drɪŋk/
A1 饮料;一份(饮料
(an amount of) liquid that is taken into the body through the mouth
Would you like a drink of water/tea/juice? 你想喝点儿水/茶/果汁吗?
They'd had no food or drink for two days. 他们已经两天没吃没喝了。
  • I like to have a hot drink at bedtime.
  • In hot weather, shops do a brisk trade in cold drinks and ice creams.
  • I don't let the children have sweet fizzy drinks.
  • I think apple juice is your favourite drink, isn't it?
  • The table tipped and all our drinks fell on the floor.
A2 酒精饮料,酒
alcoholic liquid
Do we have time for a quick drink? 我们有没有时间喝杯酒?
Whose turn is it to buy the drinks? 该轮到谁请喝酒了?
UK We ran out of drink at the party. 聚会上我们的酒不够喝了。
drinks [ plural ] 酒会
a party at which you have drinks, especially alcoholic drinks
Come over for drinks on Saturday.
UK We're having a small drinks party for one of our colleagues who's leaving next week. 一个同事下周就要离开了,我们将给他开一个小型酒会。
I thought we might invite Emily and Jamesround over for drinks next week.
We had some friends over for drinks to celebrate Leonie's birthday.
We've been invited to Anna's for dinner and drinks on Thursday.
Would you like to join us for drinks this Friday?
  • UK "I've bought you a drink." "Cheers, mate."
  • We can't get a drink! It's after (pub) closing time.
  • I won't have another drink, thanks. I need to have a clear head for my meeting in the morning.
  • We could go for a drink after work tomorrow, if you like.
  • He has some information I want, so I'm going to try to coax it out of him over a drink.
take to drinkidiom old-fashioned (通常指因个人问题而)开始酗酒
to start drinking alcohol often, sometimes because of a personal problem
He took to drink after his wife left him. 妻子离他而去之后他开始酗酒。
verb uk/drɪŋk/ us/drɪŋk/ drank | drunk
A1 [ I or T ]
to take liquid into the body through the mouth
He drank three glasses of water. 他喝了3杯水。
The animals came down to the waterhole to drink. 动物们下到那个水坑去喝水。
  • If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep.
  • You'll dehydrate very quickly in this heat, if you don't drink lots of water.
  • It's strange how drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.
  • She drank two whole glassfuls of orange juice.
  • I love milk - I drink gallons of the stuff.
A2 [ I ]喝酒
to drink alcohol
"Would you like a glass of wine?" "No thanks, I don't drink." “你要一杯葡萄酒吗?”“不,谢谢,我不喝酒。”
I didn't drink at all while I was pregnant. 怀孕期间我滴酒未沾。
  • It's a classic case of the bored-housewife syndrome - she's got nothing to do all day except drink and go shopping.
  • I'm a social drinker - I only drink when I'm with other people.
  • You look a bit rough - how much did you have to drink last night?
  • He drank himself to death.
  • He drank, womanized and wasted money.
drink like a fishidiom informal 豪饮,饮酒过度
to drink too much alcohol
drink someone under the tableidiom informal 比…喝得多,喝得过…
to drink a lot more alcohol than someone else
I've been known to have a few beers, but Lucy can drink me under the table. 现在我喜欢喝点儿啤酒,但是露西比我能喝得多。
Phrasal verbs
drink something in 如饥似渴地倾听饶有兴趣地关注兴致勃勃地参与
to listen to, look at, or experience something with great interest and enjoyment
They drank in the words of their leader. 他们认真听领导讲话。
drink to something 为…干杯,为…举杯庆贺,为…举杯祝愿
If two or more people drink to something or someone, they hold their glasses up at the same time and then drink from them as a celebration, or to show respect or good wishes.
"Here's to a prosperous future." "I'll drink to that!" “那这么一杯就为了美好的未来吧。”“我愿为此干杯!”
drink (something) up 喝光,喝完
to finish your drink completely
Drink up! It's time to go. 该走了,都喝了吧!




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