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词汇 doubt
noun [ C or U ] uk/daʊt/ us/daʊt/
B1 (尤指对好坏、真实性的)怀疑,疑虑,疑问
(a feeling of) not being certain about something, especially about how good or true it is
I'm having doubts about his ability to do the job. 我对他是否能胜任此项工作还有一些疑问。
If there's any doubt about the rocket's engines, we ought to cancel the launch. 如果对火箭发动机还存有任何疑虑,我们都应该取消此次发射。
The prosecution has to establish his guilt beyond reasonable doubt (US beyond a reasonable) doubt. 此次起诉必须证明他所犯的罪行证据确凿。
This latest scandal has raised doubts about whether he could win the election. 最近这宗丑闻让人们对他是否能够赢得大选表示怀疑。
[ + (that) ] I never had any doubt (that) you would win. 我从未怀疑你会获胜。
He's the most attractive man in the room, no doubt about that/it. 毫无疑问他是这个房间里最有吸引力的男人。
no doubtC1 毫无疑问,毋庸置疑,肯定
used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or likely to happen
We will, no doubt, discuss these issues again at the next meeting. 毫无疑问,我们在下次会议上还要讨论这些问题。
No doubt you'll want to unpack and have a rest before dinner. 你肯定想在吃晚饭前先把行李收拾好并且休息一下。
No doubt they'll be asking us for money to fund the project.
"He'll tell us about his trip when he gets back, I imagine." "Oh, no doubt."
We'll be seeing more of him over the next few months no doubt.
No doubt the evening will be a spectacular affair.
cast doubt on somethingC2 对…怀有疑虑,对…表示怀疑
to make something seem uncertain
Witnesses have cast doubt on the accused's innocence. 证人们对嫌疑人是否清白表示怀疑。
New evidence has emerged which casts doubt on the veracity of his testimony.
There are claims that these irregularities are sufficiently serious to cast doubt on the validity of the election results.
Subsequent investigations cast doubt on the authenticity of the photographs.
However, several intelligence experts have cast doubt on these claims.
in doubtB2 不确定,前途未卜
If the future or success of someone or something is in doubt, it is unlikely to continue or to be successful.
The future of the stadium is in doubt because of a lack of money. 由于缺少资金,该体育馆能否建成还不确定。
Their long-term survival remains in doubt because of the twin disasters of habitat loss and climate change.
The outcome of these talks is now in doubt.
Tragically, this generation are inheriting a planet whose viability is in doubt.
Sadly, he's not the only potential team member whose fitness is in doubt.
without (a) doubtB2 毫无疑问
used to emphasize your opinion
She is without (a) doubt the best student I have ever taught. 毫无疑问她是我教过的最优秀的学生。
It was, without doubt, the worst restaurant I'd ever eaten in.
Coming here has been, without a doubt, the most exciting and important experience of my life.
Without doubt, it is his best book.
It is, without a doubt, the culinary capital of Europe.
Without a doubt, the coastal tour was the highlight of our trip to Portland.
  • There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.
  • There are doubts about the effectiveness of the new drug in treating the disease.
  • The government expressed serious doubts about the legitimacy of military action .
  • It's quite natural to experience a few doubts just before you get married.
  • I always had some doubt about the scheme but I never expressed it.
verb [ T ] uk/daʊt/ us/daʊt/
B2 怀疑;不确定,不肯定
to not feel certain or confident about something or to think that something is not probable
I doubt whether/if I can finish the work on time. 我怀疑自己能否按时完成这项工作。
[ + that ] They had begun to doubt that it could be done. 他们开始怀疑能否做到。
He may come back tomorrow with the money, but I very much doubt it. 也许明天他会把钱带回来,但我对此深表怀疑。
I don't doubt his abilities. 我并不怀疑他的能力。
doubt someone/doubt someone's wordC1 不相信,不信任,怀疑(某人/某人的话)
to not trust someone or believe what they say
He's never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt his word. 以前他从未对我说过谎,因此我没有理由怀疑他说的话。
I don't doubt you - I'm not in any way questioning your assertion.
I have no reason to doubt her.
No one doubted his word.
A few months into the relationship something changed and I started to doubt him.
Do you doubt me?
  • I doubt whether it'll work.
  • He gave his word that he would marry her and she had no cause to doubt him.
  • He'd been behaving so strangely that they began to doubt his sanity.
  • I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I doubt I would recognize her if I saw her again.
  • No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.




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