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词汇 hour
n.1. 小时
He went away for half an hour.他离开半个小时了。
An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.(谚)一日之计在于晨。
2. 时间,时刻
the lunch hour午饭时间
Our business hours are 9.30 to 20.30.我们的营业时间是九点半到二十点半。
Seize the day, seize the hour!要只争朝夕。/要抓紧每日每时。
What's the hour?现在几点钟了?
3. 一小时的路程
It's only an hour away.那只有一小时的路程。
4. 固定的时间或时期
Our breakfast hour is at seven o'clock.我们吃早餐的时间是七点钟。
From 8 a.m. to 4 a.m. the suburban buses leave every hour on the hour.从早上八点到下午四点,近郊的公共汽车每小时正开出一班。
The darkest hour is that before the dawn.(谚)黎明之前天最黑。
5. 某一段时间;时光
to spent happy hours together一起度过了幸福的时光
The hours I spent with you in the university were happiest of my life.和你在大学一起度过的时光是我一生中最幸福的时光。
6. 重要的时刻, 重要的时间
No one helped me in my hour of need.在我困难的时候没有人帮助我。
after hours1. 下班以后;放学之后2. (at) the eleventh hour 在最后时刻;在危急时刻
the small hours1. 凌晨时间2. (1 - 4 点钟) (= the wee hours)
zero hour事情开始发生或进行的时间




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