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词汇 dream
noun [ C ] uk/driːm/ us/driːm/
A2 梦,睡梦,梦境
a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping
a good/bad dream 好/噩梦
a recurring dream 反复出现的梦境
I had a very strange dream about you last night. 昨晚我梦见了你,那个梦非常奇怪。
[ + that ] Paul had a dream that he won the lottery. 保罗梦见自己彩票中了奖。
  • Jane's hand on my shoulder woke me from a bad dream.
  • I was in the middle of an amazing dream when the alarm went off.
  • Some people believe that dreams reveal important things about your subconscious thoughts.
  • I had a weird dream about you last night.
  • If I eat a lot of cheese in the evening, I have amazing dreams.
B1 梦想,幻想,愿望
something that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely
It's always been my dream to have flying lessons. 学习飞行一直是我的梦想。
Winning all that money was a dream come true. 赢得了那些钱,终于美梦成真了。
Synonyms: aim (INTENTION)ambitionaspiration (HOPE)goal (AIM)hope intent intentionobject (PURPOSE)objective target (AIM)
of your dreams 理想的,梦想的
the best that you can imagine
Win the house of your dreams in our fantastic competition! 参加我们超级棒的竞赛,赢得您梦想中的房子!
We promise you'll find the wedding dress of your dreams in our boutique.
We will help you to plan the tropical holiday of your dreams.
Twenty-five years ago, I married the man of my dreams.
I'm lucky enough to have landed the job of my dreams.
Eventually, he made enough money to buy the car of his dreams.
  • Their dream to bring computers and ordinary people together was nothing less than revolutionary.
  • To win the Olympic gold medal was the realization of his life's dream.
  • Ever since she was a child her dream has been to teach school.
  • It was his boyhood dream to become a film director.
  • After all the problems I'd had getting pregnant, Oliver's birth was a dream come true.
be (living) in a dream worldidiom disapproving 生活在幻想中,不切实际
to have hopes and ideas that are not practical or possible
If he thinks I'll forgive him, he's living in a dream world. 如果他认为我会原谅他,那他是在做梦。
beyond your wildest dreamsidiom C2 超过所望,出乎意料
to a degree or in a way you had never thought possible
Suddenly she was rich beyond her wildest dreams. 她突然出乎意料地发了大财。
The plan succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. 计划居然出乎我意料地成功了。
in a dreamidiom UKB2 发呆,出神,走神
not conscious of what is happening around you because other thoughts are filling your mind
I didn't hear what you were saying - I was in a dream. 我刚才没听见你说的话——我走神了。
in your dreams!idiom humorous 做白日梦!(当别人说了一些你认为没可能发生的事情,你给对方的反应)
something you say to someone who has just told you about something they are hoping for, in order to show that you do not believe it will happen
Dave, buy you a car? In your dreams! 戴夫,给你买辆车?做你的白日梦吧!
not/never in your wildest dreamsidiom C2 好得超过想象,出乎意料地好
used to say that something is better than anything you could imagine or hope for
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one day I would run a marathon. 我从来没有想过有一天我居然也能跑马拉松。
work/go like a dreamidiom UK 性能极佳非常顺利
to work or go extremely well, without any problems
The whole plan worked like a dream. 整个计划实施得非常顺利。
He let me drive his new car last night - it goes like a dream. 昨晚他让我开了他的新车——那辆车开起来棒极了。
wouldn't dream of something/doing somethingidiom C2 根本不会去做,决不会去做
used to say that you would not do something because you think it is wrong or silly
My father is very generous, but I wouldn't dream of actually asking him for money! 我父亲很慷慨,但我决不会去向他要钱!
adjective uk/driːm/ us/driːm/
dream house, job, etc. 理想的房子/工作等
the perfect house, job, etc., that you want more than any other
It had always been their intention to build their dream house.
In many ways this is my dream job.
I always say to people, don't expect to find your dream home immediately.
My dream holiday would be a trip to New Zealand.
She was set on finding her dream partner.
verb uk/driːm/ us/driːm/ dreamed or dreamt | dreamed or dreamt
A2 [ I or T ]做梦;梦见
to experience events and images in your mind while you are sleeping
What did you dream about last night? 昨晚你梦见什么了?
I often dream about/of flying. 我常梦见自己在飞。
[ + that ] I dreamed that I was having a baby. 我梦见自己要生小孩了。
[ I or T ] mainly UK梦想,想象
to imagine that you have heard, done, or seen something when you have not
Did you say that you were going tonight or did I dream it? 你说了今晚要去吗,还是只是我的想象?
I thought I'd bought some polish and it seems I haven't - I must have been dreaming. 我以为自己买了一些上光剂而现在似乎并没有——这一定是我自己的想象。
  • She dreamed she saw someone standing at the foot of her bed.
  • There's an old superstition that young girls going to bed on this night dream of their future husbands.
  • Last night I dreamed that you were living in my kitchen - it was weird!
  • I couldn't believe what I was seeing - I thought I must be dreaming.
  • If you're dreaming that you're about to die, you always wake up, don't you?
B1 [ I ]幻想;梦想,想望
to imagine something that you would like to happen
I dream of living on a tropical island. 我梦想着生活在热带岛屿上。
[ + that ] He never dreamed that one day he would become president. 他做梦也没有想过有一天他会成为总统。
dream on informal 痴心妄想,做梦去吧
used to tell someone that what they are hoping for is not likely to happen or to be true
"Watch. All I have to do is wink at her, and she'll come over here." "Dream on, Dave!" “你瞧着,我只要冲她眨眨眼,她就会过来。”“做梦去吧,戴夫。”
"I just want a job where I can work thirty hours a week and have enough money to buy a place like this." "Yeah, dream on!"
"I want to get paid for doing something that I love. Is that too much to ask?" "Dream on!"
"I think we should make the rich pay more tax." "Dream on. Our politicians aren't brave enough to suggest such a thing."
Phrasal verbs
dream about/of something 梦想,幻想
to think about something that you want very much
I dream of one day working for myself and not having a boss. 我幻想将来有一天能没有老板,为自己工作。
dream something up 凭空想出,虚构出(通常为荒诞不经的事)
to invent something very unusual and usually silly
This is the latest ploy dreamed up by advertising companies to sell their new products. 这是广告公司为了推销其新产品而想出来的最新招数。




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