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词汇 die
verb [ I ] uk/daɪ/ us/daɪ/ dying | died
A1 死去,死亡,过世
to stop being alive, either suddenly or slowly
Twelve people died in the accident. 12人在此次事故中丧生。
She died of/from hunger/cancer/a heart attack/her injuries. 她死于饥饿/癌症/心脏病/伤病。
Do they count people who die with Covid-19 (= who have it when they die)?
It is a brave person who will die for their beliefs. 愿为信念而死的人称得上是勇敢者。
I would like to die in my sleep (= while I am sleeping). 我愿在睡梦中死去。
Many people have a fear of dying. 很多人害怕死亡。
die a natural/violent/etc. death 自然死亡/死于非命等
to die naturally, violently, etc.
He died a violent death. 他死于非命。
My grandmother died a natural death (= did not die of illness or because she was killed), as she would have wanted. 我祖母寿终正寝,这是她所希望的结局。
It was assumed that he had died a natural death but DNA evidence now suggests otherwise.
She lived to an old age and died a natural death.
By studying his bones, they worked out that he had died a violent death.
That's how many people die a violent death from homicide or suicide.
If a machine, battery, or phone dies, it stops working, usually because it has no power.
The engine just died on us. 那台发动机刚好报废在我们手里。
I'm sorry I didn't reply to your text - my phone died. 对不起,我没有回你的短信,我的电话没有电了。
  • These men are ready to die for their country.
  • When the queen dies, her eldest son will succeed to the throne.
  • We had a very hard winter last year and some of the plants died.
  • Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.
  • If disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die.
  • She won't tell anyone; the secret will die with her.
  • Their goal is to salvage cultural traditions that would otherwise die.
almost/nearly die of somethingidiom (also could have died of something) 强烈地感受到,…得要命
to feel a particular feeling extremely strongly
I almost/could have died of embarrassment. 我窘迫得要命。
be dying for/to do somethingidiom B1 极想得到,极想做
to be extremely eager to have or do something
I'm dying to hear your news. 我特别想听到你的消息。
I'm dying for something to eat. 我非常想吃点东西。
die a/the deathidiom UK 以失败告终,以失败落幕
to fail and end
The play, like so many before it, died the death after a week. 那出戏与此前的很多戏一样,在一周之后以失败告终。
die hardidiom 不易改掉,不容易戒掉
If a belief or way of behaving dies hard, it takes a long time to disappear, and is not given up easily.
Old habits die hard. 积习难改。
See also: diehard
do or dieidiom 拼死一搏,孤注一掷
said when you are in a situation in which you must take a big risk in order to avoid failure
On Tuesday, it's do or die in the final game. 星期二的决赛是一场生死之战。
never say dieidiom saying 别气馁;别灰心
said to encourage people to keep trying
or die in the attemptidiom 死也要…
said when someone would do anything to achieve what they want to achieve
She'll finish the race or die in the attempt. 她即使累死也要跑完全程。
to die foridiom informal 特别棒的;非常诱人的
excellent or to be strongly wished for
She has a figure to die for. 她的身材特别棒。
That chocolate cake is to die for. 那个巧克力蛋糕非常诱人。
to/until my dying dayidiom 一直到死,永世
as long as I live
I'll remember your kindness to my dying day. 你的好意我将永世铭记。
Phrasal verbs
die away (尤指声音)渐渐消失
If something, especially a sound, dies away, it gradually becomes reduced until it stops existing or disappears.
The sound of his footsteps gradually died away. 他的脚步声渐渐消失了。
die downC2 声音)减小,变弱
If a sound or activity dies down, it becomes quieter or less obvious.
It was several minutes before the applause died down. 过了好几分钟掌声才平息下来。
die off 相继死去;全部死掉
If a group of plants, animals, or people dies off, all of that group dies over a period of time.
die outB2 逐渐消失;灭绝
to become less common and finally stop existing
Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. 数百万年前恐龙就已经灭绝了。
It's a custom that is beginning to die out. 这是一种正在消失的习俗。
noun [ C ] uk/daɪ/ us/daɪ/
a shaped piece or mould (= hollow container) made of metal or other hard material, used to shape or put a pattern on metal or plastic
US also or old use (UK dice)掷骰子类游戏
a small cube (= object with six equal square sides) with a different number of spots on each side, used in games involving chance
the die is castidiom 大局已定,木已成舟
said when a situation is certain to develop in a particular way because decisions have been taken that cannot be changed
From the moment the negotiations failed, the die was cast and war was inevitable. 谈判失败之时就大局已定,战争已经不可避免了。




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