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词汇 deep
adjective uk/diːp/ us/diːp/
A2 深的,向下延伸的;有…深的
going or being a long way down from the top or surface, or being of a particular distance from the top to the bottom
a deep well/mine 深井/矿
a deep river/sea 很深的河/海
a deep cut 很深的伤口
The hole is so deep you can't see the bottom. 那个洞深不见底。
The water's not deep here - look, I can touch the bottom. 这里水不深——瞧,我可以碰到底部。
Drill 20 holes, each 2 inches deep. 钻20个孔,每个孔2英寸深。
The water's only ankle/knee/waist-deep, so we'll be able to get across the river easily. 水深只到脚脖子/膝盖/腰部,所以我们能轻松过河。
Take a few deep breaths (= breaths that fill the lungs with air) and calm down. 做几次深呼吸平静下来。
  • The snow lay in deep drifts.
  • The water's deep here, so don't fall in!
  • The thorn went deep into the flesh of my hand.
  • Over many years, flowing water wore deep grooves into the rock.
  • Sow the seeds about 3 cm deep.
B2 深切的,感受强烈的
very strongly felt or experienced and usually lasting a long time
Their son has been a deep disappointment to them. 他们对儿子一直很失望。
We're in deep trouble. 我们陷入了大麻烦。
She fell into a deep sleep. 她进入了甜美的梦乡。
  • She went into a deep coma after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.
  • She has developed a deep dependence on him.
  • She alternated between cheerfulness and deep despair.
  • Her eyes expressed deep sadness.
  • She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities.
B2 声音低沉的
(of a sound) low
a wonderfully deep voice 美妙低沉的嗓音
  • He has a deep, masterful voice.
  • a deep mellifluous voice
  • a deep, resonant voice
  • She produced a rich, deep tone from her clarinet.
C2 深奥的,深刻的;难懂的
showing or needing serious thought, or not easy to understand
His films are generally too deep for me. 他的电影我一般都看不太懂。
  • His poetry is imbued with deep, religious feeling.
  • Her first novel was too deep to have wide appeal.
  • I enjoy his company but his conversation can get a bit deep at times.
  • "What do you want to go and see at the cinema?" "Oh, nothing too deep, perhaps a comedy or something"
  • The programme claims to discuss very deep and profound philosophical issues.
B2 纵深的;厚的
If something is deep, it has a large distance between its edges, especially between its front and back edges.
Is the alcove deep enough for bookshelves? 不知这个壁凹够不够深,能不能放得下书架?
The wardrobe is 2 m high, 1 m wide and 60 cm deep. 衣柜2米高,1米宽,60厘米深。
By midnight, there were customers standing six deep (= in six rows) at the bar. 到午夜时分,吧台边已经围站了6层顾客。
deep in/inside/within somethingB1 在…的中心附近;在…的深处
near the middle of something, and a long distance from its edges
Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother lived in a house deep in the forest. 小红帽的外婆住在森林深处的一座房子里。
A scan showed damage to a small area located deep within the man's brain.
The waste was buried deep within the mountain.
Deep inside the cave you'll find ancient carvings.
These particles can lodge deep inside the lungs.
B1 颜色深的
(of a colour) strong and dark
The sky was deep blue. 天空湛蓝湛蓝的。
deep in thoughtidiom C2 深思,沉思
thinking very hard
She sat, not listening, but deep in thought. 她坐在那里,并没有听,而是在沉思。
be in deep wateridiom (also get into deep water) 陷入困境,惹上大麻烦
to be in or get into serious trouble
The director knew he'd be in deep water if he didn't mention his wife in his acceptance speech.
deep pocketsidiom (组织或人)财力雄厚
If an organization or person has deep pockets, they have a lot of money.
Anyone who tries to save that company will need deep pockets. 想要拯救那家公司的人必须实力雄厚。
go off the deep endidiom informal 大怒,火冒三丈
to get very angry about something or lose control of yourself
jump in at the deep endidiom (also throw someone in at the deep end)C2 独自应对难题陷入未曾料到的艰难处境
If you jump or are thrown in at the deep end, you start doing something new and difficult without help or preparation.
adverb uk/diːp/ us/diːp/
A2 深地,向下延伸地
a long way from the top or surface
The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap. 潜艇在冰盖下很深的地方航行。
He thrust his hands deep in(to) his pockets. 他把手深深地插进口袋里。
deep downidiom B2 在内心深处
felt strongly and often hidden from other people
Deep down, I know you love me really. 我内心深知你真的爱我。
run/go deepidiom C2 有很深的根源
If a feeling or problem runs deep, it is strong or serious and has existed for a long time.
The anger runs deep on both sides. 双方积怨很深。
noun uk/diːp/ us/diːp/
the deepliterary 海,海洋
the sea or the ocean
The sailors were lost to the deep.




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