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词汇 drain
verb uk/dreɪn/ us/dreɪn/
C2 [ I or T ]使)排出,(使)排放,放干(液体
If you drain something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away, and if something drains, liquid flows away or out of it.
Drain the pasta thoroughly. 把意大利面条中的水完全沥干。
We drained the pond and filled it with fresh water. 我们把池塘中的水放干后重新注入清水。
Drain (off) any liquid that is left in the rice. 把大米彻底沥干。
Don't bother drying the pans - just leave them to drain. 不用专门擦干平底锅——让它自己干就行了。
[ T ]喝光,喝完
If you drain a glass or cup, you drink all the liquid in it.
  • They dug deep channels to drain the water from the fields.
  • That's just the sound of the water draining out of the sink.
  • You don't need to drain the rice, you see. It has absorbed all the water.
  • This entire region is drained by the Danube delta.
  • If there isn't a hole in the bottom of the plant pot, the water can't drain out.
C2 [ T ]使劳累,使疲惫
to make someone very tired
The long journey completely drained me. 这次长途旅行可把我给累垮了。
C2 [ I or T ]使减少使降低消耗
to reduce or cause something to reduce
The long war had drained the resources of both countries. 那场旷日持久的战争使两国元气大伤。
War drains a nation of its youth and its wealth (= uses them until they are gone). 战争消耗掉的是国家的青年和财富。
[ I ](通常指因惊吓或疾病而脸色)变苍白
If the blood/colour drains from your face, or if your face drains (of blood/colour), you turn very pale, often because you are shocked or ill.
The colour drained from his face/cheeks when they told him the results. 他们告诉他结果后,他的脸色变得煞白。
Phrasal verb
drain (something) away 使)彻底消失;(使流失
If energy, colour, excitement, etc. drains away, it disappears completely, and if something drains it away, it completely removes it.
Stretching out her tired limbs, she felt the tensions of the day drain away. 伸展一下疲惫的四肢,她觉得白天的压力也都随之消散了。
noun uk/dreɪn/ us/dreɪn/
C2 [ C ]排水管,下水道;下水井
a pipe or channel that is used to carry away waste matter and water from a building, or an opening in the road that rain water can flow down
I think the kitchen drain is blocked. 我觉得厨房的下水道被堵住了。
She accidentally dropped her ring down a drain in the road. 她不小心把戒指掉进路边的下水井里了。
drains [ plural ] UK 下水管道,排水管线
the system of pipes, openings in the ground, or other devices that are used for carrying away waste matter and water
There was an unpleasant smell coming from the drains. 下水道里发出一种难闻的气味。
We need someone to come and unblock the drains.
Blocked drains can cause flooding.
Water had risen up through the drains in the floor.
The idea is that water soaks into the ground rather than flowing directly into stormwater drains.
They're clearing the clogged drains.
[ C ] US (UK plughole)排水管,排水口
a hole in a bath, sink, etc. through which water flows away and into which you can put a plug
  • Leaves are clogging up the drain.
  • Two kids were poking a stick into the drain.
[ S ]使人疲倦的事物
something that makes you feel very tired
I think taking care of her elderly mother is a big drain on her energy. 我认为照看年迈的母亲对她而言非常吃力。
C2 [ S ]拖累,负担
something that uses more of your energy, money, or time than you want to give
Having a big mortgage is a real drain on your earnings. 对你的收入而言一大笔抵押贷款是很重的负担。




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