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词汇 dawn
noun [ C or U ] uk/dɔːn/ us/dɑːn/
B2 拂晓,破晓,黎明
the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky
We woke at dawn. 天一亮我们就醒了。
We left as dawn was breaking (= starting). 我们离开时天将破晓。
We left at the break of dawn. 我们离开时天将破晓。
the dawn of something C1 literary …的开始;…的曙光
the start of a period of time or the beginning of something new
The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the dawn of a new era in European history. 柏林墙的倒塌标志着欧洲历史上一个新纪元的开始。
This was the dawn of the information age.
These gases have accummulated in the atmosphere since the dawn of the industrial revolution.
Humans have been making art since the dawn of recorded history.
This is now regarded as the dawn of the Space Age.
Scientists claim that the atomic particle has been in existence since the dawn of time.
from dawn to dusk 从早到晚
from early morning until night
We worked from dawn to dusk, seven days a week. 我们从早到晚地工作,一周7天都是如此。
This month, we fast from dawn to dusk.
As a young man, he was completely dedicated to basketball and played from dawn to dusk in parks all over town.
There were lines at the polling station from dawn to dusk.
The rats hid from dawn to dusk, but as soon as evening fell, they roamed the streets.
  • She slept fitfully throughout the night and arose before dawn.
  • Three prisoners were involved in a dawn jailbreak today.
  • They mounted a surprise attack at dawn.
  • She's always up before dawn.
  • They partied till dawn.
verb [ I ] uk/dɔːn/ us/dɑːn/
If a day or period of time dawns, it begins.
He left the house just as the day was dawning. 天将破晓时他离开了那座房子。
In the late 1970s, the personal computer era was dawning. 个人电脑时代开始于20世纪70年代晚期。
mainly UK见分晓,水落石出;变得明朗
to become known or obvious
Gradually the truth about him dawned. 他的真实面目渐渐暴露了出来。
[ + that ] It eventually dawned that he wouldn't be coming back. 最终证明他不会回来了。
Phrasal verb
dawn on someoneC2 使…明白,使…意识到
If a fact dawns on you, you understand it after a period of not understanding it.
[ + that ] I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my wallet at home. 我买完东西要付钱时才突然意识到我把钱包忘在家里了。




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