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词汇 displaced
adjective uk/dɪˈspleɪst/ us/dɪˈspleɪst/
having been forced to leave your home, for example by a war or dangerous event
They distribute food and other aid to displaced civilians. 他们给流离失所的平民分发食物并提供其他援助。
Nearly four months after the hurricane, more than 10,000 families remain displaced. 飓风过后近四个月,仍有1万多个家庭流离失所。
having been forced to leave your job
The Employment Development Department helps displaced workers find jobs. 就业发展部帮助失业的工人找工作。
The transportation company will cease operating and the displaced drivers will have to work for other companies for a lower hourly rate. 这家运输公司将停止运营,失去工作的司机将不得不去其他时薪更低的公司工作。
having been forced out of its usual or original position
The displaced water spilled down the hill and flooded the highway. 移位的水从山上倾泻而下,淹没了公路。
A car crash left him with two displaced vertebrae in his neck. 一场车祸导致他的脖子上两块椎骨错位。
See: displace
  • The civil war left more than 250,000 people dead and another half million displaced.
  • We aim to raise awareness about the millions of refugee and displaced children around the world.
  • What do they do with the thousands of tons of displaced rock and earth from the tunnel?
  • Tissue in the joint may become displaced, pinched or trapped, causing pain.
  • Huge displaced chunks of river ice destroyed the village.
  • He was limping because of a displaced tendon.




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