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词汇 drag
verb uk/dræɡ/ us/dræɡ/ -gg-
B2 [ T ]拖,拉,拽,牵引
to move something by pulling it along a surface, usually the ground
Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you! 把椅子拿起来,不要在地上拖!
She dragged the canoe down to the water. 她把独木舟拉到水边。
Synonyms: carry (TRANSPORT)cart ferry lug tote transport (GOODS/PEOPLE)
C2 [ T + adv/prep ]硬拖,硬拉,硬拽
to make someone go somewhere they do not want to go
She had to drag her kids away from the toys. 她不得不把孩子从玩具店硬拉出来。
I really had to drag myself out of bed this morning. 今天早上我真是硬撑着从床上爬了起来。
B1 [ T ](用鼠标)拖动
to move something on a computer screen using a mouse
[ T ]插入话题),把…扯进(谈话中)
If you drag a subject into a conversation, etc., you begin to talk about it even if it is not connected with what you are talking about.
She's always dragging sex into the conversation. 她总把性扯到谈话中来。
[ T ]用拖网在…中打捞
to pull nets or hooks (= curved wires) along the bottom of a river or lake in order to find something
They found the man's body after dragging the canal. 他们用拖网从运河里捞出了那个人的尸体。
drag and dropB1 (在计算机屏幕上)用鼠标移动
If you drag and drop something on a computer screen, you move it from one area to another using the mouse.
Drag and drop files as required.
I usually just drag and drop files to attach them to messages.
You can open a folder and choose files for upload, or you can drag and drop them directly into the upload area.
Simply drag and drop your data to the relevant folder.
Choose whatever option you want by dragging and dropping it into a window.
You drag and drop the correct word into the gap.
  • Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand.
  • The dog managed to drag the box into the room by itself.
  • She dragged the canoe down to the water.
  • The youths were dragged from their car and searched for weapons.
  • She dragged her bulging suitcase up the stairs.
C2 [ I ](电影或表演等)枯燥;拖拖拉拉
If something such as a film or performance drags, it seems to go slowly because it is boring.
The first half of the movie was interesting but the second half dragged (on). 电影的上半部很有趣,但下半部却很拖沓。
drag your heels/feetidiom (因为不情愿而)拖拖拉拉地做,磨蹭
to do something slowly because you do not want to do it
I suspect the management is dragging its heels on this issue. 我怀疑管理层是在这个问题上拖延时间。
drag someone's name through the mire/mudidiom 对…泼脏水,败坏…的名声
to damage someone's reputation by saying extremely insulting things about them
Phrasal verbs
drag someone away 拉走…(去干别的事情)
to make someone leave a place or stop doing what they are doing so that they can go somewhere else or do something else
I'm ready to go home now, but I don't want to drag you away if you're enjoying yourself. 我要回家了,但如果你玩得正高兴,我并不想硬把你拉走。
I'll bring Tom, if I can drag him away from the TV. 如果我能把汤姆从电视机前拉出来,我就带他来。
drag someone down 使不愉快;击垮,压垮
If an unpleasant situation drags someone down, it makes them feel unhappy or ill.
All that stress at work had begun to drag him down. 工作上那么大的压力快要把他压垮了。
drag someone into something 硬让…卷入(不愉快或困难局面)
to force someone to become involved in an unpleasant or difficult situation
Don't drag me into your argument! It has nothing to do with me. 别把我扯入你们的争论!这和我没有任何关系。
drag something out 拖延
to cause an event to continue for more time than is necessary or convenient
I don't want to drag this meeting out too long, so could we run through the main points quickly? 此次会议我不想拖延太久,所以咱们赶快把主要议题都过一遍好吗?
drag something out of someone 硬逼…说出
to force someone to say something, especially when they do not want to
You never tell me how you feel - I always have to drag it out of you. 你从来都不告诉我你的感受——总得让我逼着你说出来。
noun uk/dræɡ/ us/dræɡ/
[ S ] informal麻烦苦差事讨厌的事
something that is not convenient and is boring or unpleasant
Filling in forms is such a drag! 填写这些表格真麻烦!
I've got to go to the dentist again - what a drag! 我还得去看牙医——真麻烦!
[ S or U ] physics, engineering specialized空气阻力;液体阻力
the force that acts against the forward movement of something that is passing through a gas or a liquid
Engineers are always looking for ways to minimize drag when they design new aircraft. 工程师们设计新型飞机时一直寻找在最大程度上降低空气阻力的方法。
[ C ] slang吸一口
the action of taking in air through a cigarette
Taking a deep drag of/on his cigarette he closed his eyes and sighed. 他深深地吸了一口烟,闭上眼睛叹了口气。
[ U ] informal(尤指男人为达到滑稽娱乐效果而)穿戴异性服装
the activity of dressing in clothes of a different gender and acting in an exaggerated way like a person of that gender, especially of a man wearing highly decorated women's clothes, wigs (= artificial hair), jewellery, make-up, etc. as a costume and performing for entertainment
So much of drag is about putting on a character.
The show has been a pioneer in bringing drag culture to mainstream America.
For some people, drag is about putting on a dress and looking pretty; for others, it's a tool for cultural critique.
Related words: drag artistdrag kingdrag queen
  • More people are realising that drag can be a career.
  • None of us had been to a drag show before.
  • He uses performance methods such as drag and mime in fresh, bold ways.
  • He tried out various jobs, including performing in a drag act.
  • He took off his drag makeup and lamé gown.
be a drag on someone/somethingidiom informal 拖累,成为…的累赘
to slow down or limit the development of someone or something
She didn't want a husband who would be a drag on her career. 她不想要一个拖累她事业的丈夫。




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