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词汇 double
adjective uk/ˈdʌb.əl/ us/ˈdʌb.əl/
A2 两倍的;成双的;双份的
twice the size, amount, price, etc., or consisting of two similar things together
I ordered a double espresso (= two standard amounts in one cup). 我点了一杯双份的浓缩咖啡。
Go through the double doors and turn left. 穿过那道对开门,然后向左转。
The word "cool" has a double "o" in the middle. 单词 cool 的中间有两个字母 o。
Everything he says has a double meaning (= has two possible meanings). 他说的每句话都有双重含义。
This painkiller is double strength (= has twice the normal amount of medicine). 这种镇痛药具有双倍功效。
UK Sabiha's phone number is double three, one, five, double seven (= 331577). 萨比哈的电话号码是331577。
A double flower or plant is a flower with more than the usual number of petals.
a double primrose 重瓣樱草花
  • The pockets on my jeans are reinforced with double stitching.
  • UK At school we have double maths on Friday mornings.
  • I get £5 pocket money a week, but my friends all get double that amount.
  • He had a double helping of pasta.
  • Remember always to put a double space after a full stop.
noun uk/ˈdʌb.əl/ us/ˈdʌb.əl/
[ C usually singular ]一模一样的人极相像的人
a person who looks exactly the same as someone else
Hey, Tony, I met someone at a party last week who was your double. 嘿,托尼,上周我在一次聚会上遇到一个长得和你一模一样的人。
doubles [ U ] (网球等运动中的)双打
a game of tennis or a similar sport between two teams of two people
men's/women's/mixed doubles 男子/女子/混合双打
Who won the men's doubles at Wimbledon this year? 谁在今年温布尔登网球赛中获得了男子双打冠军?
Unfortunately, they were knocked out of the mixed doubles yesterday.
They won silver in the mixed doubles.
He is still Britain's top-ranked doubles player.
In 2018, she won the junior doubles title.
The women's doubles final was postponed because of rain.
Compare: singles
[ usually singular ] UK(足球比赛)双料冠军(即在同一赛季赢得两项重要比赛的冠军头衔)
an occasion when a football team wins two major competitions in a single season
Which was the first team to do the double in English football? 谁是第一支赢得双料冠军的英格兰球队?
[ C ] US棒球二垒安打
in baseball, a hit that allows the batter (= person who hits the ball) to reach second base
at/on the doubleidiom old-fashioned informal 迅速,马上,立即
very quickly and without any delay
do the double over sbidiom (在同一賽季的足球比赛中,與另一支球隊的)主客場比賽均獲勝
in football, to win both the home and away games against another club in one season
Stoke did the double over us last season, beating us at home and at the Britannia. 上一个赛季中,斯托克城队分别在我们的主场和他们的不列颠尼亚球场打败了我们。
verb [ I or T ] uk/ˈdʌb.əl/ us/ˈdʌb.əl/
B2 翻一番,加一倍
to become twice as much or as many, or to make something twice as much or many
The government aims to double the number of students in higher education within 25 years. 政府计划在25年内使高校在校生人数翻一番。
Company profits have doubled since the introduction of new technology. 自从引进新技术后,公司的利润增加了一倍。
  • She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
  • Consumer spending has more than doubled in the last ten years.
  • The amount of recycled glass used in manufacture doubled in five years.
  • Alarmingly, the hole in the ozone layer has doubled in size this year.
  • When the price of skiing in the mountain resorts doubled, tourists voted with their feet and just stopped going.
Phrasal verbs
double back 走回头路,原路返回
to turn and go back in the direction you have come from
We realized we had taken the wrong road and had to double back. 我们发现走错了路,于是不得不原路返回。
double up 与他人共用(尤指房间)
to share something, especially a room, with someone else
Terry will have to double up with Bill in the front bedroom. 特里只好与比尔一起睡在前面的卧室里了。
to receive or use two of something
Matt Damon doubled up, winning two Oscars that night. 麥特·戴蒙再次胜出,那晚获得了两项奥斯卡奖。
double (up) as something 也可用作,还能当作
to be also used as something else
The kitchen table doubles as my desk when I'm writing. 我写东西时这个餐桌还可以当书桌用。
Our spare bedroom doubles up as an office for Dan when he's working at home. 丹在家工作时我们的备用卧室可以给他当工作间用。
double (someone) up/over (通常指由于痛苦或大笑而)弯腰,前仰后合
If you double up/over, or if something doubles you up/over, you suddenly bend forwards and down, usually because of pain or laughter.
Most of the crowd doubled up with laughter at every joke. 人群中的大多数人每听完一个笑话都会笑得前仰后合。
She was doubled up/over with the pain in her stomach. 她肚子疼得直不起腰来。
noun, predeterminer uk/ˈdʌb.əl/ us/ˈdʌb.əl/
B1 两倍,双倍
something that is twice the amount, size, strength, etc. of something else
I paid double (= twice as much) for those trousers last week. 上星期我买这条裤子花了两倍的价钱。
Electrical goods are almost double the price they were a few years ago. 与几年前相比,电器类商品的价格几乎翻了一番。
"Would you like another whisky?" "Yes. Make it a double (= two standard amounts in one glass)." “你想再来一杯威士忌吗?”“好的,来个双份量的。”
  • This recipe is only for four, so I usually do double the quantity if I'm cooking for my family.
  • I'll pay you double if you get the work finished by Friday.
  • It's a con - you get half the food for double the price!
double or quitsidiom UK (US double or nothing) (在赌钱游戏中)赢了旧债一笔勾销,否则欠债要翻一倍
(in games where money is risked) an agreement that the player who owes money will owe twice as much if they lose, but will owe nothing if they win
adverb uk/ˈdʌb.əl/ us/ˈdʌb.əl/
in two parts or layers
Fold the blanket double (= so that it is in two layers) and then you won't be cold. 把毯子叠成两层,这样你就不会冷了。
They were bent double (= their heads and shoulders were bent forward and down) from decades of work in the fields. 由于几十年来长期在地里劳作,他们的腰都累弯了。
see double (通常指因醉酒或疾病导致视力)出现重影
to have a problem with your eyes so that you see two of everything, usually because you are drunk or ill
I started seeing double, then I fainted. 我的眼前开始出现重影,然后就晕了过去。
Completely out of the blue, he woke up one morning seeing double.
Unfortunately, side effects can include seeing double for a short time.
He started seeing double after the accident.
He later complained of feeling disoriented and seeing double.
I thought I must be seeing double!




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