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词汇 dash
verb uk/dæʃ/ us/dæʃ/
B2 [ I ]猛冲,急奔,跑
to go somewhere quickly
The dog ran off, and she dashed after him. 狗跑了,我在它后面追。
UK I've been dashing around all day. 我一整天都在东奔西跑。
UK I must dash - I've got to be home by seven. 我得赶紧走了——我必须在7点钟前到家。
  • We dashed for the train, but it was already pulling away from the platform.
  • Sit down for a minute - you've been dashing around all day.
  • I'm sorry, but I've got to dash or I'll be late collecting the children from school.
  • Bob came in the door and dashed straight upstairs without even saying hello.
  • A cat suddenly dashed across the road in front of us.
[ I or T, usually + prep ]猛击,猛撞;(尤指)撞碎,击碎
to hit something with great force, especially causing damage
The tidal wave dashed the ship against the rocks. 潮汐把那艘船抛向岩石。
Waves dashed against the cliffs. 海浪拍击着悬崖。
dash someone's hopesidiom 粉碎…的希望,使…的希望破灭
to destroy someone's hopes
Saturday's 2–0 defeat dashed their hopes of reaching the final. 周六0比2的失利粉碎了他们进入决赛的希望。
Phrasal verb
dash something off 匆忙写下,随手写下
to write something quickly, putting little effort into it
She dashed the letter off in five minutes. 她用5分钟时间匆忙写了那封信。
noun uk/dæʃ/ us/dæʃ/
B2 [ S ]飞奔,迅跑,急驰
the act of running somewhere very quickly
I made a dash for the bathroom. 我冲向厕所。
There was a mad dash for the exit. 人们拼命冲向出口。
As soon as the rain dies down I'm going to make a dash for it (= run somewhere very fast). 雨一小下来,我就会马上去的。
[ C usually singular ] mainly US短跑比赛
a race over a short distance
Who won the 100-yard dash? 谁赢得了100码短跑冠军?
  • We made a mad dash for the train.
  • At the end of the lecture, there was rather an unseemly dash for the door.
  • A pedestrian waiting to cross the road suddenly decided to make a dash for it.
  • On the ferry, he began to feel awful and made a dash for the loo just in time.
  • It was such a dash getting to the children's performance after work, but I'm glad I made the effort.
B2 [ C ]破折号
the symbol – used to separate parts of a sentence
Compare: hyphen
[ C ](莫尔斯电码中的)长音,长划
a long sound or flash of light that is used with dots to send messages in Morse (code)
a dashC2 (尤指添加的流质食品)少量,少许
a small amount of something that is added to something else, especially a food
Add some butter and a dash of salt. 加一些黄油和一丁点盐。
"Cream with your coffee, Madam?" "Yes please - just a dash." “女士,您的咖啡要加奶油吗?”“好的,稍加一点。”
Season the sauce with a dash of lemon zest and some thyme.
You might like to add a dash of sherry at this point.
The sauce was flavoured with just a dash of arbol chillichile powder.
figurative A scarf adds a dash of (= a small amount of) sophistication. 围巾可以添加一抹成熟的气质。
[ U ] old-fashioned气魄;帅气;锐气
style and confidence
exclamation UK old-fashioned informal uk/dæʃ/ us/dæʃ/
used to express anger
Oh dash (it)! I've left my umbrella in the office. 真糟糕!我把雨伞忘在办公室里了。




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